Over at the Tendo household, Genma and Soun immediately sensed that something horribly wrong was occurring. The two looked at each other and quickly nodded their heads. Genma said, "You get your daughters and head to Juban. I'll stay here and try to help hold back whatever is coming in." Soun was about to protest when Genma firmly said, "Ranma still has his mother if I die, but your daughters will only have each other if you die. Now get going!"

As much as Soun wanted to argue otherwise, he knew that Genma was correct. The feeling they were getting from the west wasn't the typical crazy Nerima adventure feeling. It was a hell-on-earth sort of feeling. While getting up from the shogi table, Soun softly said, "Please make it out alive, old friend."

Genma gruffly replied, "Don't get sappy on me Soun. We can't have you crying up a storm when you trying to get the girls out of here. Besides, I'm too slippery for anyone to kill. Now get moving." Once Soun had left the room, Genma sighed and said, "Goodbye old friend. I will miss our shogi games." The old martial artist then pulled out some paper and began composing his death poem. There was just something in the feeling that Genma was getting that made his death seem like a very real possibility.

Once the poem was completed, Genma folded it up and placed on the shogi board. Genma hoped that when the Tendos returned after this calamity and he died, they could deliver it to Ranma. For a second, Genma just sat in his chair staring at the poem. If he died today, was that all he would leave behind him? It wasn't like Genma had anything to his name, except for his martial arts. Genma shook his head and said, enough of this sentimental nonsense. Nothing's going to cause trouble here in Nerima if I have anything to say about it."

Immediately after saying that, Genma stood up and bounded out the door towards the west. For the first few hundred meters, everything was peaceful. Then the normal peace and quiet was shattered by the cries of a stampede. If Genma had been limited to the streets, he would have been swept away by the mob. Luckily, Genma wasn't limited to two dimensions and he quickly started running across the rooftops. Once Genma got past the front of the mob he let out, "What the hell?"

Hell was fairly accurate description of the devastation in front of Genma. The Hanyos were blasting buildings and people like they were trying to just drive them forward. Meanwhile the daemons were acting like hunting dogs. They were at the mob's heels and shredded anyone who tried to resist. In all of his life, Genma had never seen a more horrifying sight.

Suddenly there was a purple flash of light and two figures suddenly appeared between the daemons and the panicked mob. Genma squinted for a second and realized that the mysterious arrivals were Ryoga and Mousse. In spite of the situation, Genma couldn't help grinning. If the heavy hitters of the NWC were getting involved, then there was a chance that things might not be so doomed after all.

Ryoga spotted Genma up on a half-collapsed roof and hollered out, "Get down here and lend a hand Genma. We need to hold these things off until Ranma can arrive with reinforcements." Genma's answer was to fire off a barrage of vacuum blades as he ducked for cover. Both of the younger fighters quickly followed suit and in that area the Hanyos' advance was halted.

All throughout the special wards, the Sailor Scouts were stretched beyond their limits. There were simply too many enemies stretched over too large of an area. Even Sailor Moon was having trouble holding the hanyos off long enough for people to escape. As Usagi looked on from her hiding spot at the seemingly endless amounts of daemons and their hanyo masters, she tried to figure out what to do. If the Scouts were to survive, let alone defend the civilians, they needed a miracle and they needed it now.

Suddenly a miracle arrived in the form of a squadron of F/A-18 Hornets. The squad was one of many that had been hastily organized to respond to the Code Tsukiyomi. Usagi breathlessly watched as the squad unleashed a spread of air to ground missiles. As everything in Usagi's sight exploded from the missiles, she prayed that the enemy was incinerated.

As the smoke cleared, Usagi saw that the strike was a partial success. The daemons had been destroyed by the attack, but the hanyos had survived. Usagi was about to try blasting the hanyos to take advantage of any wounds they might have. Unfortunately, half of the hanyos kept her pinned down, while the other half created more daemons. Sailor Moon let out an unladylike curse and switched on her communicator. Above the roar of the hanyos' attacks Usagi commanded, "Setsuna! Tell the military to increase the intensity of their attacks."

Setsuna immediately responded, "Will do princess. Do you have any further orders?"

Usagi immediately responded, "Yes! Tell the Scouts to fall back to where the secondary Musk line is supposed to form. We're no good fighting separately like this. The military has to stall the advance. It's the only way we can hope to save these peoples' lives." In the back of Usagi's mind, she knew that this move would write off hundreds of people's lives. What made this even harder for Usagi was the fact that the lives lost by the Scouts retreating would only be a fraction of the lives that could already be written off.

