Disclaimer: Masashi Kishimoto is the brilliant mind behind Naruto & Naruto Shippuden… certainly not me.

Warning: This story will contain yaoi, het (probably), bad language, rape, bondage and all sorts of "bad" stuff. Stop reading now if you are faint of heart, too young of spirit or if you do not want to expose yourself to a multitude of sins. Be forewarned!

AN: Love to all my reviewers!!


From Chapter 5:

Stepping back to survey his work, Kabuto took in the luscious sight before him. He reached down and was just about to undress himself as Orochimaru entered the room.

"Kabuto. Well done. I see that you have prepared our guests for my arrival."

Damn it, he got here too soon. Kabuto smoldered as he turned to his master with a reverent expression, "As you desire, Orochimaru-sama."

"Leave us!" Orochimaru ordered as Kabuto bowed and backed out of the room… closing the door quietly.


Chapter 6

Naruto's bushin was tracking one of Sasuke's as it ran along a small stream. I know I saw a blur of white and blue up ahead… that has to be him.

"Aargh!" Naruto screamed as a paper bomb took him completely off guard. He flew sideways into a tree trunk… hard. He left some blood and ripped up bark in his wake.

"Thanks a lot teme!" he yelled out into the forest ahead as he rubbed his injured shoulder and stumbled back to his feet.

Clearing a small footbridge in a single leap, Sasuke's clone decided he had run far enough. Abruptly stopping just north of the little bridge, he leaned back against a large rock and placed the sole of his foot against the stony surface. Hn, fine, I'll wait dobe. Crossing his arms, he diverted his gaze in the direction of the remnants of the setting sun. He pretended to ignore Naruto's pending arrival.

Mere seconds later, Naruto's bushin clumsily landed on the bridge with a loud thunk. Staring at the stoic Uchiha he suddenly became unsure of himself. He's grown so much over these years… he's taller now… his hair is longer… but the bastard's still as cocky as ever! Damn him, what am I supposed to do now….he won't even look at me. How dare he ignore me like this!

"S-Sasuke." He said quietly as his eyes slid over the figure before him. He's so familiar, and yet, so different.

Sasuke's clone continued to purposefully ignore him.

"Sasuke!" he yelled. "Look at me, you fucking bastard!" At least some things never change. Naruto mused, as he waited for the Uchiha to honor him with his attention.

Sasuke's clone finally sighed and slowly, deliberately turned his head towards Naruto. He locked his onyx eyes with Naruto's cerulean ones. Naruto sure did look different. He was a lot taller now and seemed to have more mature features. I wonder if he's changed much after all this time… he considered as he started to lose his concentration. He gave his hea a small, firm shake.

"Hn… what do you want, dobe? Don't you know following me is hazardous to your health?" he smirked as he looked away again.

Naruto's clone began to growl and clench his teeth. I have to make him listen. No. I have to make him FEEL again….

Naruto's bushin quickly crossed the short footbridge and marched along the bank of the stream towards the vision of Sasuke. Sasuke's clone looked over at him again as he approached.

"Tch… what do you think you're doing?" he asked as he pushed himself away from the large stone with his foot.

Sasuke reached and drew out his katana and Naruto quickly jumped into action. Pinning the raven-haired ninja's wrist against the large boulder with his left, he firmly pushed him back against the rock with his right. He then pressed his body into the Uchiha to hold him in place and gazed deeply into his dark eyes.

"Sasuke… I know that words won't help you now…."

Leaning in, Naruto claimed the pale lips of the Uchiha as his right hand caressed the skin of that exquisitely, exposed chest.

Sasuke's clone was totally surprised. I didn't think he'd actually try this outside of his thoughts! But… oh… this feels… he's so warm and soft somehow… and his hard muscles… he's so strong… I can't move. His hand is over my heart… it feels like it's melting my soul… Sasuke's clone returned the kiss and relaxed his grip on the sword.

His lips are so luscious… Sasuke thought as he slid his left hand down his own leg… his hair is tickling my face… he noticed as he fingered the cold steel on the hilt of his kunai. Sasuke inhaled deeply as if to remember Naruto's scent. Why is he making me do this! He thought with anguish as he completed the deed with one… swift… stroke.

The kunai blade was thrust deep into Naruto's back, puncturing his heart and quickly disrupting his balance.

"S… Sasuke…" he murmered, as tears pooled in his blue eyes, "I have always loved you." and he popped out of existence.


In that very moment all of the experiences of his bushin came rushing back to his mind. Naruto could feel the warmth of Sasuke's body as he held him against that large boulder. He could see the twinge of feeling in Sasuke's eyes… he could feel the kiss be returned and how he soared in that moment. He could see the instant of sincere concern in Sasuke's eyes as he felt the blade press unnaturally into his back… the overwhelming sadness on Sasuke's face was apparent as he disappeared.

I'm getting to him. Naruto thought to himself as he focused back on his present situation.


Sasuke's clone realized that he had just killed one of Naruto's bushin and he exhaled a big sigh of relief. Thank God it wasn't really him. He thought as he sheathed his kunai.

Noting that his purpose had been fulfilled, he ended his own existence and allowed his experiences to return to their true owner.



Sasuke was suddenly roused from his meditation as strong emotions overwhelmed his very soul.

