A/N: Yay! My first story! Well anyways all the characters have known each other since they were little, so Bella has the Alice/Rose spunk. She likes to shop but is not addicted. I am soooooo sorry that I paired Edward and Jessica up! But I decided that I could have more "fun" with Jessica than I could have with Lauren so yeah! Thanks for reading and please review! It will make me post faster. That and if I don't have any homework!
I pulled my stuff out of my rusty old truck and ran up the Cullen Family walkway. I opened the door to see Esme Cullen in the kitchen, trying to open up a can of soup. She smiled at me. She gently put the can down and hugged me. "Hello, Bella. Everyone is up in Alice's room. Oh, can you tell them dinner is in an hour, unless I get the can open. If not, I'm ordering pizza." I smiled. For almost ten years, I have never been told that Esme, the world's greatest cook, Esme Cullen, ordered pizza. That day will be one for the books. I laughed and walked up the stairs.
As I reached the second story, I dumped my stuff near Rose and Jaspers. Rosalie and Jasper Hale were beautiful blondes. Both tall, Jasper was 6'3" and Rose was 5'9". Rose was dating Emmett Cullen, a very muscular guy who looked like he could snap your back with his fingers, but he was really a giant teddy-bear, a giant, muscular, teddy-bear. And Jasper was dating Alice. Alice was a short girl. She hated being called short. She would seriously try to rip off your head if you called her that. Believe me; I've seen Emmett nearly get murdered by doing that very dangerous thing. And then there was Edward. Edward was 6'2" had bronze, untidy hair. He's pale, but almost everyone in Forks is, and he has those green eyes. The green eyes that can see through my soul. Those green eyes that make my bones feel like their turning into Jell-O. He was currently dating Jessica Stanley, the schools biggest, in Emmett's very kind words, bimbo.
I shook those thoughts out of my head as I opened Alice's door. There was the usual sight. Alice jumping on her bed listening to her radio that she had of full blast, listening to Low. Rose and Emmett were laughing at her, Jasper was trying to calm her down, and Edward was on his stomach, ears plugged, reading a book. I grinned at the opportunity to scare Edward to death. I put my finger up to my lips, just as Emmett was about to say something. Alice and I shared a look; she smirked and continued screeching along to the music.
I sucked in a deep breath and screamed "HOLA MI AMIGOS!!" Edward jumped up onto his feet then fell backwards. I fell onto the ground holding my sides. Emmett and Rose were snorting because they were laughing so hard. Jasper was holding his knees, Alice was giggling as she jumped. We were still laughing when Alice screamed. I heard the familiar music and I jumped up with Rose. Soulja Boy had just come on the radio. We were doing the dance, much to everyone's, meaning the guy's, amusement. Ever so often Alice would giggle and stop dancing then she would regain her focus. At the end of the song the guy's applauded and whistled, making me blush. I never was a good dancer, I was way too clumsy. Even if I was walking on a flat surface I would trip on something, more than likely air. Everyone found that amusing.
"Hey, let's go outside and take some pictures! Esme got a new camera and she wanted us to take some pictures for a photo album! Everyone's here so let's go!" I smiled, nodding. I heard Edward cough. Oh, dear Lord! He can't bring her up now!
"Everyone except Jessica." Alice's misty blue eyes turned to ice.
"Exactly, let's go," she started walking out the door, pulling Jasper along with her, which was quite a funny sight, might I add. "You and Bella will pair up. And, Edward, don't you dare call her or I will kill you and they will never find your body." Can you tell Alice doesn't like Jessica? Neither did I but that was different. I had always had a huge crush on him. I didn't think he had to put up with a cheating slut like Jessica. She was cheating on him with Mike Newton. And that's the thing that pisses me off! Everyone else knows but him! It so unfair! Gah!
"So, are you going to call Jess?" I was mentally hurt every time I though of her. That's what she does to people; she makes them feel stupid so she can feel smart. There goes one more I.Q. point.
"Nah, I won't leave you, partner. So, how's life?" I rolled my eyes.
"Unfair and cruel. How about your life?" I asked cheerfully. That had been our "thing" since 5th grade. Weird, I know, but who ever said we were normal?
"Complicated and BORING when I'm in school. Outside of school, pretty fun, when I'm with my," please, Dear God, don't let him say girlfriend! "Friends. You guy's are my family." I smiled and pushed him.
"Liar!" I called and I ran down the stairs, Alice and Rose shot me looks that were saying "You-are-so-flirting-with-him!" I looked back and Edward was chasing me. I blushed a light pink and ran. I tripped, of course, and slid down the banister on my stomach. That hurt's really bad, by the way!
I ran into the backyard, the damp grass, tickling my ankles. Edward tore out after me. I laughed and ran out into the middle of the yard. I looked around, loosing sight of Edward. Where was he? I screamed when I felt someone grab my waist. I heard a click and then a few others. Some cursing, mainly from Emmett, he was mad that his phone wouldn't take anymore pictures. I tried wiggling out of his grasp, making me fall on my butt. Edward laughed, trying to help me up and when he did, he fell backwards, so I fell on top of him. I swear I heard Alice say "Aww!" Edward and I were laughing so hard. I rolled off of him. After we were done laughing Alice called Esme out.