With a tear in her eye, Usagi bolted away from the hanyos and crashed through a nearby window. She used the building's interior as a shield before she crashed through another window and rolled out onto the street. The reincarnated princess then ran down a side alley, ran up a fire escape, and started running across the rooftops.

A series of vortexes suddenly opened up on either side of Usagi as far as the eye could see. Usagi heard a battle cry coming from the nearest vortex as the Musk warriors poured out onto the battlefield. Even though the Musk warriors were outnumbered by the hanyos and deamons, they were able to keep the enemy at bay. This epic feat was achieved thanks to the Musk's training and the weapons they had received from the General's vault. Usagi helped out where she could by providing artillery fire.

For a time, the combined forces of the US military and the Musk warriors were able to keep the enemy at bay. But ever so slowly, the front line was being pushed back before Usagi's eyes. After Usagi jumped to another rooftop to stay behind the Musk line, the communicator started ringing again. In a testy manner Usagi hissed, "What is it Setsuna? I'm a little busy trying to keep this area of the front from collapsing."

Setsuna regretfully said, "Bad news princess. While satellite imaging shows that most of the population is behind the second line, there are still thousands who aren't save yet. Apparently, the enemy was holding some troops in reserved because about 4,000 more enemy soldiers are heading towards the front line. The squads currently in the air have exhausted their armaments and are heading back to resupply. You'll be without air support for at least ten minutes."

Usagi thought for a moment and then asked, "How are the other sections of the line holding up?"

Much to Usagi's dismay, Setsuna replied, "It's looking pretty grim princess. Some sections of the line have collapsed completely, while others are buckling heavily. The only parts of the line that aren't too badly stressed are where Ranma and Hotaru are fighting at. There just aren't enough Musk warriors to repel the enemy army. Ranma's already called several companies from the second line to reinforce some of the main lines of retreat."

As the decimated company of warriors below routed, Usagi closed her eyes and sighed. Usagi then hit a button on her communicator and said, "Ranma, its time for plan B."

Ranma and Usagi appeared in the empty royal palace's main teleportation hall. Usagi quickly took charge as soon as the vestiges of the teleportation spells ended. In a collected manner that she didn't actually possess, Usagi said, "Follow me Ranma. The altar is this way." Ranma nodded his head and nervously followed Usagi's directions. What else was he supposed to do? What else could he say?

As the duo quickly rounded a corner towards the royal suite, Ranma said, "Do you want to get married? When this is all over I mean." Usagi stopped in her tracks and turned to face Ranma. In an unsure manner, Ranma continued on. "I know that you wouldn't do this if we had any other choice and you wanted to save yourself for marriage."

Usagi's face broke out into a soft smile and she said, "So you want to turn me into an honest woman after you and I go at it like animals?" Ranma started to blush and Usagi quickly gave him a peck on the cheek. As Usagi straitened up she said, "Thanks Ranma. I would be honored to be your wife."

Very quickly the two of them reached the royal bedroom, and Usagi activated the hidden passageway switch. Once the passage way had been revealed, Ranma and Usagi slowly started to walk down the steps. As they were walking, Usagi shyly said, "Ranma? When you take me, take me as quickly as you can."

Instantly Ranma stopped walking and worriedly blurted out, "But that will hurt you Usagi!" Right then and there, Ranma wondered how this could be even more messed up. Not only did he have to take away one of Usagi's dreams because of the hanyo attack, but now Usagi was basically asking him to make it as horrible as possible. Ranma had been hoping to at least insure that the whole experience wasn't too bad for Usagi, and now she decided to add this?

Usagi could see what Ranma was thinking by the look in his eyes. She wrapped her arm around him and softly said, "I don't want to have to do it like this either. However, the bitter truth is that people are dying every second that we delay. I'm the only one could can cast a spell to transport everyone up here at once so as soon as the Moon's habitable I need to leave."

Ranma nodded his head and said, "I know that Usagi. It's just that I want to at least do something right about this whole thing. This whole thing, it just feels wrong to me. I know we need to do it, but I don't want to well-"

Catching what Ranma was trying to say, Usagi finished the statement by saying, "You don't want to just get off and leave me with the raw end of the deal." Ranma just nodded his head sheepishly. Usagi gave him another smile and said, "I understand. How about when this is all said and done, the two of us go to my quarters and you show me how you wanted our first time to go? The horse will have already left the barn as they say."

Usagi nodded her head towards the bottom of the stairs and said, "Stop pouting Ranma about that poor pun. Consider it an advance on what you're about to do to me; your sore pride for my sore backside. Now, let's hurry up and get to that altar."

