That Girl

Starting note: In this story, Cena never proposed anyone, okay?

Summary: John Cena and Ashley Massaro accidentally slept with each other. What will happen if Ashley finds out that she's pregnant and John is the father?


March 31, 2008

John was in a bar near the hotel he is staying on. He was there drinking some alcohol to forget how he lose his match to get the WWE title back. He was getting a little tipsy when he saw Ashley Massaro, alone and drinking too. He walked near to her and sat near her.

"So you're here too because you want to forget that you lose." John started as Ashley looked at him.

"Maybe yes, maybe no, or simply I don't really know." She replied, obviously she was drunk.

"You know. Maybe it was my last chance for that damn championship belt, but I messed up. I feel like a shit." He said as he drank some more alcohol.

"You know. Your eyes are so amazing. I love them." She said as John just smiled at her, knowing that Ashley was drunk and she doesn't mean what she's saying.

"If my eyes are amazing, then what do we call your eyes, uber amazing?" he just joked knowing that Ashley won't remember the things that he said.

"That new t-shirt of yours looks so good." She replied with a seductive smile.

"And now I think you're very drunk." He said with a small smile.

After an hour, they were both drunk now.

"I think I'm the luckiest girl ever because I get to sit near John Cena, the hottest man in the world." She said as she smiled again.

"Well, I think I'm luckier than you because I get to talk to with Ashley Massaro, hottest woman the universe has ever seen." He replied looking like he doesn't know what he is doing.

"Okay, you are officially the luckiest person." She said with a laugh.

After another hour of drunkenness, they were definitely out of their mind. John was embracing Ashley.

"You're so hot, Cena." Ashley said to John.

John looked down at her and said, "So you are."

Ashley then looked up at him and a deafening silence began. John kissed her, but, it's not only a simple kiss, it was a French kiss.



John woke up in an unfamiliar bed. He looked around, there was clothes scattered and he noticed that he and Ashley was in a same bed, under the covers.

"Oh shit! What happened?" He muttered to himself, looking really worried.

He looked under the covers to find out that they were both naked.

"Ashley, wake up." He said loudly, trying to wake up Ashley. He patted Ashley's shoulder lightly.

Soon, Ashley woke up. She opened her eyes and looked around. She noticed the clothes and that she was under the covers with John.

"What in the hell happened?" She asked John, who was looking rather confused.

"I don't know. Just woke up actually. All I remember is that I saw you drunk and I joined you in drinking. Then nothing." He answered.

"All I remembered from last night is that I'm drinking alone, then nothing." She replied.

"I guessed we had sex." He said with a sigh.

"Oh shit!" was all she said.

"I also said that when I woke up." He said as he took his clothes from the floor.

"Now, I think it's my fault. I was drinking a lot." She said as John went to her hotel room's bathroom.

"No. It's my fault." He shouted from the bathroom so Ashley can hear what he's saying.

"What a night!" she said.

After a few minutes, John came out of the bathroom with all his clothes on. When he came out, Ashley was already dressed too.

"So I guess that this is your hotel room, right?" he asked her.

"Nah, I thought it was your hotel room at first." She said, causing John to look worried.

"Oh man. I can't believe we checked in into a room." He said as he looked at the ceiling, avoiding an eye contact with Ashley.

"So do I. And I can't believe I drank so much last night." She said as she looked in the windows of the hotel room.

"I better go." He stated as he walked near the door.

"Can I have your number?" she asked him before he could leave.

"Okay." He answered as he gave her his number.

"Maybe, you think I like you but I don't. I just want to get your number so that if something else happens that concerns you, I can contact you." She explained.

"Well, bye." He said as he left.

'Oh my god, I can't believe I had sex with the great John Cena. Shit! I gotta tell Trish about it before anyone else knows.' Ashley thought to herself.

Ashley looked around before she left the room and went to the hotel room she shared with Trish.

When she reached the door of her hotel room, she knocked. In about 5 seconds, somebody opened the door. It was Trish.

"Ashley! Where have you been?" Trish asked her friend.

"I'll tell you later." Ashley replied as she came in of her hotel room.

"Where did you sleep last night?" Trish asked.

"Well, all I remember is that I'm drinking alone in a bar then when I wake up, I found myself naked in a bed with John Cena. I can't believe it actually."

"Oh my god, I bet you had sex with him."

"Yeah, I think so. We were both naked." Ashley said as she looked around for her iPod.

"I was worried for you actually."

Ashley found her iPod under a pillow in her bed. She opened it and she stuck its earphones in her ears. She browsed her music library and she found the song she wanted to hear, 'Family Reunion' by Blink-182. She played the song and it really explains what she is feeling right now.



Tell me what you think about this fanfic of mine. By the way, I really want to put the lyrics of the song 'Family Reunion' but it's full of profanity and I don't want so much profanity in this fic. Just go to Google and type in 'Family Reunion Lyrics' and press enter. If you want to know why the title of this story is 'That Girl', it's because I was listening to McFLY's 'That Girl' while I was trying to name this fic.