A/N: Hey

A/N: Hey. Another possible last chapter. We'll just see, I guess. Read on, if you must.

Chapter 20: Final Chapter (deal with it!)


What? Who is this? Am I alive?

Kagome, listen to me. You are only dreaming…well, you might consider it a nightmare, but still.

Why am I dreaming about this?

Because, it's what I went through.


Yes. It's me.

Oh, I've missed you so much! Why am I dreaming about what you went through, though? And why is Inuyasha here, too?

Because, I want to show you how dangerous the world is and how quickly—and easily—life can be taken. This 'Inuyasha' is here to make it more real and personal for you. For me, it was your mother.

Mom was there?

Yes, and I'm glad I was able to spend my last minutes with her before I was wrapped up like a Christmas gift. They plastered so much of me, and now I am completely free, unbound by the limits of humanity.

So you're like…an angel?

I guess you could say that. I can't watch over you, like a guardian angel. I may just be a pigment of your imagination. I'll never know, only you.

Why haven't I been able to reach you before, then?

You wouldn't let yourself.

Has mom?

Yes, very much so.

Why can't I see anything? Why can't I see you?

Goodbye, Kagome. I must go now. I love you.

Dad? Dad! Daddy!

I gasped heavily for air, like I had been holding my breath the whole time I was talking to my dad…or at least what was supposed to be my dad. My eyes shot open. They were wide and I could feel the shock and horror they revealed.

"Kagome? Are you alright? What's wrong?"

"She's going into shock!" I heard a paramedic shout.

I was still in the ambulance, as if not a second had passed since Inuyasha informed me of what happened. I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out was uneven wheezing sounds, followed by a sickly gurgling sound. I lifted my head to see a thick piece of glass disappearing into my chest. My shirt was splotched with blood. My lungs burned more than ever…well, just one of them.

I put two and two together and realized I had a punctured lung, and I was still bleeding, and now I was going into uncontrollable shock. Lovely.

I looked over to Inuyasha, who saw the panic in my eyes.

"Kagome, please, you need to calm down. Don't make things worse…just, please, you have to live. You have to!"

I nodded my head slightly, suddenly noticing the brace I wore around my neck. I had a pulsing headache, a bandage over part of my forehead, and I could feel on of my lips swelling. My arms were cut and bruised and my legs ached. I had to put my head back down.

I turned my head quickly—too quickly—towards Inuyasha's terrified gaze and—

I sat up straight in my bed, gasping in terror. I felt up and down my body, double checking where I had seen a thick piece of glass not thirty seconds earlier.

I calmed myself down as best I could. "Relax, Kagome…just a dream…not going to die! Deep breath!"

I laid my head back down on my pillow, looking anxiously at the red glowing numbers of my alarm clock. I still had several hours before it would be an acceptable time for someone to get up on a Sunday.

After several useless battles with my eyes to go back to sleep, I reached blindly for my phone. I flipped it open and dialed the first phone number that entered my mind.

It rang four times before it was answered.

"Hello?" a sleepy voice said.

"Inuyasha? It's me."



"What's up?"

"I can't sleep."

"You okay? You sound a little anxious."

"I just had a bad dream, that's all."

"Oh, okay. So…what?"

"I just needed to talk to somebody. I'm sorry; I woke you, didn't I?"

"Well, I usually sleep at this time, yeah."


"It's okay; it's you."

I smiled at that. I was already feeling less and less nervous.

"Inuyasha, can I ask you a question?"


"What would you do if I….if I died?"

"What? What the hell are you talking about?"

"If I died, what would you do?"

"I'd…well, I'd…I honestly don't know. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't know what to do with myself. You're my world, my everything. Remember the song?"

"Yes, I remember it very well."


"So…would you fall in love with another person?"

"No." His answer was quick and sire, like he saw this coming. He didn't even sound like he was saying it just for my sake.

"Are you sure? You know, you can't help who you fall in love with."

"I know. But I won't let myself betray your love. You're the only thing that matters to me."

"But, you would get lonely, wouldn't you?"

"Well, yeah. Until I joined you."

"Wouldn't that take a long time of loneliness though?"


"What? I thought demons lived monger?"

"No, they do. But I wouldn't be able to live without you, so I'd find some way to kill myself, probably."

"No! Don't you dare!"


"I said, don't!"

"Why the hell not?" He actually sounded really upset over it.

"Don't let me get in the way of your future. You could meet someone and fall in love again."

