Readers, this is a new fic that I have created to perhaps ease the pain that we are all suffering, whether we be Benry fans, Getty fans, Detty fans, or probably others that I haven't mentioned. I hope you enjoy my vision of how the rest of the season, or beyond, might go.:-)

Betty looked up to the 2nd story window where her bedroom was. With no tree in sight, she wondered how Hilda was ever able to do it. Betty sighed and noticed the drain pipe running close to her window. Slowly she began to devise a plan about how to climb up the drain pipe and into her bedroom window. With an idea in mind, she slowly inched herself up the pipe and to the window ledge. As she peeked into her room, she noticed a lump in her bed. Probably Hilda. She forgot where her room was from time to time when she had a little too much to drink, thought Betty. As quietly as possible, she lifted the window up and slowly climbed through the window. Her skirt got caught on a piece of metal and as she tried to tug it free, she plummeted onto her floor.

"Oww. I really need to get better at this, Hilda." She casually spoke to the lump in the bed that was beginning to stir. "Don't tell papi, alright. Well, I know that you're slowly waking up…but I just wanted to let you know that I had a terrific time with Henry last night. I can't wait to tell you more about it once you're awake." She smiled and patted the lump and walked happily down the stairs.

"Good morning everyone. How are…" Betty stopped dead in her tracks and was completely surprised to see Hilda standing in front of her.

"You know, papi already knows you were out last night. You could have used the door." Hilda smiled and gave Betty a plate of eggs and some orange juice.

"I thought you were in my bed up there." Betty said, looking completely confused.

"Why would I be in your bed?" Hilda raised her eyebrow and looked at her sister, perplexed.

"Well sometimes when you're drunk, you forget that my room isn't yours and you fall asleep in my bed." Betty paused and continued. "Well if you're not in my bed, then who did I just pat down?" Betty had a look of worry on her face.

"Good morning everyone. Thanks for letting me sleep here last night. I really enjoyed the part where Betty patted me down." Gio had just wandered down the stairs and Betty began to flush a deep shade of crimson. She noticed that Gio's hair was cut short.

"What's he doing here?" she asked angrily.

"Oh well, papi needed help with something and he had one too many beers. Since we knew that you wouldn't be here last night, we let Gio sleep in your bed." Hilda informed Betty as Betty gave a look of disgust.

"You let him sleep in my bed. Gross, now I have to wash the sheets…like…five times." Betty rolled her eyes as Gio sat down at the table.

"So Betty, how come you never come to see me anymore? It's been what…like 2 months or so." Gio took a sip of orange juice and grinned at her.

"It's not like we're friends Gio. So what, do we have a schedule of how many times a day we're supposed to see one another? Last I checked it was a free country and I was allowed to see whomever I wanted, whenever I wanted. So there." Betty said hotly.

"Whoa, calm down. I was just asking." Gio said defensively. "These are really good eggs Hilda. Who made them?" Gio asked, taking a bite out of the eggs. He grinned once more at Betty and winked. Betty rolled her eyes and went into the living room.

"Papi made them. He put in a secret ingredient that he'll never tell us about." Hilda shrugged and sat down next to Gio.

"Look, thanks for letting me crash here last night, but I've really got to go. I got a new guy opened the shop who has no idea what the hell he is doing. With any luck, he'll manage to completely destroy the place." Gio thanked Hilda for the breakfast and grabbed his jacket and keys. "See you around Hilda. Oh and Betty…you'll have to tell me about your night with Henry, like you promised upstairs." Gio popped his head in the living room and winked at Betty. Betty immediately rolled her eyes, but didn't acknowledge him verbally.

"What was that all about, Betty?" Hilda asked after she showed Gio to the door. She had a puzzled look on her face as she confronted her sister.

"Oh, I was just going to tell you what an incredible night I had with Henry…" Betty trailed off.

"No, I meant about Gio. Why are you being so mean to him? He came over last night to help with another busted pipe and he was a little disappointed that you weren't around. He thinks you've been avoiding him or something." Hilda waited for Betty to respond.

"Well, I have. Henry made me promise that I wouldn't see Gio anymore. That's all." Betty shrugged and continued to watch TV.

"Henry made you, or you were the one that didn't want to see Gio again?" Hilda was quick to catch on when it came to guy problems.

"It doesn't matter, alright. What's done is done. Where are dad and Justin?" Betty immediately changed the subject.

"Oh out for some male bonding time. Justin is taking papi for a clothing makeover, or something like that." Hilda got up and went back to washing dishes.

"I'm going into the office today a little earlier than normal. I'll be here tonight though. Henry and I don't have anything planned…" Betty paused and waited for her sister's attention and then continued. "We don't have anything planned tonight…because this weekend he's taking me on a weekend getaway for my birthday." Betty sat down at the kitchen table excitedly.

"That's great." Hilda said unenthusiastically.

"What's wrong?" Betty asked curiously.

"It's just that we were planning on doing something to celebrate your birthday. Papi, was so excited and has been planning something special for months now. It's no biggie though. You've just never spent your birthday away from home before." Hilda said as she finished the last dish and turned to face her sister.

"I'm sorry, but Henry and I only have 1 month left together and we want to make it really special." Betty pleaded for her sister to understand.

"I understand." Hilda said, though she was still not too convincing.

"Look, I have to go into work now. Tell dad and Justin I said 'hi'." Betty kissed her sister on the cheek and grabbed her purse before heading out the door.

