Hi! Hi!XD
Uh, well, I wondered if all of you could get the answer, so I decided to make another chapter from Tricky Confession for the answer.
Okay, first to first, I want to disclaim: I don't own Gakuen Alice and its character!!
I dedicated this chapter to all the readers and the reviewer:
Yamashita Michiyo
Uchiha Sesshoumaru
Miu The Princess Of Nature
Irumi Kanzaki, who agreed to make another chapter from this story for the answer
And least but not last, cerespallas, who has helped me to solve the problem about those confusing freaking tenses. Hahaha!XD
I thank you all for reading and reviewing Tricky Confession and the other readers that have passed by for reading. I thank you all from the deep of my heart.
Before I start, have all of you guessed the message?
Then, here we go, the answer for the message of Hotaru's tricky confession…and another answer for another last question…
In that cold windy night, Ruka's hope had finally come true.
A certain raven-haired girl he had been dreaming of for so long was walking by his side, letting him held her hand without hitting or blackmailing him.
And Ruka felt really glad for the Ice Queen had accepted his feeling.
After the two had gone from that place, a ruffling sound of leaves could be heard from a certain tree which was standing not too far from that place.
And that tree was the infamous Sakura tree.
A muffled sound could be heard from that tree. Who could it be?
"Tch. Can't you stop muffling? You almost blew our cover up."
Another irritated voice came from the tree.
…Let's take a look closely.
There, on the Sakura tree, were two people sitting on one of its thick branches.
One of those two was a boy with raven hair and crimson eyes. One of his hands held onto the tree trunk while the other one was covering another person's mouth that was sitting beside him on the tree branch.
That another person had a long auburn hair tied into two pigtails and her hazel eyes were glaring at the crimson-eyed boy in irritation.
Looking at her glare, Natsume just raised an eyebrow. "If you promise to be silent, I'll pull back my hand. Got it?" he proposed a condition to her. The brunette glared at him more while he just looked at her waiting for her answer.
After a few seconds, she nodded slowly, unwillingly and unpleased. Natsume stared at her for five more seconds before he finally pulled back his hand from her mouth.
As he pulled back his hand, he could see a small pout was formed by her lips.
He shifted his crimson eyes from her pouting lips to her eyes and found those hazel orbs staring at him in annoyance.
"What?" he asked, pretending not knowing the reason why she stared at him like that.
"…" The brunette just stayed silent and looked away.
"…Playing tough, aren't we?" he teased her as a smirk appeared on his face.
Being fed enough with the silence, Natsume moved his hand up and cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. "I'll just kiss you then," he said simply. He didn't fail to recognize the small pink tinge that appeared on both of her cheeks even though her face still showed she's irritated.
His smirk widened.
And this smirk just annoyed her more. "No, you won't," she finally muttered.
Natsume raised an eyebrow while his smirk was still on his handsome face. "And why is that?"
"Uh…I…I…" the brunette stuttered as she moved her orbs to the left and right, searching for a way out.
"What?" He enjoyed her reaction.
"I'll jump!" she blurted out.
"You won't dare," Natsume retorted lazily.
A vein popped on Mikan's head after he said that. In her ears, it's heard like he underestimated her. She fumed at his answer then took a deep breath before…
Before she could finish her sentence, she lost her balance on the tree branch because she yelled furiously while moving too much.
But before she could close her eyes and ask for help, a strong arm held her back preventing her from falling. And when she was aware, she felt something warm wrapping around her.
She didn't have to look up to know what it was.
…Or who it was.
"Tch. Stupid little girl," the voice murmured in her left ear, "you almost broke your back bone."
For a moment, Mikan forgot her irritation at him. She stayed in his warm embrace silently, feeling comfortable with it.
Natsume moved a bit, shifting his position a little while leaning his back on the tree trunk. Mikan was still safe in his embrace. They're still on the tree branch as Natsume looked at the starry sky in silence.
"…Natsume…" the brunette finally found her voice.
"Ruka-pyon said he confessed to Hotaru this afternoon. Does that mean he like her more than a friend?" she asked as she pulled back from his embrace, making the crimson-eyed boy stare at her with his twisting eyebrows.
"Are you stupid? It's so obvious, Polka," was his answer.
"…Why would he lie to me by saying he just like her as a friend?" she pouted.
"Because you're too stupid to realize that he lied to you."
Mikan looked up and her hazel eyes met the crimson one. "Then why Hotaru doesn't answer his confession?"
"She has answered it, little girl," Natsume said while holding her left pigtailed-hair.
She arched an eyebrow. "When? They just talked about some weird things after that."