"Nope, I wouldn't."

"How do you know?"

"I just know."

"If you say so. Look, this is kind of a weird subject. Can we talk about something else now?"

"You brought it up."

"And now I'm ending it."

"Alright. What do you want to talk about?"

"Do you want to meet somewhere so we can talk in person?"

"Right now?"


"Do you?"


"Okay then. Where?"

"How about the park?"

"See you in five."

"Alright. Love you."

"Love you, too. Bye."

We hung up, and I was already slipping on some tennis shoes and an over-sized sweatshirt. I grabbed my purse and walked quietly out of the house to the front door, stopping in the kitchen to grab a granola bar.

Once I was in my car, I just sat for a minute, eating and looking straight ahead. What if I did die? Right now. I could, very easily. I could choke, I could get into a car crash, I could kill myself, with my own hands…

I sighed and turned the key to start my car. I drove a little over the speed limit since no one was around at this hour. The sun hadn't come up yet, but the sky was a dim, gray color, not black or deep blue.

I pulled up along the curb, behind Inuyasha's already parked car. I could see the outline of his head through the back window. I saw him glance in a rear view mirror and smile.

I got out and walked up to his door. He looked at me, still smiling lightly.


He got out and hugged me. I loved how he was so warm all the time. The early morning was chilly, and I was shivering a little.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

I just kept looking at him, his hair a little ruffled from sleep; mine probably was too. He looked into my eyes, and he backed up a step, smelling how I felt; I was thinking about everything I wanted to do with him at the moment, for everything he's done for me. I felt a little like I Miroku had been a bad influence on me throughout the years.


"Why are you thinking like that?"

"You don't want me to be turned on by your sexy looks?" I joked. He laughed his wonderful laugh and looked at me more seriously.

"Not yet."

"Why not?"

"You aren't ready."

"How the hell would you know?" What the hell? Didn't he want me?

"I just don't think you're ready."

"Well, I do!"

"Kagome, you aren't even out of high school."

"Neither are you!"

"But I will be in a week."

I couldn't respond to that. I was a little angry, but also hurt.

"Am I that repulsive?"

"What? No! You're everything but that…believe me."

"Then why? If I say I'm ready, then the problem is solved. Are you not ready?'

"No, I'm ready for that sort of thing. But I think it would be wrong."

I'll show you wrong…!

I closed the gap between us and kissed him passionately, feeling him respond made me more eager to prove my point. He held the sides of my face and pulled me away a few inches. "What?" I asked angrily.

"Kagome. Stop it. You may think I have a lot of control over the situation, but, well, let's just say I'm a man. And you're a beautiful woman. Trust me on this one."


"No, I don't think we should."

I sighed, frustrated. He just laughed at me.

"Is that the only reason you wanted to meet in person?"

"No, I wanted to see your face."

"Well, you see it. Let's go sit down."

He led me to a nearby bench and we sat close. I kissed him again and tried to lower him onto the bench a little, so that we were more parallel. He caught on once I had him flat on his back. "You don't give up easily, do you?"

"Nope. I just can't understand your reasoning."

"I can't understand yours."


He laughed again. I turned my head and lowered it onto his chest, hugging him. If he wouldn't kiss me, he would stay pinned. Ha! Who am I kidding? He could easily get out of this position.

I gazed idly at the grass a few feet away, thinking up a new plan.

"Kagome?" he asked after about ten minutes.


"Will you…" He hesitated, shifting a bit.

I looked at him, curious.

"What is it?"

"Let's sit up."

"Oh, sorry…"

I got up and moved over a bit, his hand coming out to grip mine. He slid off the bench onto the grass. I only then looked at what he was wearing. A red sweat shirt—like mine, only mine was gray—gray sweats, and a pair of old tennis shoes.

"What is it, Inuyasha?"

He looked up at me, his face tormented. I was a little surprised by his expression, I must say. "Will…no, never mind."

"Come on. Just say it."

He took a few deep, unsteady breaths before turning to me again.

"Will you…will you marry me?"

My jaw dropped. Where did this come from?


"Will you marry me?"


"Never mind, forget I said anything…"


He looked at me, confused.


"Yes, I will marry you."

"Are you serious?"

"Completely. Were you?"

"Of course."

"Well, then…"


He laughed suddenly, the shock wiped off his face. He stood and lifted me up bridal style—oh, the irony. He leaned over and kissed me, still smiling, on my lips. I snaked my arms around his neck, pulling him a little closer.

