Jessica Lyn: Youngest C

Jessica Lyn: Youngest C.S.I

Chapter 1: Fun and Games

"Bobby!" grumbled Jessica. "I swear if that fucking thing's not up here, I'll kill you!"

"Hey, it flew up there didn't it?" retorted Bobby.

"Doesn't mean it landed up here and what were you doing with the damn thing anyway?!"

"Hey, it's my…."

"What's going on out here?!" shouted Mrs. Perry as she came out of the house, Sara and Gil Grissom making their way up the Perry's driveway.

"Really, we could hear all the yelling from the house." laughed Sara Grissom.

Mrs. Perry laughed as she walked over to the two C.S.I's. "Jessica Lyn Grissom! What are you doing up there?"

"What's it look like I'm doing, Laura? I'm scaling your garage roof looking for your son's stupid Frisbee!" Jessica exclaimed, agitate clear in her voice.

"Bobby what were you thinking? Making Jessica go up when you could've gotten your ass up there and gotten it!" shouted Heather, his twin sister.

"What? She lives for this kind of stuff."

"I swear Bobby Ray Perry, if that thing's not up here; I'm so going to kill you!"

"Yeah, yeah, what ever, we get it all ready." Bobby proclaims, stupidly.

Jessica rolls her eyes and continues to search the Perry's garage roof for Bobby's Frisbee. As she searched, Bobby a.k.a trouble maker; went to the side of the garage, smiled and picked up the red Frisbee.

"Hey Jessica!" he called up. "Is this what you're looking for?" He twirled the Frisbee in his hand. She stopped and stood up, looked at Bobby then the Frisbee, then back at Bobby, glaring at him with the usual 'You better run' look. At that Bobby screamed and bolted. She flipped off the garage roof and bolted right after him. This however was normal for everyone to see.

"You better run Bobby!" shouted Josh as he hung back with Heather and Casey.

"Dude, what does it look like I'm doing?"

"I don't know, but that sure doesn't look like running to Me." said Josh as he observed Bobby's 'running' style.

"What ever just catch this!" he said as he slung the Frisbee over to Josh, who did indeed catch it.

"You might want to have someone save you instead of the darn Frisbee!" shouted Jessica.

"Yeah and why's that?"

"Because I'm going to hurt you so bad and there isn't nothing anyone can do to stop me!" She picked up speed and ran after him, Bobby screaming.

Grissom cleared his throat and she stopped immediately on her heels. "Except that!" she said as she pointed at nothing in particular. "You just had to. God! Me and my big mouth!" She said as she walked by her father and over to the others.

"Oh! What were you saying now Jessie Lyn?!" said Bobby, laughing.

Jessica glared at him. "Bobby Ray Perry! That is enough out of you young man!" said Mrs. Perry.

"Yes, Mom." said Bobby as he drooped his head while walking over to the others. He kept his head down, because he was silently laughing at Jessica, which apparently wasn't as silent as he thought for she could hear him.

"You're just lucky that I have to go to work, Bobby Ray!" she said as she got in his face, poking at his chest.

"What?" he said with a poor excuse of a dumbfounded expression on his face.

She just rolled her eyes and sighed at him, said bye to the others and walked down the road with her parents.