Dearest Bella,

Subject: I Love You
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 22:37:56

Hi Edward,

I know that you aren't used to computers (that whole "when I was a boy, we didn't need technology" thing), but I thought it would be a really nice way for us to keep in touch when we felt lonely.

I just wanted to tell you that I love you.

Happy Valentines Day, my lover.

With all my heart and soul,

Your Bella.

Subject: RE: I Love You
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:21:86

Hey sweetie.

Your name came up as Isabella Swan. I'm surprised, seeing as you seem to despise that name.

I miss you.

It's sunny right now. It's depressing to not go outside and feel the warmth, I just wish you were here so I could feel the warmth of you.

I miss you Bella.

Love Edward.

Subject: RE: RE: I Love You
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 15:13:21

Dear Edward,

I'm missing you so much right now. I wish I could feel your cold, marble skin beneath my fingers ...

The reason my name came up as Isabella is because I use this email address to chat with my mom, and I know that she likes me to use my full name.

Don't be depressed about the lack of sunlight, my love. Just look at it and think of me, and you will be happy to know that I am thinking of you too!

I can't wait to see you again, I can't bear to be separated from you for this long. Please write to me every day. I love you.

Your Bella.

Subject: I Will Come To You
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 02:11:08

Dearest Bella,

Of course I shall write to you everyday. I can't bear to not talk to you and touch your hair and glance into those eyes.

There might be a possibility to visit you soon, my love. I shall come to you. By your window one night. I can't say when. Just know that I will be there. I'm going insane without you.

What are you thinking?

I love you always.

Your Edward.

Subject: RE: I Will Come To You
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 14:51:11

My dear, dear Edward,

I wish I could see your face right now ... I wish I could be with you ... please come to me as soon as possible. I'm going crazy not seeing you. See, look - I'm crazy.

I love you so so so so much. I miss you. And ...

I want you.

Your Bella.

Subject: I Am Sorry
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 16:46:13

My amazing, beautiful, perfect angel that is Bella.

I love you more than all the people in the world put together.

There's something I have to tell you, but it's going to take a lot of explaining.

I can't see you right now.

Maybe not ever.

I don't know.

All I know is that I love you.


I want you to never forget that, and that I will try to be with you. I will give everything I have.

I have to leave Bella.

Me and my family are being hunted by vampires who don't understand us.

They believe us to be a hindrance to our race and that 'peaceful' vampires aren't meant to exist... That it isn't natural. We must leave right away. Mine and everyone's life is at stake. Including the living. Including you.

I shall email you whenever I can.

I know that I will find a way to get back to you Bella.

I love you more than this entire universe could possibly offer.



Please. Reply.

Yours always and forever.


Subject: RE: I Am Sorry
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:05:18

Edward, you're scaring me.

You say that you are being hunted by vampires and that you aren't safe, but you don't understand - you are never safe! I am never safe! There's nothing we can do about this!

I refuse to believe that you have left already - you must come and see me tonight so we can discuss this further. I love you, Edward. I love you far too much to let you disappear like this.

Don't you remember last time? You have no idea what it felt like. You can't ever know. Please come back to me. You can make me a vampire. We will be safe. And we will be together.

Edward, I am crying. You hate it when I cry, and you have caused this. Come back to me tonight. I love you too much to let you go again.

I miss you every second. Don't leave me.

Your Bella.

Subject: RE: RE: I Am Sorry
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:07:01

Bella, please.

It's all for the best.

You know, I try, I try because I love you.

The men, they're coming I can hear them, feel their presence. But I know that they can't hear me or sense me. I don't know how Bella. But they are close. They've started to build an army. I sometimes can sense when a vampire is brand new. Their vision is sort of blurred and it's like their heart radiates something. Something that tells 'things' like me that the heart only recently stopped. It sounds crazy I know, but I know that you of all people will always understand me.

I know we are never safe. It is all I think about. YOU are all I think about. You and your safety. You are everything to me Bella. There is a difference in being separated and both people are still alive (well you are anyway) than one of us dies from being stupid and reckless.

I am gone Bella. But I promise you I will try everything, ANYTHING, in my power to see you again. Just to touch your soft hair, to see your perfect face will mean so much. Right now though Bella I need you to be confident, it's the only thing that you can do. Please. I love you so much. Please.

I do hate it when you cry. I can't come back to you tonight.

But I will eventually.

I love you so much.

I love you, I love you, I love you!

I miss your heartbeat and how time suddenly stops when I'm with you.

I miss you Bella.



Subject: I Would Rather Die
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 18:47:18

Edward Scis- I mean Cullen,

How dare you suggest such things? How dare you even contemplate leaving me?

Have you EVER stopped to even think that maybe I would rather be DEAD than live my whole life without you?

But obviously you would rather live yours away from me, until I do die.

I understand and I don't hold it against you. However, if you wanted to leave so badly, you should have just told me. I thought I could trust you, but you lied.

I see how it is, Edward. If this is how you truly feel, then please don't try to contact me again.


Subject: RE: I Would Rather Die
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 18:55:19

I can't believe you Bella!

How many times in my last email did I just say how much I love you and miss you?

If you'd rather me just IGNORE the fact that this psychotic vampire trailing me will kill me if I step out and expose myself and get to you.

Then fine.

If you want ME dead, just say the word.

Would you rather me to be dead, or just gone for awhile?

Think about that Bella.


Subject: RE: RE: I Would Rather Die
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 19:03:24


I need to see you. I need to talk to you. Why is it so dangerous for us to be together, even if it's only a little while?

Edward, I love you so much, and I am so sorry if you thought otherwise, but I just need you to be here. I need to explain things in person. I need to see your eyes, your marble skin, your dark purple bruises ...

Please, Edward. Just please.

Come back to me.

Your Bella.

Subject: Patience, My Love
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:46:10



I can't.

It's final Bella.

If I never see you again, and that makes you safe, then so be it.

Please be patient.

If you are, in all good time you will see me again.

I love you.


Subject: Whatever, Edward.
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 09:12:30

Edward, I'm done being patient.

Last time you left me, I was JUST starting to move on when you came back and ruined all chances of that.

Now you're doing it again.

If you are going to leave, you have to promise me that you'll be back, and soon.

You can't keep ripping my heart to pieces.


Subject: RE: Whatever, Edward.
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 14:03:43


I promise you.
