Hello everyone, this is The Boss except for revised, but it is still the same. If your are reading this and you have been currently reading The boss you can go to the last chapter to see read the chapter I have just posted. Sorry if it is confusing, but it is all the same.

If you haven't read the story then just start at this chapter. Okay.

Continue please...

"Bella wake up our your going to be late for your interview," my roommate Alice always was the punctual out of the two of us as she threw my covers off of me.

"Alice come on its barely five thirty my interview isn't until seven I still have time to sleep,"I then began to bury my head into my pillow only to have Alice walk in a second later and soak me to the bone with freezing cold water. As I jumped out of bed screaming I tried to remember why I lived with Alice in the first place. She loved to shop and I practically didn't have any choice of the clothes that I wore I admit they are cute and comfy and that was the agreement that we made when we moved in with each other but she acted like my mom sometimes.

Alice and I have lived together since our freshmen year of collage we both went to NYU. We are only twenty and we only got our loft last year as a gift from Alice and my parents. Alice for the last 3 years has had the best boyfriend ever Jasper Whitlock you couldn't help but envy them if you saw them together they were always laughing and smiling it made me sick to be around them, not that I didn't like how they made each other feel and that they were in love I just knew that I wasn't going to ever have that.

I walked into the kitchen to see a very tired Jasper reading the New York Times and sipping a cup of coffee. The minute I walked in Jasper lifted his head gave me a nod and went back to reading the paper. "Well hello to you to Jasper," I said as I sat down at the table with my own cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Bella. I see that you are not ready to wake up, either, am I right?"

"Oh Jasper, my man, how right you are. How long have you been awake, and can you pass me the Business section please?"

"Here is the business section, and I have been up sense about five and I am still not awake."

"I feel bad for you I just live with her you sleep with her."


Jasper and I couldn't help, but laugh at what I said the bad part was Alice walked in declaring to know what we were talking about and blackmailing us till we told her. The only thing that got her off our backs is that I told her that she could dress me up for the interview if she didn't push it.

As Alice got me ready I couldn't help but get excited for todays Interview I knew it was going to be a good day

"Bella Swan stay still or I am going to burn you."

"Yes Boss,"I said trying to calm down my giggles that where escaping my lips

"You know what Bella you can just leave your hair down today."

Yes today was going to be a good day.

I decided to let Alice put my hair in a professional bun and a very cute suit. The suit was black pinstripe pants and a white blouse with a pair of black boots. To put it how Alice said cute and professional. Jasper approved my outfit he always was the big brother type always watching over me.

As I walked into Cullen firm the last name rung a bell, but I simply blew it off they were the top Firm in New York everybody probably knew them. When I got to the 20th floor of the building I couldn't help but get nervous. The moment I walked in front office secretary began to glare daggers at me. The only thing that was on my mind was that this lady didn't even know me so why so I glared daggers back.

Then a woman with strawberry blond hair walked into the office and talked to the girls who's name was Lauren. Then the woman with strawberry blond hair turn to me.

"You must be Isabella Swan right,"I couldn't help but stare this woman was very beautiful.

As I regained my composer I nodded my head once.

"Please follow me and we will began the interview," she then led me down the hall into a brown office. She pointed to one of the comfy looking brown chairs a cross the desk for me to sit in.

The moment I sat down the question began," Isabella have you ever worked as a secretary?"

"No I haven't but I am a wonderful listener I am easy going and I am very organized."

"Have you ever heard of the Cullen Firm?"

"Yes, I have I hope to be a lawyer some day and I am hoping that by getting this job I can pay the rest of my way through law school."

"So you want to become a lawyer?"

"Yes, my father was one and I practically love what he did and I think by working as a secretary I can get a really good view of what it is like to be a lawyer."I answer truthfully I knew that by working her I could get a very good experience.

"You know what Isabella I like you, you seem like somebody that is very dedicated doesn't start problems and is very professional so I am going to give you a chance."

"Does that mean that I get the job,"I couldn't help, but get excited this woman had barely asked three questions and was giving me the job.

"Yes, but before you start lets go see who is going to be your boss,"as she walked out of the room I couldn't help, but follow I got the job today was a good day know I just had to meet the boss.

As the woman walked into the office I was amazed. It looked like an at home office with everything black and only bits of coloring in it, it was simple and that is exactly why I liked it.