The raven-haired boy let out a sigh at his girlfriend's dense thinking. "Do you know what Ruka's hope is?" he asked. The brunette simply shook her head. Natsume looked at her in bored. "How dense you could be?"
"Hello? How do I know what Ruka-pyon's hope?!" she retorted irritatingly, "I can't read his mind!" Then she stopped after she said that; surprised expression was on her face. "Oh!"
The crimson-eyed boy raised an eyebrow at her sudden action. "What?"
"Koko told me that Ruka-pyon like Hotaru," she mumbled while recalling the moment when the mind reader told her the news.
And this left without unnoticed by the fire caster beside her.
"Now you get it," he said.
Mikan looked straight at his eyes once again. "So, his hope is Hotaru has the same feeling with him?"
"Sort of."
"So, when Hotaru asked what his hope is, does that mean…she reciprocated his feeling?" she asked again while staring at the raven-haired boy, wanting to know if her hypothesis was correct.
"Is there another possibility?" Natsume replied lazily.
"Then…what does it mean when Hotaru told him to take a look at his watch when he asked if she tricked him again?" Mikan was curious.
Natsume sighed and asked, "Did you take a look at your wrist watch when she said that before?"
She nodded.
"What's the time back then?"
Mikan put a finger on her chin while looking at nothing up there, trying to remember. "Um…00.05…?"
"It's…very early in the morning…?" she said sheepishly.
And this answer earned her a light poke on her forehead from Natsume. "Hey! What's that for?!" she complained while covering her forehead with both of her hands.
"For your idiocy," he replied simply.
"…Pervert…" the brunette muttered while pouting, irritated.
"You can cheat or trick people officially when it's 1st April. And the clock showed it's 00.05 at that time," the fire caster explained impatiently. "If you still can't guess it, then I'll hit that stupid head of yours," he added in annoyance.
"…Um…then it's been 2nd April…and…" Mikan paused as her eyes widened once again.
Looked like she had gotten the message…
"…Hotaru didn't trick him again…?" she spoke in a low voice.
Natsume just stared at her, waiting for her next reaction. Mikan stared back at him as she tried to absorb all of the explanations.
"WHAT?! SHE LIKES HIM BACK?!" she shouted, shocked.
The raven-haired boy flinched a little. "Can you not shout that loud?" he commented in annoyance, "Stars."
At the last word, her face turned red. "NATSUME! YOU'RE PERVERT!!" she blushed furiously while punching him on the shoulder a bit hard.
Natsume caught her wrist, stopping her from both shouting and punching him. "Have you forgotten why we're here?" he reminded her as he stared at her straight in the eyes.
The brunette stopped. She blinked twice before she answered, "Um…because the fan girls chased you…?"
"Then stop shouting. They'll find us here if you keep on doing that," he said as he let go off her wrists from his grasp.
Natsume closed his eyes and leaned back on the tree trunk while Mikan watched him in silence as she recalled what had happened before both of them ended on the tree branch.
After Mikan finished her detention's assignment that afternoon, Jinno came into the classroom on time. She turned in her assignment to him then walked out from the classroom with Natsume.
But fate could be cruel sometimes.
The fan girls spotted them and chased them, and their amount kept increasing from time to time.
And here they were, sitting on the tree branch, hiding from the fan girls. Plus, they heard Ruka and Hotaru's private conversations.
What a day…
Mikan ended her recall when she felt Natsume moving beside her.
As she observed him longer, she realized the fire caster's face was a little pale and he looked exhausted.
Why not?
He just came back from a mission. And before they could call it a day, the fan girls chased them.
Okay. The fan girls were annoying and making the two worn out by chasing them.
But the one who's extremely exhausted after that was Natsume, considering he just finished doing his mission.
The brunette shifted her gaze from the raven-haired boy to the sky that was painted by dark blue color as the background and a few stars as the ornaments. And in the next second, a cold wind blew from nowhere, making her tremble slightly by touching her delicate nape skin.
Natsume realized this, since he always observed her even though his eyes were closed since a few moments ago. He opened his eyelids, revealing those crimson orbs behind them, and looked at the brunette in front of him.
"Feeling cold?" he asked.
The brunette faced him and smiled a little. "Mm, it's okay."
The crimson-eyed lad knew that she's lying.
He moved his right hand up, reaching for one of her pigtailed-hair, and pulled off the ribbon which tied it while saying, "It's not April Fool again, Stars." And her hair fell smoothly on her shoulder, reaching her waist.
And once again, she blushed at the nickname. "NATSUME! PERV-"
Before she could finish her shout, another pigtail had loosened and the rest of her hair fell onto her shoulder too, covering the delicate skin on her nape.
The raven-haired lad held one of her hands and put the ribbons on her palm.
Then she realized.
