Final chapter!

Thank you so much for sticking with this. I hope you all enjoyed it. I've never had over a hundred reviews before - so yay! - I mean thanks!

Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns all accept the plot.


"I can't believe him!" I yell, fuming. "That sick, little creep!"

"I know," Sighs Lily, "Just calm down alright?"

I cease my furious stomping once we reach the infirmary doors. For a moment, I was going to burst right in...

"He said 'Am I supposed to care?'" I shout, "Who says that?!"

"Yeah I can't believe it. I mean, Sirius is his brother. His own brother!" Says Peter, sounding astonished.

"Yeah, well it's Regulus - what did we expect?" I reply angrily, shaking my head, "Excellent idea Wormtail!"

Lily looks up in surprise, "Wormtail?"

"Never mind!" We both reply hastily.

"It's just..." I struggle for the right word, "Horrible."

"I know." Lily repeats soothingly, patting my shoulder.

"I guess... I guess I never quite believed Sirius when he said they hated him that much, you know?" I say, suddenly feeling sorry for Sirius and swearing - then and there - that I would do everything I could to make life at my home as fun as possible when he wakes up.

Which he will. They both will.

They have to.


"Whoa! Where am I? What's going on? Remus?!"

"Easy, easy Sirius. You're in the infirmary. You're gonna be fine. You both are."

"I'm... I'm where?!" I try to shrug Madam Pomfrey's insanely strong grip off my shoulders. She's shining some kind of light from a tiny wand into my eyes. It aint half annoying.

"The infirmary Mr Black." And in a quick swoop, she swishes to my right and tends to another patient.

I'm a patient? Why am I in bed?

I didn't mean to say that aloud, but it seems my inner monologue is a bit frazzled because I get a reply.

"That's generally where ill people end up."

"McGonagall?" I mumble, feeling like a truck has ran over my head as I thrash free of the restraining bed covers.

"Yes, I'm here. You gave us quite a fright there."

"I did?" I say, seeing the tartan wonder at the foot of the bed. Reassuringly looking the same as always.

"Yes - the both of you."

That's the second time I've heard that. Both of you.

"Remus!" I cry before seeing him lying in the bed next to me, Pomfrey giving him the same treatment.

"I'm alright - really!" I don't know whether he's saying that to the flapping matron or me. And I don't care. It's not enough.

"You both are!" Madam Pomfrey cries, sounding (not so reassuringly) surprised.

I swing my bare feet out of bed and onto the freezing stone floor. Definitely not dreamland...

I pad over to Remus who is now sitting up, rubbing his head, and perch on the edge of his bed, ignoring the painful screams of protest in my head. Well, outside as well as Pomfrey insists I get back into bed. Maybe it's something about my expression, but she mercifully shuts up. I have to see him properly. To make sure he's all right.

"You sure you're okay?" I ask gently, placing my hand on his once I eventually find it (ignoring all present company).

"Bit of a head ache, but I'm good." He looks touched and not at all surprised by our predicament. "As are you." Only I hear him quietly add thank god.

I turn from the sight of my adorably bed headed boyfriend (can I call him that yet?!) and ask Madam Pomfrey (who stands beside McGonagall looking intrigued),
"How long were we out for?"

"If you include last night, almost a whole day." She sounds slightly shell shocked, and not at all like her usual bossy self.

"Really?!" We say in unison, before grinning at each other. I know that sounds like I don't care, but really, what's the harm? Okay, so I lost a day. But I gained a Remus.

Plus missing potions really isn't all that bad.

I'm sick of potions.

McGonagall dryly cuts into my thoughts, "Maybe one of you two could tell us what happened here, seeing as we-"


I'm suddenly knocked to the floor by a heavy blur of robes and bushy black hair!

"Oh no! I'm sorry! Did I hurt you? Oh, I hope not! Are you okay?" Gabbles James, clumsily yanking me upright so I nearly fall down again.

I'm about to say: I was! Until a gawky, overgrown Seeker brutally tackled me to the floor! But then I see his expression. He looks so apologetic. Like he's beyond worried. He looks extremely tired, concerned and rumpled too.

"Oh Jamesy boy, of course I'm alright." I say, pulling him into a hug and noticing Peter and strangely Lily are doing the same thing to Remus.

"You sure?" He asks, voice muffled by my shoulder.

"I'm gonna charge a Galleon every time someone asks me that!" I joke, trying to pull away. But he clings on like a limpet, "You can let go now!" He doesn't budge. "Seriously! Running out of oxygen here!"

"Oh. Sorry!" He says sheepishly pulling away before punching me on the shoulder.

"Ow!" I cry, "What was that for?!"

