"Oh man, did you guys find her?" Dawn asked in worry. She, Misty, Ash, Max, and Soladad were back in the Ball Room. We haven't found May yet, and the entire crowd of people was starting to get restless.

"No luck," I said.

"We can only hope Drew has," Soladad said, looking down. Then we saw Queen Somei and a Nurse Joy walked towards us. She looked just as worried.

"I heard the news," Queen Somei said. We all looked away, trying to hide our guilty looking faces. She just sighed," I'm not really surprised that May has run away."

"You're not?" Max asked.

Queen Somei shook her head,"No, facing a decision such as this, to May it's like a final good bye to her friends."

I made a small smile, "Yeah... that does sound like May... She never did like saying goodbye."

"Yeah," added Ash, "On our last day of the third grade she had a really tough time saying she was gonna miss us."

"Oh yeah..." Dawn said, remembering the old days back in the future, "She hated depressing things..."

"I can remember one day back in our younger days, Drew and I had to sell a couple of baby Vulpixes for money, after they hatched. She was crying each time one got sold," Soladad said with a warm smile.

"Yor majesty," Nurse Joy said bowing her head, "It is almost 9:00. If Princess May does not arrive and make her decision, I'm afraid she'll have to decline the throne and her friends shall be sent home at midnight.

The queen sighed sadly, "Very well... the town's people are restless anyway. They can no longer wait for something that's not even here.

"Wait..." Dawn said, her head lifting slowly, "She's coming..."

"What?" Ash asked," What do you mean they're coming? Now's not the time for your predictions of the latest fashion trends."

"No Ash, recently her predictions really make sense, and is actually something that doesn't have to do with clothes," I said, holding my arm in front of him to keep him from disturbing Dawn, "It's something I've seen for myself back in Kurai, while we were in the tower."

"Predictions you say?" Queen Somei asked.

"Yeah," I replied, "Dawn's sorta liked taking yoga and really likes to meditate."

"She does a lotta weird things. Like palm readings, potion conjuring, collecting strange objects, and she's very superstitious," Ash explained, "Except her predictions always include strange things about clothes and aren't very specific. And when they don't have anything to do with clothes they're always wrong"

"Except," I started, "This time, ever since we came into the Medieval Ages, her predictions have been very specific, and very true."

Our conversation suddenly came to a halt when we saw the two giant corridors open. And there stood Drew and May, both looking all tired out. Their clothes were covered in dirt and so was their hair. Torchic and Rosellia were right beside their trainers. Our group ran through the shocked crowd and made it to the front. May was in her old clothes from the modern world, with her bandanna and her bag.

"May, thanks heavens you're safe," Queen Somei said, hugging her granddaughter tightly.

"I'm ok grandma," May said, hugging her back, "And it's all because of Drew. It was him who persuaded me to come back here to the palace."

"Oh, is that so?" Soladad asked with a sly smile on her face as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah, so what," Drew said in his defence, putting his hands in his pockets and turning his head away.

"I knew you'd find her Drew!" Max said, "How'd you get her to come back?"

"Yeah, she looks like she was about to leave Petalburg." I said.

"Actually," Drew started, "That's the story. She tried to run away, but I found her and... let's just say we had an unexpected turn of events.

"What matters most is that May's safe and sound here with us,"I said, placing my clasped hands on my chest with my calm and smiling face.


"Oh yes Misty, that reminds me," my grandma started, "May, have you come to your decision?"

By now everyone in the Ball Room was looking at me for an answer. I think after all that's happened today, and the past month during my stay, I had come to my final decision. I walked slowly down the red velvet carpet. The people parted as I walked down it. I ended up at the top of this marble platform, so that everyone could see and hear me.