"This is your office that door to the right is Mr. Cullen's. You will be handling his whole schedule when he asks you to do something, you do it. You also will be organizing all of his case files. Don't! Throw anything away, got it?" I shook my head," we also dress professionally here like what you are wearing now, which means no JEANS! If you need any help you know where I am, by the way my name is Tanya. Good luck, you are going to need it, Mr, Cullen hasn't kept a secretary for longer than a week. Good bye Isabella,"

"It's Bella," I mumbled low enough so she wouldn't hear

I stood in the spot that I was when she had left, and was thinking how could I have gotten this job so quickly. I was so bewildered by what was happening that I didn't even notice that my boss was standing in the doorway staring at me.

The minute I saw Mr, Cullen standing in the doorway I straightened up, but that was over one I saw him, He was gorgeous. With the most amazing emerald eyes, his bronze hair and then when I got to his lips they were curved up into a very cocky grin.

"Did you have a fun look."

What! I can't believe he just said that so with all the courage I had I came back with a come back.(Say that five times fast lol.)

"No, not really. I've seen better, but thanks for asking."

With that said his lips were in a grimace, and I had the cocky grin.

Fuming he came up to me, I could practically see the hate in his eyes. I didn't even do anything. Okay maybe I did, but he started it, I just ended it.

"Hello my name is Isabella Swan, and I am your new secretary." I was kind of thinking that talking back to your boss wasn't the best thing to do.

"My name is Edward Cullen, you may call me Edward. I get her every morning at five thirty and leave at seven. Every morning, I want a skim latte double espresso shot on my desk, or there will be issues. Here is my phone it has all my meetings in it, put them all on your computer, along with the phone numbers. Then put your number in so that I can contact you whenever I need you."Holy Crap! Did every body in this office talk fast, of was this revenge for what I said. "Is there a problem with that Miss. Swan."

"Its Bella,"I mumbled hoping he wouldn't hear like Tanya but I was wrong.

"Excuse me."

"I said I like to be called Bella."

"Well Miss. Swan, we don't always get what we want do we."

No wonder Tanya said good luck, this guy was a jerk, cute, but a total jerk. But I needed the job if I was going to pay the rest of my collage fund. If that meant that I had to work with a boss this

pig headed, then that was a sacrifice I was willing to make. Even if he did just ruin my good day.

Edward had just come out of his office and gave me a huge stack of manila folders. Also if looks could kill the one he gave me know would certainly kill someone. "I need these folders put away before you leave Miss. Swan." Ill show you were I can put the folders turn around... "Miss. Swan is there a problem,"

"No, not at all, does it look likes theres a problem Mr. Cullen," I could totally tell that I was wearing a sarcastic smile, but I just couldn't make it go away.

"I thought I told you to call me Edward, Miss. Swan." Well I know that, but if you aren't going to call me Bella than I shall call you Mr. Cullen.

"Well Mr. Cullen, we don't always get, what we want. Do we?"

"You are one infuriating woman. Has anyone ever told you that."

"No, but has anybody ever told you, that you are a pig headed jerk who acts, like he owns the world because he has the money to spend." I didn't know Edward, but just by the looks of his clothes, you could tell he had a lot of money. My mom always told me it wasn't nice to judge people, but certain times call for certain measures.

"You know something Bella." Oh my gosh he called me my real name for once. "I think we got off on the wrong start, with you oogooling me, and all how about we start over."

Well if he was trying to apologize for what he said, he was defiantly was not doing it right

"Hi my name is Edward Cullen, you may call me Edward, and you are." He was at least trying to make an effort to be nice but I knew that there was a catch. I was about to play nice, when he answered for me. "You are Miss. Swan, you are my secretary, you work for me. Know you may get back to work Miss. Swan, starting with the folders.

I was angry now and he could probably see that, he was just standing there with one of his cocking grins playing on his beautiful smooth lips. What! Where the hell did that come from. He's my boss, he is also a pig headed a jerk, and a jack.

Edward, went back into his office, and all I could think about, was that I had two more hours to go before I could leave for the day.

About an hour later a very big burly man walked into the office. I had never seen anybody that big, and if I said I wasn't scared I would be lying.

"Hello you must be the new secretary right, I'm Emmett, Mr. Grouches brother." I looked at Emmett's hand that was in front for me to shake, and while I looked at it I'm sure my face showed that I was scarred out of my wits. Emmett, than burst out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh to it was pretty funny to see a grown man rolling on the floor laughing.

"Hi I am Bella," I said gasping for air.

Once we composed ourselves and got off the floor Emmett struck up a conversation. "So how big of an ass has my brother been today."

"Is he always this way? If he is, could you please kill me." I wasn't joking well, maybe about the killing part, but he could fire me.