He suddenly broke away and asked a question I hadn't expected. "Do you want the ring now?"

"You already have it?"


"Hell yeah, I want to see it!"

"I thought you might say that."

He pulled out a small black, velvet box from the pocket of his sweat pants. He set me down carefully, handing it to me.

I opened it and felt my breath hitch. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. It was a one band and there was one large, circular diamond on the top, the band glittering with a bunch of little ones—it was as if it had been coated in glue and rolled in glitter made of diamonds. They were that small.

"Oh, Inuyasha." Here it comes. The waterworks.

"You like it?"

"I love it! I love you." A tear slid down my cheek, then another, then another.

"Don't cry…I love you too."

That just made me cry harder. Sobs of happiness convulsed through me, the sobbing sounds beginning to turn to laughter. I went to stand up, but he put a strong hand on my shoulder. I looked at him curiously. "Do you want me to put it on?"

I nodded my head, afraid that if I said anything I would start another round of tears. He knelt down on one knee, taking the ring from the box. He slid it slowly onto my finger.

I was now engaged to the best thing that ever happened to me.


I snuck back into my room and closed the door. I decided I was too awake to attempt sleeping, so I went to my bathroom and turned on the shower. I just stood there, letting the hot water and steam soak into my skin. When I finished, I could hear my mom banging pots in the kitchen. The smell of omelets drifted into my room once I opened the door.

Walking down the stairs, I stared at my left hand, and then remembered that my mom would flip if she saw the ring. I unwillingly slipped it off and stuck it in my pocket.

"Hey Mom."

"Hey, honey. You're up early."

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep any more."

"You hungry?"


"Sit down, I'm almost done."

I ate my breakfast and sipped some tea. I kept quiet, knowing I might accidentally say something.

After I left my house, I practically sprinted down the steps of the shrine to my car. I nearly fell and tumbled down the remaining steps halfway down.

I whipped out my phone and held down Sango's speed dial number. I held it to my ear as I started my car, checking behind me to make sure I didn't hit anyone or anything.

"Hello?" asked a groggy voice.

"Sango? It's me."

"Mmm…" She was clearly unhappy about her interrupted sleep. "Are you insane or something? Who in their right mind would get up this damn early?"

"Well, obviously I would."

"What is it?"

"I'm coming over. I seriously need to talk to you."

"But that would involve me getting up."

"Ah, you're a smart one, aren't you?"

"Screw you."

"I'm almost there. See you in a few."

"I hate you."

"Okay. Bye."

I hung up the phone before she could say anything more. I had to tell someone! I would burst if I didn't.

I realized Sango may not have been exactly the best choice. I would just have to put up with her freak-out fest. This would certainly be a wake-up call to her…

I dug into my pocket and slipped the ring back on. I admired it shortly at a stop sign. I would be at her house within three minutes. That's enough time to talk to Inuyasha, right?

With that, I pulled my phone back out and dialed his number. It rang a couple of times before he answered.



"Hey, babe."

"Hey. What are you doing right now?"


"Well…how much more time do you need in order to be Fun Inuyasha?"

"About five."

"How about…three and a half?"


"Deal. I'll come over later and we can go into town and hang out."

"Looking forward to it."



"I wasn't dreaming, was I?"

"About the call you made to me at an outrageously early hour today? No."

I sighed with relief. "And after that? Still real?"

This time, he sighed. "Yes, Kagome. I still want to marry you."

"Good. I'll see ya later."

"Love ya."

"Sweet dreams, Sleeping Beauty."




"I love you, too."

He laughed. "Bye, Kagome."

I pulled into Sango's driveway next to her SUV.

I saw the movement of a curtain, followed by a door opening. Sango stood in the doorway, robe on and hair mussed.

"Hey!" I called.

"Ugh, your cheeriness at this hour is sickening."

"Move, so I can get in."

"Fine. This better be damn good."

"It will be, don't worry."

She followed me into her kitchen after shutting and relocking the front door.

"So, what was so important that it couldn't wait until the afternoon or evening to be told?"

"You promise not to flip out until I'm done telling and explaining?"

Sigh. "Fine, scout's honor." She held up four fingers that were pressed together, to prove to me she wouldn't go ballistic.

"Alright…here it goes." I paused, putting my words together carefully in my head.

"Hurry up and tell me already!" She was as impatient as ever.