She took the camera from Alice and told us to sit in a group. Alice, being the shortest, was standing next to me.
Then, somehow, Alice got me onto Edward's back and I wrapped my legs and arms around him tight. We were laughing. Then she just had to come and ruin it.
"Edward!" Came Jessica Stanley's shrill voice. I heard Alice groan. Ever since Edward and Jessica had been dating (There goes and I.Q. point…) Edward had been trying to get Rose, Alice, and I to become friends with her.
No such luck.
I heard Edward cuss as he undid my strangle hold on him. I dropped to the floor, thankfully, on my feet this time.
"Jess! What are you doing here?" I looked her over. Her curly black hair was straightened, and it looked bad. It was all fried, you get it, it just looked bad. She was in a dark blue dress and a silver purse that did not match and black heels. Seriously the shoes and dress went together but a silver purse?! Oh no I was becoming Alice! And it wasn't even a pretty color of silver, either. It was the color of tinfoil, TINFOIL FOR GOD'S SAKE!
"Eddie," she whined in that nasal voice of hers, "you forgot about our date." What! Okay, that's messed up! It is our annual freaking sleepover! He will not take her out on a date! Not tonight, at least! I heard him sigh as he walked over to her. He took bother of her hands in his and smiled down at her. I felt a pang of jealousy run through me. Why her? Why not me? I wish that the roof would cave in and hit Jessica on the head so she'd get amnesia and hate Edward then I would be there to comfort him. Then we'd get married and have 3 children then we'd grow old together then, we'd die old, like when we were 120, warm in our beds. I have seriously planned this out way to much….
"Jessie, we have a date later tonight. Remember?" She nodded then smiled at everyone.
"Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we go see Shutter with everybody. Like a huge group date!" Said the moronic slut. Then I'd be stuck here with Esme and Carlisle. Alice glared at Jessica.
"What about Bella?" Rose asked coldly. I forced a smile.
"It's fine. I'll just go back home." To cry my eyes out.
"No, she can come." Edward said, I still had that smile on my face.
"No, its okay, I don't want to three wheel it." I said smiling at them, but my heart was being ripped out of my chest and being jumped on by Jessica Stanley's high heeled shoes.
"Okay, thanks Bella! Come on, everyone, let's go!" Jessica said. Alice glared at her defiantly.
"No, I'm not leaving Bella." Alice said coldly.
"Me neither." Rose said in the exact same tone.
"But she said it would be okay. So let's go! We'll tell her about the movie when we pick her up later." Seriously how stupid was Jessica?
"How dare you?" Alice asked as she walked toward her.
"Huh," nice move stupid!
"How dare you come to my house, insult my friend, make some big scene and you expect me to be your friend?" Alice hissed, Jasper stepped back and Edward looked petrified.
"I beg your pardon? But I am not the one who's making a scene!" She'll be dead by morning and they'll never find her body.
"HOW DARE YOU ACUSE ME OF CHEATING ON MY BOYFRIEND WHO I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART!" That little slut! I hate her! She has no right to love him!
"YOU SLUT!" Alice screamed at her. Then Edward cut in.
"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Edward screamed, he had this look on his face that I couldn't figure out what it was.
"Come on, Bella, let's go inside." I followed Rose and Alice inside. When we were in Alice's room I smiled at them.
"Thanks, you guys, you didn't have to do that." Alice smiled and hugged me.
"It's fine. It actually felt really good." I laughed with both of them, even though my heart was breaking.
"Did you see Esme's face! She was so happy!" I was confused, usually she would have grounded Alice for doing something like that! "Okay, she's hated Stanley since Edward brought her home. She stained Esme's carpet." Oh, bad move. Esme's baby was her home. It was always perfect. No one dare to make it dirty. Not even Emmett… I heard a knock at the door. Rose got up to open it and there was Emmett and Jasper. They smiled at me. Emmett hugged Alice.
"You. Are. The. Most. Amazing. Person. In. The. World." He said, grinning at her. She nodded, her face was turning blue.
"Emmett put her down! She can't breathe!" Jasper screamed as Alice's face turned a dark shade of purple. Emmett immediately put her down. When Alice's faced turned to her normal pale color Jasper kissed her. I smiled. They were lucky. They both loved each other. Not in the brother/sister way like Edward loves me, but the real love. It wasn't fair! I felt my eyes get watery. Why was Alice so lucky? Why did Rose and Emmett and everyone else have a great relationship? Why was I the one who was going to end up old and alone, when Jessica and Edward get to live my dream! I felt a tear escape. Rose noticed and hugged me.
Then I lost it.
I pulled myself up and ran. I ran down the stairs, not falling, thank god. I ran past Esme and finally I ran past the idiot I was crying because of. "Bella?" I heard him call but I didn't stop. I opened the door to my car and jumped in. I pulled the key's out of my pocket and I started my car. I pulled out of the driveway. Then I dove as far as I could without crashing. So I just pulled over, on the side of the road, and cried. This was all because of Jessica. I hate her. So I just locked my car door and climbed in the back seat so I could cry.
A/N: Okay! That's the first chapter! Hope you all like it! Review, review, review! Thanks!