"Everyone," I started, I know... that you all came here, because of my 13th birthday, as well as for my crowing as official Princess of Petalburg. And hopefully future ruler of it as well but..." I looked at my friends. They were at the side of the crowd in front of me. I took a deep breath, "This ball is not only for my birthday, or my crowning. It's much more. As most of you may already know, I disappeared from Petalburg, in cased in ice to survive after the invasion. Well... I did survive. I lost all my memories as I was raised in the future. But... I was still the same old me, because of the friends I grew up with there. And they are truly, the best friends I could ever ask for. Then thanks to a certain... turn of events, I ended up here back in my original time, something I had to find out on my own. Then I met my old friends. And my grandmother, Queen Somei, being the kind person she is, gave me a decision, to return to the future as a normal girl... or to stay here in Petalburg, as Princess. To let my friends from the future go back home, and for me to never see them again."

I noticed Misty, Dawn, and Ash look down, thinking of the thought that we'd never see each other again.

"After the second war, and today's night, I learned that... Petalburg is my home, the origins of my parents, the former king and queen... I feel that it is my duty to serve my people and my land."

I could see Misty and Dawn crying already. It seemed clear that I was gonna stay in Petalburg, while they returned to the future. I tried hard not to cry.

"Although I may never see them again... I will not ever, forget them. Along the years, I lost my memories of my childhood here in Petalburg. I lost the memories of my old friends. But then I returned here. And little by little I began remembering my them. And it is because of those old friends I'm where I am right now. If memory loss won't stop me from remembering who my friend are, then I believe I will never, ever forget." I said. Now Misty and Dawn had tiny smiles on their faces and watery eyes ash Ash had a warm smile on his, with his hands at his side.

"I fully accept the tittle... of Maylin Maple, Princess of Petalburg."

After my speech, Dacion, the man from the Royal Court, began clapping. And soon the entire room was clapping. I smiled, finally getting over my fear. Yes I'd never see Ash, Misty, or Dawn, but I could in my dreams. And they could see me in their's. As the clapping settled, my grandmother came up on the platform and hugged me.

"May, I am proud of you. I bet your parents are as well."

"Thanks Grandma, but I'm just, you know, following my duties as a member of the Royal Family. It's nothing," I said smiling.

"Yes May, I am proud you decided to stay in Petalburg as your decision, but that's not why."

"It isn't?" I asked, "Then why are you so proud of me?"

"Because of your answer. You said you'd remain here in this time period, but your memories, both of this world and the future, were to remain in your heart as well. You stick with your friends no matter what the consequences. Especialy that Drew boy."

I blushed, "Drew?"

"Yes, it was him who brought you back after all. And I felt it would have had to be him out of all your friends to do whatever he did."

I laughed,"You don't know the half of it."

"May!" yelled the others. I looked up and saw all my friends running up with me onto the platform. Dawn and Misty jumped on me giving me a huge hug, knocking me to the ground. They were both crying with anime tears

"Oh May that was beautiful!" Dawn shouted.

"We'll miss you so much!" Misty yelled.

"I'm gonna miss May too but I don't think it'll help by covering her with tears." Ash said smiling. He and Drew got them off me and they began wiping their eyes again.

"Well May, how about we get you your dress. It's time your Princess Ball began," my grandma said, "And Drew, Max, Soladad, you three are very close friends of my granddaughter, I can tell. I believe you three deserve something fancy to wear as well."

The three of them bowed their heads, "Thank you."

I smiled, this has gone a lot better than from what I thought in the very beginning of this adventure.

"And May, because of your answer, I have a special, special present for your 13th birthday." my grandma said.

"You do?" I asked.

She nodded her head, "I know that you love your friends very dearly, in the past and in the future. And therefore... I am giving you this."

Nurse Joy came up holding a red pillow and yellow laces. On it was that Golden Pokeball. I remembered that. Back in the future, it was because of that Golden Pokeball Misty, Ash, Dawn, and I ended up here in the first place. "Is that..."

"Yes May," my grandma said, nodding her head, "It's the Golden Pokeball. With this you can use it to travel through time, more specificly your world and this world, no farther no less."

"And you're..."

She nodded her head again, "Yes, this belongs to you know. With a heart such as yours, I know it belongs in good hands."

"So that means... I can see my friends? Any time I want?" I asked, she smiled and nodded again. I hugged her with small tears running down my eyes.

"Well what do ya know, everything ends out alright, just as it always does," Dawn said.

"Yeah, May got her fairy tale ending," Max added.