The cool spring morning hit Betty in the face as she walked to work. It was unusually cold for this time of the season, so Betty was bundled up. As she passed Gio's sandwich shop, she sped up, making sure that if she was seen, she looked as though she was too busy to stop in. When she made it into Mode without Gio coming out, to her relief, she went straight to her desk and immediately began answering emails.

"Morning, beautiful!" Henry purred into Betty's ear and kissed her on the cheek. Betty couldn't help but smile because Henry treated her like a princess and this was something she could get used to.

"Sorry I had to leave so early this morning. I had to get here early." She sighed and turned to face Henry.

"Everything alright in the Suarez casa?" Henry chuckled at his spanglish and sat on the edge of her desk.

"Yeah…it's…great…never better." She smiled and took Henry's hand. "So, when are you telling me where you're going to take me this weekend? You're not going to keep me in the blue are you?" Betty stood up and embraced Henry.

"It's a birthday surprise for the prettiest girl in my life." Henry grinned and kissed Betty on the cheek again. "I just wanted to come up and see you. I have to go work on an accounting issue that Kenny screwed up. So if you could meet at my place tomorrow…say around 3 in the afternoon with your bags packed. This is going to be one experience that you'll never forget." Henry winked and smiled bashfully as he backed up, not taking his eyes off Betty.

"Uh, Henry…watch out for the…" Betty tried to warn him about the table he was about to run into, but it was too late. Henry ran into a table full of breakfast. Embarrassed, he slowly stepped away and headed for the elevator and out of Betty's sight.

"Thanks to your boyfriend, breakfast has been ruined." Amanda informed Betty as she looked at the food on the floor with disgust.

"It's not like you eat anyway." Betty said sarcastically before walking over to Daniel's office and knocking. He looked up and smiled and motioned for her to come in.

"Hey Betty, I was wondering if you could take care of this for me?" Daniel asked before he gave her a gigantic stack of papers to be filed. Betty groaned and turned to leave.

"Oh Daniel, just so you know…I have to leave early tomorrow. Henry's planned a special weekend get-away." She turned to face Daniel, who smiled.

"Sure, that's fine. You could probably use a nice and relaxing weekend, just the two of you. Renee and I are going to have a weekend of our own. Although…not too sure if it will be relaxing or not." Daniel grinned.

"Eww…and that breaks boss/secretary boundaries right there…" Betty cringing and walked away as Daniel chuckled.

The rest of the day and night went by uneventfully and Betty looked at her packed suitcase that was ready to go for her trip with Henry. She smiled to herself and eventually fell asleep. When she awoke, sunshine poured into her window and she immediately got out of bed. Butterflies were fluttering in her stomach and she knew that she was only hours away from her trip with Henry. Quickly, she dressed for work and headed downstairs.

"Good morning everyone." She said cheerfully as her dad gave her a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"Did you sleep well, Betty?" he asked as he flipped a pancake over. There was a small look of sadness in his eyes, but Betty pushed it to the side.

"I slept really well. I'm going into work for a few hours and then heading to Henry's before he whisks me away on a romantic weekend." Betty sighed and ate her breakfast in a hurry. "Well, I'm going to go ahead and head out. See you all on Sunday." She smiled and gathered all of her things before leaving.

A thought suddenly struck Betty, a thought that made her feel guilty as she left her house. She noticed the look her father gave her and knew it was because tomorrow was her birthday and she wasn't spending it at home. She had Henry though, and he was important to her. Still, she couldn't shake the sadness from her father's face. She frowned as she sat at her desk and returned all of the unanswered phone calls. The hours passed and before Betty knew it, it was 2:30 and time to meet up with Henry at his place.

"So you'll have to fill me in on all of the juicy details!" a pregnant Christina told her over the phone.

"Don't worry. I'm sure there will be lots to tell. Henry has refused to tell me where he is taking me. He knows how much I love surprises, so I'm sure wherever he takes me is going to be fantastic!" Betty hung up the phone and wandered into Henry's apartment building. She grew more and more excited as her hand reached for Henry's doorbell.

"This is it." She sighed and spoke to herself. "Henry and I are about to have the weekend we deserve. It will be complete with horses and roses and everything I could possibly dream of." She smiled and rang the doorbell. It took a few moments for the door to open, but to Betty's surprise it wasn't who she was expecting.

"Hi, Betty! Henry told me that you're birthday is tomorrow, so I baked you some cupcakes!" I very pregnant Charlie stood in front of Betty with a broad smile on her face. "I see that you have a suitcase. Did you just get back from a vacation or something?" Charlie invited a confused Betty in. Betty looked around and met eyes with Henry.

"Charlie, can Betty and I have a minute alone on the balcony?" Henry nodded toward the balcony and Betty followed, closing the glass door behind her.

"What's going on? I thought we were supposed to have a romantic weekend together. What is she doing here?" Betty asked angrily.

"She said that her doctor thought it best if she got away from Tucson for the weekend. Something about it being healthy for the baby." Henry shrugged.

"So where does that leave us then?" Betty looked into Henry's eyes and felt tears swelling up, but she held them back.

"I'm sorry Betty, but I'm going to have to cancel our weekend. I promise that we'll be able to reschedule." Henry held her hands in his and drew her close.

Betty released herself from him immediately. "But when? You act like you have all of this time together. We only have about a month, Henry. A month!" Betty opened the glass door and turned back to face him. "I'm sorry for intruding. Have a nice weekend." She frowned at Henry and managed a smile for a bubbly Charlie before leaving with her suitcase in tow.

Betty fought hard against the tears, and it was really difficult to do. She called for a cab to take her back to her house. Betty felt rejected and defeated, an emotions she wasn't used to feeling.