"Inuyasha…proposed to me."

Her jaw dropped. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Come again?"

"He proposed to me…and I…"

"What? You what?"

"I said…yes."

"What?! You're engaged to Inuyasha?"

"You promised!"

"Well, scout's honor isn't worth shit! You should've known that! Pinky swears are the only unbreakable things!"

"Come on, Sango. At least try to be serious here."

"How the hell can I be serious? You just told me you're engaged, and we're still juniors in high school!"

"Almost seniors!"

"You know what I mean! And it's still high school! What are you gonna do if you get pregnant or something?"

"What would you do? You're the one with experience there!"

"Excuse me? What the hell gives you that idea? If you want expert, ask Ayame. Or better yet, Koga!"

"How dare you. How could you ever say that to me?"

Her face flooded with guilt. "Kagome…I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I am so sorry. This is just…so weird. We're in high school, Kags. High school. I never even thought about having to deal with stuff until after college."

"I know, Sango. I understand your point, but…I'm just so in love with him."

Sango's eyes softened. "Kagome…I'll try to be happy for you. I don't even have to try! I am happy for you. I want you to know that. I'll try not to be judgmental about it, though."

"Thank you, Sango. You are the best friend I've ever had, and I want you to be comfortable with my decisions, as well as me with yours. I, honestly, still don't know what you see in Miroku, but he makes you happy, so I'm happy for you."

She laughed. "He really just puts on that as more of a show. You know the whole 'scoring' thing. It makes the other guys jealous. I won't let him tell them we've done it though. I won't lie for him."

"Oh, thank God! I wasn't sure if you had or not. I'm relieved you didn't."

"You think I'm that easy?"

"No, but I know Miroku."

"True, true. But he's a decent guy."

"That's good. I have a few hours before I'm going to Inuyasha's to hang out downtown. You want to do something?"

"Can I shower first?"

"I insist."

"Great. I'll be ready in like a half hour."

She ran up the stairs and into her room, then I heard the closing of a door—the bathroom. I could here the shower coming on. I looked at the kitchen table. She had set her phone down and left it there. As I studied it, it began to ring. It was Miroku. I hesitantly picked it up.


"Hey, sexy."

"Um…Miroku. It's not Sango, it's Kagome."

"Oh…sorry. Where's Sango?"

"In the shower. We're going to hang out for a while before I go to hang out with Inuyasha."


"Why, did you want to hang out with her, instead? I can go home."

"No it's fine. She needs to spend time with you—just you two."

"Okay. Did you want to call back later?"

"Yeah, I'll call after you leave…which would be when?"

"In a few hours."

"Maybe I'll go hang with Inuyasha."

"He's sleeping. I would be there now, but he said he needed a few more hours."

"Oh, never mind. I'll see ya later. Tell Sango I'll call her."

"Will do. Bye."

I hung up her phone. Sango turned off the shower and I saw her walk down the hallway—the bathroom was right at the op of the steps, so I could see her. She held a towel to her damp hair, squeezing the ends to keep them from dripping down her back.

I looked around the kitchen and grabbed and apple out of the bowl in front of me, taking a big bite.

I almost jumped when my cell phone vibrated. Who was texting me?

I flipped it open and was pleasantly surprised to have it be Inuyasha.

Hey, babe. Wat r u doing?

Hanging w/ Sango

I miss u

I luv u

I cant stop thinking about u since u called. Makes it hard 2 sleep.

Sorry 

I think it's better than sleep


Ur my fiancee, wats not to like?

Sweet ;)

Ttyl luv u


I flipped it shut, looking up to see Sango walking down the stairs. "Miroku called while you were in the shower."

"Oh, what did he say?"

"He'll call you later, when I leave."

"Kay, thanks."

"What do you want to do?"

"We should just hang out like we used to before we got boyfriends. I miss that."

"Like…mani-pedis, makeup, and talking about boys? Sounds good."

She giggled and clapped her hands together excitedly. "Great, let's go in my room."

We spent a few hours doing each other's nails and makeup. When it was time to go, it seemed like I had just gotten there. We hadn't spent real BFF time together like that in forever. I didn't realize how much I missed it.

When I pulled into Inuyasha's driveway, he was sitting on the front porch. I suddenly had a flash of the dream I'd had about us on a porch acting like an old couple.

He stood up and ducked his head to get in my car.

Unexpectedly, he leaned over and kissed me. I didn't expect it to be so…friendly. Usually it was just a quick peck on the cheek or lips. I liked the change, though.