"Don't do that again man! You almost left me alone with Peter!" He jokes, but I know he's being serious. Well, not about the Peter part but you know what I mean.

He suddenly leans in closer, a twinkle in his eyes, "Plus I had to act a bit more macho - in front of Evans you know?"


It seems our agreed explanation We were just sleeping, won't cut it with everyone. But all I know is there's no way I'm sharing what happened. It's private.

"Come on Remus, what really happened? What did you dream about?" Asks James, now sat beside my bed, sweetly trying to wheedle the truth out of me.

"Don't remember." I reply, smiling at his ill-disguised annoyance, "But somehow I think we'll be alright now." I add, smiling at Sirius, who winks back.

Lily clears her throat, grinning knowingly (uh oh!), "Come on James, give it a rest. There's some things you don't need to know."

"Oh how little you know him!" Says Sirius, lounging temptingly on his bed, eyes rarely leaving me. Tease!

"Yeah, he needs to know everything in that brain of his!" Adds Peter enthusiastically.

"Like his head needs to get any bigger!" Jokes Lily, but I notice she gives his hand a squeeze. That's nice.

That's not all I've noticed tonight.

"Oy!" He says, pretending to swat Lily, "You're all ganging up on me!" Cries James melodramatically.

"But you make it so fun!" Laughs Sirius and we all join in with him.

Earlier, I swear I saw a dark haired boy peeking around the door looking at Sirius. He looked very upset and disappeared when he saw me. I think I'll tell Sirius when the others have gone - seeing as we have to stay here overnight. Like we haven't had enough sleep.

Hmmm, overnight...


"You don't seem very distressed for a guy who's been in a coma for nearly twenty-four hours."

"Well, what can I say Candida, I like to live dangerously!"

She smiles warmly, "Yes, I've noticed. You really have to tame that reckless side of yours. It could be the death of you..."

"Yeah that's it! Say what you think won't you?" I laugh, "I don't want you to bottle anything up now!"

"Careful now, you're starting to sound like me!"

I laugh again. I really like her. I didn't have to come to today's session (or any of the other sessions I've been to) because apparently, nearly dying is punishment enough. But I wanted to. So yeah, we did some weird breathing exercises and she told me a bit about herself (as promised). She has an evil family too.

"Well not evil per-say - let's not be judgemental! - just old fashioned. And not very understanding either." She sighs, "Then there's my crazy sister -"

"That's very judgemental!"

"No, she is crazy! She's just started working for the ministry of magic, god help us. Then there's my pure blood obsessed parents - charming people! Didn't take to kindly to my choice of profession. But that's the thing Sirius." She say's leaning across the desk towards me, "It's our choice. Surround yourself with your friends and decide your own fate."

"Preaching to the choir!"

And that's when it happened. I told her all about my parents - if you can even call them that - and the things they'd say and do. I left out any complaints about Regulus. Remus told me he almost visited me which makes me feel all funny. Like I miss him. Anyway, I then told her about the coma. Not Remus's part, of course not! And that naturally lead to Remus though I think she already knew how I feel about him. Just by the way we shared our dreams. That, and I think she's psychic! Maybe I should consider that reckless thing...

"See, that's what bottling things up does to you. Only these consequences were a bit extreme!" She says, about Remus's coma confessions, and me "But this Remus sounds lovely!"

She's not wrong there. And it's surprising that the first person I should talk openly about my relationship with Remus to should be a little old lady who I barely even know (almost as surprising as Dumbledore seeing us looking all deathly and merely complimenting my hair! How awesome!). But she hasn't acted all repulsed. But is understanding instead and she even gave me advice which was not embarrassing at all...


I think James knows on some level and Lily definitely does because she keeps giggling and not just around her new boyfriend. She and James are so lovey-dovey it makes me... Oh! I can't be cynical; because I'm sure I'm in love too! Isn't that sickening?

Anyway, James said to me the other day about it, "Dude! I don't really need or want to know about you guys. As long as you're both happy..." But he was half joking so I guess that's okay. We'll just keep displays of affection strictly private (or so Remus thinks!). For now at least - mwah ha ha! I want to show off to the world that he's mine!

"I can definitely tell you're a lot happier now than PC." Says Candida.

PC is our code for Pre Coma.

And I totally am. That night in the infirmary was one of the happiest nights of my life. And all we did was share a bed and hold each other after I apologised for being such an ass and he told me he'd loved me since forever (well that and a lot more but I don't kiss and tell. Much!). I think it's becoming a tradition for us to kiss in the moonlight or something which is good because maybe he'll fear the moon less, as long as I'm here.

At least I like to think so.

It's ironic really, when you consider our names because he's the moon and I'm the stars. And you know what? I really like it that way.


Thanks so much for reading!

Lori xx