AN: Written because everyone wanted to know what was up with the broken arm in "Meat is Murder, but Murder is also Murder".

You know, sex is sex. Sex is good, sex is great. Especially when you're having sex with someone like Shawn, who can do this thing with his back, where he arches it just so, and... Yeah, getting off topic. Point is, sex is fun, and most people are pretty satisfied with it. Of course there's the occasional kink to spice things up a bit. Something Carlton is all for. Most people, though, don't go out and buy a manual.

It's a well established fact that Shawn Spencer was not most people.

"Okay, now put your foot over there."

"Over where?"

"Over there."

Carlton had no idea where said foot could go. "Shawn, my leg doesn't bend that way!"

"Oh come on, it's not that hard." Shawn had the decency to avoid eye contact, at least.

"Why don't we switch spots then?"

Shawn glanced down at the book, then back at Carlton, before shrugging. "Okay, so it's pretty hard. But, it's been proven that nothing good in life is easy."

The detective sighed and resisted the urge to smack the psychic...though he wasn't entirely sure he could anyway. "Can we just have sex now?"

"No! We gotta do this by the book!"

"Have you even read the damn thing?!"

"...Yes?" Carlton glared as best he could. "What? It's got...really descriptive pictures."

Carlton cocked his head and attempted to read the cover of the book. "Shawn...?" He got an innocent look in response. "Is that a friggin' twister manual?!"

The younger man turned the book around and read it in surprise. "Well whaddya know! They made twister into a sex game!"

"Shawn! What the he- Ow, oh shit! God da-"

"...Oh boy." Shawn tentatively peeked over the bed and looked onto the floor which his lover now inhabited. "...Lassie?"

A groan was heard, and what he was sure was Carlton cursing him to the ninth level of hell.

"You know, a nurse might see you sooner if you go to the hospital naked like this."


"Yeah Lassie-face?"

"I'm swearing celibacy if you mention this to anyone."

Shawn's eyes narrowed in thought. "Not even Gus?"


"Oh come on, how can you not want to brag about a sex injury?!"

Carlton sighed for the millionth or so time. "Shawn?"


"Can we just buy porn like normal people?"

Shawn rolled his eyes and stepped over Carlton to gather their clothes. "Pfft, normalcy's over rated."