He remembered the anticipation of Naruto's pending arrival and how his heart skipped a beat as Naruto strode toward him along the creek bed. He remembered his resentment as his wrist and sword were pinned to the boulder… the correct way to block my sword… he always was a quick study for a dobe…. He remembered feeling his resolve weaken as that sweet kiss drained him of all his anger. He felt himself wanting to give in… to forget about his revenge and return with Naruto to a place of happiness. He felt himself deepen that sweet kiss with more force and passion. He remembered how he melted into Naruto's touch… how he felt about him.

Sasuke shook his head again and placed his hand over his heart.

He remembered being totally devastated when he took Naruto's life. It was as if all the life blood had been drained from his own body as he watched his best friend slowly die in his arms. He remembered that same feeling when he had found his parents dead on the floor of their living room… that same frantic feeling… that same out-of-control fear…. And then, his confession… and thankfully, the recognized that he had just killed a mere illusion. Then, there was only relief… and respect.

Sasuke shook his head yet again and suddenly noticed that he was no longer masking his chakra. Quickly fixing that problem and settling his nerves… he reached into his pocket and brought out the necklace again. Feeling the warm stone between his fingers and the cold chain running along the back of his hand he allowed his thoughts to wander. Naruto… I know what you are trying to do… but can't you see it is pointless? We can't be together. Not while Itachi still roams free. If you truly care about me then you will leave me alone!

Sasuke tried to return to his meditative state but found it very difficult. He decided to use Naruto's necklace as a focal point and it did the trick. Clearing his mind of all thought, he focused his gaze on the slightly swaying stone… he became calm and successfully disappeared once more from the reality that hounded him.


Yamato's left shoulder was still bleeding and his right thigh was throbbing and swollen from the poison dart. His concern for Naruto was the only thing keeping him conscious… but the gag in his mouth prevented him from saying anything… and his limbs being bound prevented the use of any jutsu. I am completely powerless. He noted as his heart sank in despair.

Looking up he took in the dungeon room around him. It was very dark, only lit by four torches… one on either side of him, and two on the wall across. The walls and floor were all made of stone and he could see some scary looking tools displayed upon the wall to his left. The wall to his right contained the door through which Kabuto just left. In the middle of the space he saw that Naruto was still struggling against the severe bondage. He could see that blood was beginning to drip down his wrists and ankles as the chains dug into his skin over and over again. And then there was Orochimaru… he was gazing down upon Naruto with an unnatural smile across his deathly face. Please don't do it you sick bastard! Yamato silently pleaded.

Orochimaru licked his lips with his long, snake-like tongue as he gazed down at his struggling prey. "Deliciousss…" he hissed as he turned his attention to the various implements displayed on the wall. He looked at all the shiny "tools" and decided upon a short fisherman's knife. This will work out just fine. He mused as he began to slowly, methodically sharpen the blade.

Naruto could hear the noise and it literally sent shivers down his spine. Fucking snake! What the hell is he going to DO to me! Naruto could feel the concern pouring off of Yamato even though he couldn't see his face. Damn it! If only I could see what was going on! If only I had this damn sack off my head! Naruto was starting to panic as he heard the sharpening sound cease… It's hard to breathe in here… he thought as he started to get dizzy. No! Wake up damn it! Naruto renewed his battle with the chains and could feel his wrists and ankles getting more and more injured as he pulled and strained.

"That's quite a show you are putting on for me, Naruto-kun." Orochimaru breathed as he licked the blood from one of Naruto's wrists, "I have to admit that I am greatly enjoying the view."

"Fuuh…oooo!" Naruto tried to yell behind his gagged mouth. Orochimaru merely sneered in response.

Yamato watched in horror as Orochimaru circled around Naruto with the sharpened blade. His eyes big with fear as he watched the Sannin carefully choose where and how to begin his torture.

Naruto felt the blade against his cheek and he stopped his struggle.

"How do you want to begin, Uzumaki-chan?"


"Oh yes, I forgot, you can't answer me right now can you?" Orochimaru sneered, "How delectable! Well then, I suppose I'll just make the decision myself."

After some careful consideration, Orochimaru decided to hook the blade onto Naruto's Jacket. He started at the back of his collar and began to rip the fabric in quick strokes until it reached all the way down and through his waistband. The jacket, now split in half, slipped down over each of Naruto's bound arms and rested on his forearms. Sick bastard! Naruto fumed as he confirmed what type of torture he was probably in for.

Orochimaru just laughed as he repeated the task with Naruto's black T-shirt.

Exposing the skin on Naruto's back only served to increase the Snake's appetite and he gently ran his fingers along the length of Naruto's spine.

Jumping at the sinister touch, Naruto almost broke his own limbs off to try to get away from those cold, bony fingers… but it was no use. The Sannin observed the muscles of the young boy ripple and flex during his continued struggles and he smiled widely in appreciation.

"Mmmmghf!" Naruto screamed through the bondage as he felt the knife begin to rip through his pants. Please don't rape me… please don't rape me…. Naruto prayed.

Yamato felt tears rolling down his own cheeks as he witnessed what was happening. He couldn't watch, and yet he couldn't look away.


Meanwhile, back in the forest, another of Naruto's bushin was catching up to one of Sasuke's.


Thanks for your continued readership… I hope the cliffys aren't too much for you! XD

Good karma to those who review!!