Ok, so you guys wanted a sequel, so here it is

Ok, so you guys wanted a sequel, so here it is. The game of Sorry. I can't take all of the credit though, because I did have some help coming up with the idea. My thanks to Em Phantom for helping me get past my writers block!

I never knew that anyone could make a simple game of Sorry so incredibly hard. It seems almost impossible, right? Wrong. If anyone can mess up a game of Sorry, it's the Cullen family.

Since my last attempt at entertaining Emmett didn't go so well, I figured that Sorry was one thing that he couldn't mess up. Yeah. Right. Little did I know that all of the Cullens had a different version of Sorry stored up stairs in an other wise empty room. Here's what happened:

Emmett and I got home from Mike's apple prank, and I suggested that we play Sorry. That was my first mistake. "Emmett? Where do you guys keep your Sorry board?" I asked, looking through the game closet and finding nothing.

"It's upstairs in the room next to Carlisle and Esme's," he informed me. So I went up the staircase, and opened the door that he had told me to look in.

"Emmett!" I yelled, momentarily panicked, "How am I supposed to get this to fit on the coffee table? Scratch that. How am I supposed to get this downstairs?" Because there was no way I was going to be able to get this Sorry board out of the door.

When I opened the door to the "Sorry Room," I was greeted by a gigantic room, and a life-size Sorry board. Seriously. The pieces were taller than me, and the board itself covered the entire floor. That's not even all. You know how most Sorry pieces are blue, red, green, and yellow? And only four people can play? Well, here there were hot pink, sunshine yellow, dark brown, pitch black, lavender, sky blue, and forest green pieces. Seven players—one for each Cullen/Hale—and crazy colors.

"You're not supposed to take it out of the room! We play in here. Isn't our board awesome?" Emmett rambled. I was speechless. These pieces were taller than me, and I was supposed to be able to move them without vampire strength? I don't think so.

I walked into the middle of the room, and turned around in a full circle. "How do you expect me to be able to play this Emmett?" I asked, turning back to him skeptically. He just shrugged and moved over to the dark green pieces, and stood in the middle of the four.

"You can pick whichever pieces you want. Edward's are the brown ones, Alice's are the yellow ones, Esme's are the lavender ones, Carlisle's are black, Jasper's are blue, and Rose's are pink. Take your pick," Emmett informed me. He wasn't making this any easier.

I chose Alice's pieces. I knew that she wouldn't mind. "Okay, now, if the pieces are this huge, how big are the dice?" I asked, truly worried.

Emmett laughed and tossed two dice, about the size of those dice that you see hanging off of a car's rearview mirror. They weren't nearly as bad as I was expecting. "Okay, so you can go first," I mumbled, still shocked at the fact that this was even here.

We played for hours on end. I won't even go into details in fear that it might bore you to death. Not that playing wasn't interesting. It's just that halfway through the game Edward came home. That made my job a lot easier—I didn't have to move the pieces. Edward and I ended up WINNING, and Emmett took the loss pretty badly.

The last words that I heard from him as he walked out the door were, "I'll get you my pretty, and you're little dog to!"

Heaven knows what he could be planning next. Actually, Edward knows. And as far as I can see, we're watching another movie…