Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of the characters used in it.


I heard random screams of "good luck!" and "be brave, Jake!" as I walked back into town. The whole pack was supposed to have a meeting to discuss "everything." I don't know what Sam considers "everything" but I went along anyway. The real question was why was I being dragged into being the alarm clock and or escort for Leah Clearwater. She knew about the meeting, hell even Seth showed up. He was late but he was there.

When Sam asked where Leah was he muttered something about "too dangerous in the morning." I assumed he meant Leah, and I think Sam did too because he had a weird look on his face. So he told me to "go get her!" which puts me in my current position.

Sue opened the door for me when I got there.

"Leah's upstairs dear." She smiled at me, directing me to the stairs. Leah's scent hit me when I reached the top step. It smelled like flowers gardenias to be exact. I followed the smell to her room.

I pushed the door open slowly and stuck my head in. The walls were a light pale yellow color and there were stuffed animals in a large mount not too from the door of the bathroom. Leah was in bed asleep. I walked around the bed to look at her face and what I saw surprised me. She was smiling! No one actually thought it was possible. None of us have ever seen her smile before well except Sam but I don't really want to open that can of worms. The whole pack thinks she's a bitter, stubborn bitch … but now anyone could mistake her for an angel. WHAT?! Did I just think that? No I didn't.

"Jake?" Leah muttered and her smile grew bigger. The canines in her mouth were clearly visible.

"yes?" I answered. My dad once told me that you can have conversation with someone who was asleep. So I might as well give it a try. She giggled in reply to my voice. I wonder what's she dreaming about. She said my name so maybe I'm in it.

"Stop it, it tickles!" Leah giggled again. What the hell was going on in that dream of hers?! Her giggles then came to an abrupt stop.

"Leah, what's wrong?" I asked her in a low whisper.

"No! Not again … don't leave! Jake come back!" tears rolled down her face, her eyes were still closed.

"Leah I am not going anywhere I'm right here." I wiped some of the tears off of her face.

"Why does everyone leave me?" It was too much for me. I pulled her into my arms and held her. The next thing I knew I felt Leah's arms wrap around my torso and her head found its way deeper into my shirt.


"Promise me."

"Promise you what?"

"…That you will never leave."

"I promise Leah." I tried to look at her face but it was still buried in my chest. Her breathing was still slow so I knew she was still asleep. I laid back bringing her with me, forgetting all about the pack meeting we were both missing.

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