I was in the most beautiful gown I could ever think of. It was probably touching the floor. I had long sparking princess gloves and a diamond and ruby tiara. I made it back to the Ball Room, and everyone eyes landed on me at the top of the huge staircase. And it was just as I had dreamed it would be. Me in a Princess gown, everyone eyes on me, and me walking down the elegant staircase. Music started playing as I walked down it, with my grandmother of course.

"Behold," my grandmother said, "Petalburg's new Princess!"

Everyone cheered and clapped. I could see Misty, Dawn, and Ash in the crow as well, my Torchic with them. After the applaud and after I made it down the stair case, everyone began dancing to the ball room music. In the corner of my eye, I could see my grandmother dancing with Dacion. I rolled my eyes, smiling. I guess even old people had their happy endings. Through the busy crowd I could see Soladad and Dawn running towards me. Soladad was now in a beautiful dress as well.

"Hi guys! I've been looking everywhere for you!" I said, clasping my hands together.

"Well we've been looking for you too Princess May," Dawn said, giggling.

I looked around, "Hey, where's Misty? I thought she'd be with you two. And Ash, Max, and Drew-"

Soladad and Dawn looked at each other and made a grin. When Dawn made that kinda sly grin, it only meant she had a plan for matchmaking. She did it all the time back in the future, "Um, what are you guys do-" Before I could finish they each grabbed my arm, pulling me through the crowd in a fast pace."Guys where are we going?! I can run in this dress you know!"

"You'll see!" Soladad replied as she continued running. Soon enough they stopped and by now I had swirly anime eyes. But I could hear something else.

"Guys wait! What's this all about?!" I heard Drew scream. I looked back Soladad and Dawn, seeing Max and Ash pulling Drew by his arms, just as I was with Dawn and Soladad. When they stopped too, the four matchmakers stepped aside so Drew and I were in front of each other. Drew was in a similar outfit to Ash's. I blushed. I could see his face reddening as well.

"Um... h-hi May," Drew said nervously.

"Y-Yeah, hi," I said, "Um, you look really handsome in those clothes." I looked away, seeing that my face was getting even more red.

"Thanks... Y-You look beautiful in that dress too." He said in return, turning red as well.

"Well, I think that the guys were trying to set us up," I whispered into his ear.

"I'm thinking the same thing too," Drew said, hiding his small laugh.I could see the others hiding in the crowd, but spying on us.

"It doesn't surprise me the guys would do this to us," Drew said.

"It doesn't?" I asked, looking at his strangely.

He turned a light shade of red, "Um, I guess. Well, you know them."

I laughed, "Yeah."

"Oh just dance already!" we heard Dawn yell. We turned our heads seeing Soladad, Ash, and Max covering Dawn's mouth.

"I guess I was right," I said, in between giggles.

Suddenly, I felt something pushing on my leg, well, at least trying to. I looked behind me and saw Torchic nudging at my dress, trying to push me forward. Then I noticed Rosellia behind Drew, trying to push him as well. Something told me they were in on the set up as well... I could only imagine Misty's part in this little Matchmaker Game.

"Hehe, I think they want us to dance," I said with a small smile.

"Well, we wouldn't want to disappoint them," Drew said, smiling as well. He bowed letting out his hand in front of me, "May I have this dance, Princess May?"

I laughed at his acting, "Of course you may." I said, taking his hand. I never practiced ballroom dancing before so I was a little nervous. It seemed Drew knew pretty well. "I didn't know you could Ballroom dance."

"Well, you did teach me how to." he said.

"I did?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. He made a small laugh since I couldn't remember.

"When we were little, we were bored to death and by some miracle you convinced me to learn ballroom dancing.

Then I suddenly remembering seeing a picture in that photo album. On it was a picture of me and Drew ballroom dancing in the fields. Soladad's Milotic was using Swift to make a background of stars falling from the night sky. So it was probably one of Drew's parents who took the picture.


After a while, we saw May and Drew dancing.

"Step 1 of plan G.M.A.D.T complete," Dawn said with a sly smile.