He just tried to make her feel warm…
She couldn't help but forget her irritation just now and let a smile make its own way on her lips.
She knew her boyfriend always had his own ways to show his concern and affection.
And she liked his ways.
"Should we go back to the dorm?" she asked, realizing it had almost been dawn at that time.
"I'm not," Natsume said simply. "The fan girls are waiting in front of my room."
The brunette raised her eyebrows at his answer. "How do you know?"
"Because the same thing happened on the Valentine and St. White's Day," he replied nonchalantly while leaning his head on the trunk. "You can go back first."
She fell silent for a while then said, "You can sleep in my room today if you want."
The raven-haired boy opened one of his eyes, thinking for a while before he closed his eyes again and said, "No need. I'm too tired to move anyway."
The brunette looked at him worriedly. She couldn't leave him just like that.
Moreover, after he said that.
"…Are you trying to be alone again?" she muttered.
The lad didn't answer.
In his heart, surely he ever thought of being alone again. He didn't want her to suffer by staying by his side.
Not because of Persona's threatens or the AAO.
It's because of his lifespan…
His lifespan was drained from him slowly every time he used his fire alice.
He could feel it recently. The signs…
He could have collapsed every time and everywhere…
Never opened his eyes again just to see those bright smiles and hazel orbs of hers looking at him with worry, care, tenderness, and love.
Never moved his hands again just to caress that white, soft, delicate skin of hers and run his hands through her long silky auburn hair he always longed for, even though they just separated for a second.
Never again hearing that loud, annoying voice of hers, but also a beautiful soothing voice that could calm him when he needed it.
He afraid he would leave her one day…
While he was drowning in his thought, he suddenly felt something warm rest on his chest and the other warm things wrap around his waist.
He slowly opened his eyes and looked down, just to find an auburn-colored hair resting on his chest.
It's the brunette who leaned her head on him and wrapped her hands around his waist, as if she wanted to be sure that he's secured there.
"Then I'll be here…" she murmured as a small smile was carved on her lips, "…forever…"
Natsume eyed her before he spoke, "Stupid little girl…maybe I'll leave you one day…"
She fell silent as her embrace tightened. "I'll be with you…until that time arrives…" she whispered softly, but it's enough for him to hear. "I won't regret…I'll never regret the day I met you…those days I've spent with you…and next days that I'll go through with you…I 'll always keep that St. White's promise in my heart…"
This time, he's the one who grew quiet, losing words to push her away from him.
And even though he could say the worst one; he wouldn't do it…for she had determined to be with him for the rest of their life…
Natsume put his hands on hers, pulling them off from his waist gently. Mikan lifted her head and looked at him. She saw him taking off his blazer and putting it on her.
He looked at her sternly and said, "Don't blame me if you catch a cold."
At this statement, the brunette smiled warmly at him and leaned her head back on his chest. "I won't…if you keep on staying by my side…" was all she said as she wrapped her hands around his waist again.
Natsume's expression softened. He moved his own hands around her and embraced her back, keeping her warm and secure in that cold night as both of them slowly drifted to sleep.
Unknown to her, he let a little smile gracing his lips…
At that time…
At that words…
Whether she knew it or not, those words were so precious for him and he would cherish it…
That day when they met…
Those days they had gone through together…
This moment…
And the days after this…
He would cherish it forever…
'Are you trying to be alone again?'
To this question, he had one answer.
No, I'm not…
I'm just afraid I'll make you sad after I leave one day…
But keeping you here by my side…
It's the best thing I could do to grant your eternal wish…
And I know…
That's my deepest wish…
To have you here by my side…
And that's it! The end of Tricky Confession!XD
How is it? Do you like it? I'd be glad if you do.
For those who's confused by the message, I hope your confusion have been answered here. And for those who likes and loves Natsume and Mikan's stories, I hope this will satisfy you. Yeah! I love Mikan and Natsume!! Hahaha!XD
Um…So, once again, I thank you all for reading this story and my other stories.
I hope you like this chapter. Thanks for reading and please review! I'm happy to get many reviews from you!!XD
So, I stop the long sequels from A Miracle Night, What I Want, and A Sweet Retaliation here. Don't be sad okay? There's a possibility to continue it again, if you want it. You can tell me what story you would like me to make, like haruh, who inspired and encouraged me to make Hotaru and Ruka pairing and TADA!! Tricky Confession appeared!!
Haha! Thanks, haruh! I thought I'll end it in A Sweet Retaliation!XD
And thanks to Irumi Kanzaki, who suggested me to write the 2nd chapter of this story. There wouldn't be an ending like this if I didn't continue it, ne?
Oh well, thanks for reading and remember, please review!! See you in the next stories!!XD