Summary: It all started with a petty fight that led Mai and Naru to be like oil and water – a hard mix of tears, laughter and idiocy. But the odd thing is, Naru couldn't stop himself from falling in love even more to Mai. Will the two ever blend together?

Disclaimer: Sad thing is, I don't own Ghost Hunt. And never will, but if I was the one who made it, it won't be a piece of 25-episode anime.

Oil and Water

A Ghost Hunt fan fiction


Chapter Twelve: Epilogue / Like oil and water

"REALLY?!" the shocked plea of Bou-san and Ayako-san, whose faces weren't better.

"Yep and he even hugged me!" Mai exclaimed, making the dark-haired boy to slap a hand on his face to hide embarrassment. Mai has been telling what happened when Naru finally confessed his feelings towards her. Ayako-san and Bou-san couldn't help but to laugh at their boss like they are some child. John just smiled and congratulates Mai's works for Naru. Lin-san is busy with his works but he gets to hear everything that Mai had said. Masako wasn't there because she was invited to work under an Australian family that day. Naru still couldn't take off his hand or else, it'll be the end of the world. He could only hear Ayako-san and Bou-san laughing along with the girl he wished he valued a little earlier. He sighed as Mai smiled at him. She looks like a child with her knee-high brown skirt and chocolate-colored blouse. He smiled to himself, smugly.

"Stop it already, Mai." he said, looking all embarrassed.

"Don't you want them to hear what happened?" Mai asked, pouting.

"Do you want each and every human being in this world to know that we're having the usual mutual relationship with each other?"

Mai laughed. "Now, you're talking."


"Finally, Naru-chan realized his feelings for Mai. You should have said it earlier so Mai won't feel depressed for the past few weeks." Ayako-san lectured Naru, folding her arms. "Well, congratulations."

"Congratulations, Naru." Bou-san said, honestly. "We should have a party tonight! What do you think Naru?"

Naru rolled his eyes. "We're not married so what's the point of having a party?"

"I couldn't imagine it!" Ayako-san said, hysterically. "Mai, you're kind, beautiful and great but why did you let this cold-hearted guy to court you?!"

Mai laughed. "Maa, maa. Don't be too angry. Naru just don't want to feel strangled, I think."

"I am strangled already, Mai." Naru quipped. Mai slapped his back as he gave Mai a death glare. "You!"

"What do you mean you are already strangled, you idiot?!" Mai shouted at him, as the other members laughed. "I really couldn't believe you are my boyfriend!"

"Well, believe now." Naru smirked as he stood up. "Go, make me some tea."

"Yes, yes my wonderful boss!" Mai said, as she rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to make some of Naru's favorite. She walked angrily, pulling her hair. That idiot! He could only make me go and make some of his tea! Arrogant! She thought as she grabbed a cup and poured some hot water. She eyed the cup for sometime as she smiled to herself. When she was finished, she was surprised to see Masako, standing in front of her, with sadness in her eyes. "Masako… I thought you're in Australia."

She nodded. "I just got back."

"Oh, would you want me to make some tea for you? Naru actually told me to make one and maybe you want some…" Mai said as she eyed Masako. She was slightly crying. "What's the problem?"

"Naru finally loved you, ne?" Masako said as she wiped her tears.

"Uh, well that's… true."

Masako looked at her and smiled. "Congratulations."

Masako is congratulating me and she is also smiling at me. Mai thought as she smiled honestly at her crying companion. "Thank you Masako."

"No problem." Masako answered. "Promise me to never hurt Naru's fragile feelings for you. He can be hurt easily."

"I promise, Masako." Mai smiled as she hugged Masako. For the first time, the two finally became friends. "Let's go to the office. Everyone's waiting."

Masako nodded as both of them walked into the boisterous. Naru was surprised to see Mai and Masako, together. Masako smiled at him as he returned her smile at her. Everyone was glad that Masako came back unharmed as they finally talked about what happened to her. But before Masako could narrate a story or two, she walked towards Naru and smiled at him. "Congratulations." she muttered as she turned around and hid her tears.

"So, where you taking me today, Na-ru-chan?" Mai teasingly said as she nudged Naru.

"Somewhere." Naru replied.

Before they ended their meeting the other day, Naru promised Mai that they'll go on a date. And since this is their first date, Naru just decided to go to places Mai never been to. As usual, he was dressed in his black attire and had to pick up Mai that afternoon. Mai was dressed in her usual casual clothes – khaki shorts, flip-flops and white blouse that looks good on her. Naru couldn't hide his happiness and had to looked away to prevent his burning cheeks to show off to Mai. They had been holding hands for sometime now and they are getting nowhere. It's almost evening when they got into this fancy restaurant. And because it's fancy, Mai just ordered the cheapest food but Naru insisted to order something better. We all know, Naru is such a wealth person.