"I'm sorry, but no can do, I like you Bella your funny. Your different too most girls fall over him, but you hate him. It's definitely got to be a change for him."

I gave a big sigh, and Emmett and I erupted into another fit of giggle, which only made us laugh harder.

Emmett and I were on the floor when Edward came out of his office with a very annoyed look and his face. The minute we saw him Emmett and I straitened up only to have Emmett look, Edward in the eyes, then look me in the eyes, and burst out laughing.

"Emmett! Stop it now!" Thats pretty much all it did to sober up me and Emmett up. "If you are here to talk to me, get in my office, if you are here to disrupt Miss. Swan, then leave."

"Dude don't get your panties in a bunch. Also her name is Bella not Miss. Swan." I tried to hide the giggles that were trying to escape me lips. Tried to, was the clue word. Emmett looked back at me with a fit of laughter in his eyes.

"Okay little bro I'm just here to see you, but if you don't stop looking at me like that I'm, going to be coming here to talk to Bella for now on."

Emmett then started to walk to Edwards door in you could tell that Edward was enraged by what Emmett had said.

Emmett looked back at me with a pretend scared look on his face. "Bella if I don't come back out alive, I want you to meet my wife Rosalie, she would love to meet you."

Emmett then walked through the door only to have it be slammed behind him.

I shook my had and looked at my watch I only had about thirty more minutes to go. As I began to put the folders Edward put on my desk away I began to think of what we were going to have for dinner I hadn't eaten since lunch because Edward said we didn't need brakes. So here I was sitting her hungry only to have Edwards door open and a very funny Emmett come out the door. " Dude poor you, I can't believe she is making you go shopping with her, oh my gosh I have to tell Rose she is going to laugh her head off."

I then saw a book fly, and inch a way from Emmett's face, and have him double over in laughter. "Hay are you coming to mom's new Friday night dinners, isn't that just so Gilmore Girls."

"My gosh Emmett how do you even know what Gilmore Girls is." I couldn't see Edward but I'm sure he was holding back laughter cause god knows I was.

"Don't make fun of me I have a wife."

"Yeah, Emmett blame it all on Rosalie, and do we even have a chance of getting out of these dinners."

"No, You heard what mom said. 'Oh I miss my kids, the house is so quiet without you guys'. Dude if we get out of these dinners, we will break her poor little heart. Do you want to break moms, poor little heart."

"Okay I get it you can leave know."

With that Emmett shut the door and headed to my desk.

"Look I'm Alive!" Emmett said when he got to my. 'It's good to meet you Bella, I'll have to come back, we can make fun of Edward some more, bye."

"Bye Emmett, see you tomorrow," and with that he was gone.

I checked my watch only to see that I had five more minutes before I could leave the place. As I waited for the big hand to be on the twelve and the little hand on the seven on my watch. I couldn't help but get excited that I wouldn't see Edward till tomorrow.

The minute that it was seven I sprang from my chair. I gathered all of m belongings, and then headed towards Edwards door.

When I opened the door, Edward was sitting in his chair with his head inside of his hands and I didn't want to interrupt him, but I wanted to leave. " Umm Edward?" I said it just above a whisper.

"Yes?" I was surprised he could hear me I was so soft.

"I was just heading out and was going to say good bye, so good by Edward."

"Good by Bella have a nice night." As I was closing his door I was dumb struck he said my name he actually said my name. Some where deep down I knew that tomorrow was going to be a good day, it was also a new day.

I had just come out of my office and gave Bella a huge stack of manila folders and a very mean look. "I need these folders put away before you leave Miss. Swan." Once I said this it looked like she was day dreaming. "Miss. Swan is there a problem,"

"No, not at all, does it look likes theres a problem Mr. Cullen," She was a very sarcastic smile on, and I thought it made her lips look very beautiful. Though she probably hated me for what I said to her, and I was know mad at her for calling me Mr. Cullen it sounded to professional.

"I thought I told you to call me Edward, Miss. Swan." It probably was making her very mad that I was calling Miss. Swan even though she corrected me.

"Well Mr. Cullen, we don't always get, what we want. Do we?" What! She did not just use my own words on me this woman was definitely getting on my nerves, but you had to admit that she was very beautiful, but very infuriating woman.

"You are one infuriating woman. Has anyone ever told you that."

"No, but has anybody ever told you, that you are a pig headed jerk who acts, like he owns the world because he has the money to spend." What the hell how dare she insult me in my own office shes lucky I didn't fire her know, but deep down I knew that she was different, and that was what was getting on my nerves.