"Tell me again what G.M.A.D.T means," Ash said with a sweatdrop.

Dawn made a huge groan, "It mean Getting May And Drew Together, happy?"

I rolled my eyes, "Now that step 1's done, time for step 2?"

"Duh, now hurry up before something else happens!" Dawn said, flipping her hand. I nodded and ran up the stairs to the roof, right above the Ballroom. There Misty was hiding with her technology stuff, or whatever that was.

"Hey Misty," I called, reaching the roof.

Misty was sitting down trying to catch her breathe, "I don't know how you people can climb all these stairs. I seriously miss the elevator."

"The what?" I asked.

"Um, an elevator's sorta like walking up the stairs, without the stairs... or the walking... oh I'll tell you some other time," Misty said, getting confused in her own words, "Is step 1 done?"

"Without a doubt," I replied. I then took out my pokeball, releasing my Milotic.

"Are you sure about this Soladad?" Misty asked, preparing her remote or whatever it's called.

"Positive, I've kept that picture with ever ever since. It'll definitly be romantic enough." I said, nodding, "Is your... invention thingy set?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact it is. And hopefully this one will work 100 percent," she said, pressing one ore button, "Alright Soladad, you know what to do."

I nodded, "Right, Milotic use Water Pulse!"

My Milotic obeyed and fired her attack over the roof. Misty continued pressing all these other blinking buttons. Then suddenly the roof began shaking. And then, the entire roof above the Ballroom started sliding open, until it was clear to the night and starry sky. My eyes gaped at what had just happened. Misty said her part of the plan was gonna be awsome but, this was totally not what I had imagined.

"What-how-why'd-What just happened?!" I asked, pointing at where the roof used to be.

"Technology can do wonders Soladad," Misty said, winking at me, "Now use your Swift attack."

I smiled, getting out of the state I was previously in. Alright Milotic, use Swift over the ballroom, full power!"

Milotic charged her attack and then a huge beam was fired above the palace. Then out of the bright light, stars and pixie dust began falling out and into the ballroom, as if like rain, and very slow rain to savor the moment. Misty and I smiled, high fiving each other.


The ceiling from the top of the ballroom had just opened up and then stars and pixie dust began slowly falling in. The entire crowd was amazed as the sparkles fell into their hands, disappearing.

"Wow, this is so amazing,!" Drew said, looking around.

"Yeah... just like that day in the picture," I said.

"Oh, so you remember the setting," Drew said, looking at me.

I nodded, "Yeah, dark night sky, filled with twinkling stars. Then a Swift Attack falling through like shooting stars. And now... it's actually happening again."

"Now that I think about it, this is Milotic's Swift attack," Drew said, "Soladad's Milotic."

I smiled, looking at him. His eyes were fixed on the sky above. I felt my hand grab his. I could tell he was a little surprised, he then he clasped my hand as well.

"Wow, I can't believe it'd work out this good," I heard Dawn say. We turned around, seeing Torchic and Rosellia leading all of the others towards here, including Soladad and Misty.

"You guys did all this?" Drew asked as we let go of eachother's hands before they could see.

"Yeah," Ash replied.

"Even the thing with the roof?" I asked.

"Yup, it's a new feature I added to the palace, " Misty said, twirling her remote around her hand.

"But you guys aren't even kissing!" Dawn yelled. All the others sweatdropped while Drew and I blushed.

"Oh enought with the matchmaker stuff Dawn," Ash said, "It's May's ball. Let her enjoy it at least."

"Oh is that right Ash Ketchum," Dawn said, bringing her hands to her hips, "Maybe I should set up you and Misty next," she said with a smirk.

Misty and Ash blushed as me and the others laughed. Although I wondered why I always blushed whenevr something came up about me and Drew. Nothing ever happened right? Well, either way I'll figure it out. If you can time travel, save a kingdom, and fight in the army, boys shouldn't be much of a problem. 'This truly is the best birthday I'll ever have.'


Well that's the end of it. I know that May and Drew haven't really gotten together yet, but that's gonna hapen in the sequel, if you want a sequel. If so please review And i'll get to work on it right away. Thank you!-