"This is delicious, Naru!" Mai said, not noticing the bits of carbonara sauce on her cheeks.

"Be careful when you eat." Naru said as he grabbed a table napkin and wiped the sauce on Mai's face. Mai was surprised and suddenly she blushed. "You're not in your house."

"T-thank you, Naru." Mai smiled as she looked down, embarrassed.

"No need to be embarrassed, Mai. I used to do that to Masako when we are dating." Naru lied as he saw Mai's eyes widened.

"No way! You dated Masako?!"

Naru laughed. "This is my first date Mai. Don't be ridiculous."

"Bastard." Mai said as she ignored Naru's laugh.

It was already 7:39 in the evening when they finished eating. Naru held her hand as they walked into the park. Mai blushed harder, as her heart beats like a thousand miles away. The lights in the park made the evening really beautiful. Mai was chilly as she shrugged. Naru noticed it and removed his coat to warm Mai's chilly body. Mai looked at him, as she smiled honestly at him. He smiled back as both of them watched the starless sky for sometime. They didn't notice the night is getting deeper and that Naru needs to take Mai home. He was not able to get his car since he was busy and had to walk to Mai's home.

"Let's go." Naru said as both of them stood up. He walked first.

"Ouch!" Mai suddenly said, as Naru turned around to see Mai, swimming on the ground. She got her feet wounded because she didn't notice the big rock on the side. "It hurts."

"You're being silly that's why."

"WHAT?!" Mai shouted as she looked away.

"Can you walk?"

Mai shook her head. "It really hurts, Naru."

"I need to carry you then. I don't have my car right now." Naru said as he sighed.

"How will you carry me?"

"Piggyback style." Naru said as Mai's face was covered with ten more shades of red. "Bear with it."

Naru then carried Mai – piggyback style as he said – and he started walking so he can cure Mai's wound. This is the second time he carried Mai. The first one was a disaster because Mai's naked and she was asleep that time. And now, the second time was different. She was a little lighter not like the first time where she was slightly heavy. Maybe she lost some weight because he teased her that time. It was different because Mai's awake this time. The proximity of their faces, one thing that made him looked flushed. It feels like home when he's at her side. It feels like this is the only time he became a human. It's like being in love for the very first time.

They reached the house and had to go for some troubles opening the door. He lay down Mai on her bed as he searched for the first aid kit. Mai was quiet all the way when they were walking and still is quiet when they are already in the house. She is shy to thank Naru for carrying her. It was like, a long way home. She waited for Naru to get the kit and cleaned her wound. This is the first time she Naru like this – so kind, without any worries. She smiled. "Be careful."

"I am careful." Naru said as he rubbed the wound with cotton balls. "Does it still hurt?"

"Not much but it aches a bit." Mai answered.

Naru continued cleaning the open wound. "You should be more careful when it comes to walking in the dark."

"You're not holding my hands that time."

"So, you're telling me it's my fault?"

"Partly, yes." Mai said as Naru finally put some bandage to her feet. She looked at him for some time.

"That should do the trick." Naru said as he fixed the kit.

Naru. She thought as she stared at him. "Naru?"


Mai pulled him and kissed him. Naru was surprised but he kissed back as Mai caressed his cheeks. She then pulled back and smiled at him. "I love you."

Naru smiled. "I love you too."

Mai laughed as she wiped the tears in her eyes. Even if he's an idiot, self-centered, egoist, narcissistic and everything that includes self-loving, I can't help but to love him more and more everyday. I want to stay by his side. I want this feeling to stay on me forever. I want to love him. She thought.

"We're like oil and water." Naru said.

"And why is that?" Mai asked.

"We've been trying to mix each other. But I'm glad, I'm mixed with you Mai." His words were honest, fragile and kind.

"Me too." Mai said.

Naru pulled her and kissed her. They had been fighting all these times and now, fate somehow made the oil and the water to mix with each other. And no matter what happened, the feeling will stay.

The end

A/N: lookie, it's done! Did you enjoy reading the last chapter? I enjoyed writing this because I'm in a good mood and I'm in love wit Kyou-sama. I'm such an idiot. Actually, this story is only ten-chapters but I feel like writing more of Naru and Mai. Thank you to those to read and reviewed this story. Too many to mention but thank you!