"You know something Bella." I had called her by her real name to see what kind of face it she would make and it was definitely worth it. Bella was know looking at me with a very surprised look and so I continued to talk "I think we got off on the wrong start, with you oogooling me, and all how about we start over."

I just had to mention the oogooling not that I wasn't doing it also, I just wasn't caught in the act. Though I must admit I could probably stare into her beautiful brown eyes forever.

"Hi my name is Edward Cullen, you may call me Edward, and you are." I was playing nice, but not any more she had to know that she could not embarrassed Edward Cullen, so I answered for her. "You are Miss. Swan, you are my secretary, you work for me. Know you may get back to work Miss. Swan, starting with the folders.

I went back into my office and sat in my chair only to regret everything that I had said to Bella. She beautiful in every way. Her brown hair up in a professional bun with stray hairs cascading everywhere. Her beautiful full lips that were just so tempting you could kiss them. Last her amazing beautiful, exquisite brown eyes

I don't know how long I sat there thinking about Bella. I only awoke out of my daze when I heard the most beautiful laugh in the world.

I opened my door only to see Emmett and Bella rolling on the floor laughing about something.

"Emmett! Stop it now!" After I said that they pretty much shut up, they bot got off the floor, and straightened up there clothes, before I continued. "If you are here to talk to me, get in my office, if you are here to disrupt Miss. Swan, then leave."

"Dude don't get your panties in a bunch. Also her name is Bella not Miss. Swan." He did not just correct me in front of Bella I was mad know. I only lifted my head to see Bella let out a little giggle that sped my heart up. I then looked at Emmett probably with death in my eyes.

"Okay little bro I'm just here to see you, but if you don't stop looking at me like that I'm, going to be coming here to talk to Bella for now on."

Emmett then started to walk to my door and I was pissed off.

Emmett looked at Bella and said in a scared voice, "Bella if I don't come back out alive, I want you to meet my wife Rosalie, she would love to meet you."

Emmett then walked through the door only to have it be slammed behind by me.

"Man how do you do that," I was trying to figure out how Bella and him could get along so well and we were always at each others throats.

"What did I do, man."

A time for Emmett to act stupid just had to be right now didn't it."How do you and Bella get along so well when we are always fighting."

"Dude how are you guys always fighting. She's only been your secretary for today. Why are you even asking." From the look on Emmett's face he was thinking hard to hard. When he suddenly got it. "No way, you like Bella." Gosh just blurt it out, but did I like her?

"Emmett shut up she can probably hear you."

"Dude she totally hates you. We were so talking crap about you out there, well maybe I was not her."

"Well thanks Emmett, thats a lot of help."

"Your welcome."

"Guess what Alice is making me do?"

"Oh no anything that involves Alice has got to be bad."

"shes making me go shopping with her and her roommate on Sunday." Emmett then began to laugh at me. "You know something I don't need your pity. Get out and get out know." He then opened the door and continued to talk in the doorway.

" Dude poor you, I can't believe she is making you go shopping with her, oh my gosh I have to tell Rose she is going to laugh her head off."

I then threw a book at him, missing by an inch a way from Emmett's face, only to have him double over in laughter. "Hay are you coming to mom's new Friday night dinners, isn't that just so Gilmore Girls."

"My gosh Emmett how do you even know what Gilmore Girls is." I was trying to hold back the fit of laughter that I was holding in.

"Don't make fun of me I have a wife."

"Yeah, Emmett blame it all on Rosalie, and do we even have a chance of getting out of these dinners."

"No, You heard what mom said. 'Oh I miss my kids, the house is so quiet without you guys'. Dude if we get out of these dinners, we will break her poor little heart. Do you want to break moms, poor little heart."

"Okay I get it you can leave know."

Emmett then closed the door leaving me in my office to regret ever being mean to the beautiful Bella.

I don't know how long I sat with my head in my hands , but I lifted my hand when I heard and angels voice call me.

"Umm Edward." It was just above a whisper, but I could still hear her.


"I was just heading out and was going to say good bye, so good by Edward."

"Good by Bella have a nice night." As she was closing his door I tried to cheer my self up tomorrow was a new day me. I would be nicer to Bella tomorrow show her how much of a gentlemen I could be. Show her I wasn't always like this it was just a bad day today. Hopefully she would forgive me.

To Edward:

From Emmett:

Subject Bella:

Dude give it a chance tomorrow

be nicer maybe things will

look up see you tomorrow

Hope you guys enjoyed you may now go on to the next chapter.

Love you all lots!! Bye...