I looked at him and knew that I would be with him forever. I wouldn't ever get tired of him. I would always marvel in his beauty—his silver hair, his strong, manly chest and arms, his mesmerizing eyes, or his cute little ears. They would never cease to make it difficult to breath. They would never stop making my heart rate go wild just thinking about them.

And now they were all mine.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"You know what I want to do."

"Besides that."

"Lunch and a movie?"

"Fine, as long as there aren't any bedroom scenes. You're already bad enough with out one of those to replenish your hopes."

"But you do that every time I'm with you."

"Not on purpose."

"Sure, I'll believe that when hell freezes over."

"Didn't you hear? It did last week." He smiled at me. I shook my head.

"You're something else."

"You gotta love me."

"I do. Besides, I don't think I could ever not."

"Good. Now, let's get going."

"Where to, Master?"


"Well, you seem to control all the decisions in my life."

"That's not my fault. You just let me."

"I don't believe that."

"How about when hell burns again?"

"I heard it's supposed to get a warm front next week."

"I'll ask you then."

"Shut up and let me drive."


"Excuse me?"

"You're excused."

"You little…"

"You know you're jealous."

"Of what?"

"My incredibly good looks and great personality."

"Oh, of course. I've always wanted to have doggie ears."

"Oh, ha ha. Make fun of the hanyou."

"Never. I love every part of the hanyou."

"Even the great personality?"

"Especially that."

"I love every part of the human."

"Even the emotions?"

"Especially those."

I smiled. I loved just being able to talk like this.

"So, where to?"

"How about…Wacdonald's?

"Sounds good. What movie should we see?"

"How about an action movie?'

"How about a comedy?"

"How about a horror?"

"How about a gushy romance?"

"No. Remember what I said before? Bad influence on you."

"And again, I said that you do that anyway."

"Hell didn't actually freeze over like I heard, then."

"It will if we see a romance; or better yet, a romantic comedy!"

He looked at me, face torn between a yes or no.

"I'll be good. Only kissing, I promise."


"Yay! We're here. Drive through?"

"Sure, why not."

"What do you want?"

"You. Always you." I smiled. I guess I'll get my happy ending. "A burger, fries, some extra napkins…"

I laughed. He was making fun of the 'engine sludge' commercial. He always knew what to say. That, I'll admit, I was jealous of.

"Welcome to Wacdonald's, how can I help you?"

"Can I get two cheeseburgers, two medium fries, and one large coke?"

"Two burgers, two medium fries, and large coke. Anything else?"

"Some extra napkins?"

"Your total will be 7.29. Please pull around to the window."

"Some extra napkins…" Inuyasha laughed.

"You said you wanted them!"

"One drink?"

"We'll share."


"Do you want me to tell them to leave out the extra napkins?"

"No. But you forgot to include you."

"You already have that."

"Do I?"

"Completely. Always. You always have all of me. If you would just give me all of you…"

"Oh, but I have."

"Not in the way I want it."


"As in…after we're married, right?"

"If we're married, then you'll have all of me all the time."

"If, if is good."

He laughed. I closed my eyes, taking it in.



"About what?"


"What about me?"


"Good or naughty?"


He shook his head. "I sometimes wish it were only one or the other."

"Which one do you want more?"

"Not sure."

"Aren't you going to ask me?"

"I think I already know the answer."

I shook my head. "I don't think you do."

He raised his eyebrows. "Oh really? Intrigue me."


"What? Why not?"

"A little mystery never hurt anybody, and it certainly wont hurt you."

"Said the spider to the fly."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a set up. You say something that picks at my mind till I nearly go insane, and you win. Just like a spider would just as quickly try to lure a fly into its own trap."

"Don't make it into a big thing. I just like messing with you."

"Ah, and curiosity killed the cat."

"More along the lines of 'It wasn't the airplanes. It was Beauty killed the Beast.'"

"So now I'm a beast?"

"At times."

"Well, nobody's perfect. But I gotta say, ouch."

"But in a good way. Always in a good way."

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Yes, but I could use a reminder."

"I love you more than life itself. I can't live without you, and I won't. I'm the luckiest man in the world because I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you that much."

"Not to mention you have to live with me; I won't ever let you leave me."

"That sounds kinda stalker-ish. I like it."

"You better, 'cause you're stuck with me. Oh, and by the way—ditto."