Author's Notes: This story came to me when I realized that I wish Christine had chosen Erik over Raoul at the end of the play. So hopefully this story will be to everyone's liking. If it isn't, tell me what I can do to make it better. That's all I have to say, and I hope you will enjoy my story.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Phantom of the Opera. Erik, Christine, and any other characters I put into my story are the property of Andrew Lloyd Webber.

The Choices We Make

A Phantom of the Opera Fic by Sarah


Chapter One: Christine's Choice

As Christine walked toward the Phantom, something inside her seemed to stir, and before she knew what had happened, she was pressing her lips to the Phantom's. As they pulled apart, tears formed in Christine's eyes as she realized she would have to choose between a man who set her spirit free and a man who had been her childhood sweetheart. The Phantom looked genuinely upset as he saw her begin to sob.

"Come on, Christine, we don't have all day," Raoul snapped. "Either come with me or I'll kill that monster."

"You will do no such thing!" Christine said. "I have made my choice, and I am staying with him."

At this, Raoul turned the color of an overripe tomato and left, shouting, "You have not seen the last of me!"

Christine, who was still crying, gasped softly as she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her from behind. She knew it was the Phantom, and she leaned into his embrace willingly. Christine turned and buried her head into the Phantom's shoulder. He tilted her head up until she was looking at him, and then kissed her. She responded with a fiery passion that made the Phantom's head spin. When they finally pulled apart, the Phantom took Christine's hand and began to lead her out of his lair.

"Where are we going?" Christine asked.

"You will soon find out," the Phantom replied mysteriously.

After that, they fell silent until they reached a set of stone steps. The Phantom led Christine up them, and then Christine's mouth fell open in wonder. They were standing in front of a huge house. The Phantom opened the door and led Christine inside. After lighting some candles—Christine smiled, knowing how fond the Phantom was of candles—the Phantom turned to Christine.

"This is my house," the Phantom said. "I was going to show it to you earlier, but I doubt you would have been interested."

Christine smiled, thinking of the time she had been brought to the Phantom's lair. He had sung her a beautiful song.

"What are you smiling about, mon ange?" the Phantom asked Christine, a slight smile playing about his lips.

"About the time you brought me to your lair and trained me and sang that song for me," Christine replied.

"Oh," said the Phantom. "I never meant to frighten you; only to befriend you."

"I know that now," said Christine.

Christine suddenly wrapped her arms around the Phantom. They hugged for about five minutes before the Phantom realized he wanted more. He pressed his lips to Christine's gently, but she deepened the kiss. Her tongue pressed against his lips, seeking entry, which he willingly gave. When they broke apart, both their lips were swollen, and they were gasping for breath.

"If we don't stop, something will happen," the Phantom said, trying to regain his composure.

"Maybe there's no stopping that something," Christine responded, trying to force back a yawn.

"Are you tired?" the Phantom asked. "Let's go to bed."

With candelabra in one hand and Christine's soft hand in the other, he led her up a staircase and into the nearest bedroom, which happened to have a bathroom attached. Grabbing some pajamas from a chest of drawers in the room, he excused himself and went into the bathroom to change. When he did not return after five minutes, Christine ran to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Are you all right?" she shouted, knocking on the door.

"I'm locked in!" he shouted back. "The door locks from the outside!"

Christine laughed and unlocked the door, setting the poor Phantom free. He hugged her and led her to the bed, where a lavender nightgown was waiting. Christine changed quickly and climbed into bed with her new love.