Setsuna was standing near a video monitor that had live air coverage of Tokyo trying to process what she was seeing while still doing her job. When Setsuna had first arrived at the command center with the Prime Minister several of the officers had given her strange looks. Not that Setsuna really blamed the men, since it wasn't every day that an urban superhero in a skimpy outfit walked into a military command center. However, once Setsuna had sat down and started relaying information, everyone acted like she was a part of the team.

The manner in which everyone was handling the current crisis was, at least in Setsuna's mind, a testament to the officers' training. Sure everyone was worried about the lives being lost because of the attacks, but they weren't losing their heads over the situation. Considering that Tokyo was experiencing a massive battle strait out of a fantasy novel that was quite amazing.

One of the officers in the rows of computers near Setsuna suddenly called out, "Primary line in Suginami has completely collapsed. Survivors are moving towards secondary lines. Rerouting squads 13 and 14 to provide cover fire for retreat."

Setsuna immediately activated her communicator and said, "Minako, what is happening? Why did your line break?"

Minako quickly responded by yelling over the sounds of the battle, "Bad news Setsuna. The hanyos blew up something, possibly a large gas tank, near the line. They then charged the line and were able to break through before we could plug up the hole."

To Setsuna's surprise, the general in charge of the base walked by and said loud enough for Minako to hear as well, "Rally what troops you can miss, and get to the secondary line. It was only a matter of time before the primary broke so don't fret. We need as many soldiers as we can get on the secondary line to defend the civilians."

Once Minako cut her transmission, the general turned to Setsuna and said, "Where are Sailor Moon and Jovian Paladin? According to the reports I received from the Japanese government, those two are the strongest members of your team Sailor Pluto. Why did they leave the battlefield?"

It was obvious to Setsuna that the general wasn't angry at the princess and Ranma. However, the general was annoyed that he didn't know where two valuable military assets were for the battle. She quickly, politely said, "Sailor Moon and Jovian Paladin have a backup plan incase we need to evacuate everyone out of the wards. However, it takes some time for this back up plan to get ready to be used. Sailor Moon made the call to switch to this plan and pulled Jovian Paladin to help her get everything ready."

The general nodded his head understanding the need to prepare a backup plan. Sure, the general wished that he had been brought into the loop sooner, but he could understand why Sailor Moon and Jovian Paladin were gone. Curious about the plan, the general asked, "How do those two plan to evacuate several million people?"

Before Setsuna could answer, an aid ran up to the general and practically shouted out, "Sir! Something is happening on the Moon!"

Naturally, the general turned around and berated the aid, "The Moon? We've got demons attacking Tokyo, our aircraft are stretched to the limit trying to help magical girls and mystical warriors defend the civilians, and you come in here talking about the Moon? Son, you need to get your priorities strait. Leave the stargazing until after the battle's over."

Setsuna immediately jumped in and said, "Wait! What's happening to the Moon?"

The aid turned to look at Setsuna and he nervously answered, "Well ma'am, the Moon's changing. I don't know what's going on, but there are reports of forests, plains, lakes, and even oceans suddenly sprouting like magic on the Moon. No one has a clue why this is happening."

Setsuna turned to look at the general and she happily stated, "General, that's my princess's plan B starting to work. Any moment now Sailor Moon will cast a spell to transport everyone inside Tokyo to the Moon. If I were you, I'd get on the phone and get both the Prime Minister and the President to approve a nuclear strike on Tokyo as soon as everyone is transported. Don't worry about the radiation since the princess can remove it later when this whole mess is over."

With an intrigued looked on his face, the general said, "Do you realize the media fallout that will be generated if we go through with that plan?" After Setsuna nodded her head the general smirked and said, "Why not? Let's see if the politicos are willing to blast these demons strait to hell."

Nodoka, Ikuko, and Kenji were trying desperately to keep the mass of people near them calm. Even though they were several km behind the secondary line, practically everyone was panicking. This was understandable considering the fact that most people were from other wards and unused to the craziness that people in Juuban and Nerima had to face. The parents were trying their hardest to calm people down, but they were getting only minimal success. Pretty much everyone who had fled here was desperately trying to leave. Perhaps those people thought they could leave by plane or boat?

Ami's mother was kneeling near an ambulance a few feet away from Nodoka and the Tsukinos. Currently Mrs. Mizuno was working with the nurses from the ambulance treating several dozen wounded. Some of the wounded had been caught by the hanyos' attacks, but most had been injured by mob as it made its way to the inner wards. Mrs. Mizuno prayed to the kami for help as she injected some morphine into a man who had been slammed into a window. The suffering she was seeing and the devastation that she knew was coming was almost too much for her to bear.

Rei's grandfather was also near the ambulance. However, he had the much more morbid duty of helping the terminal cases come to terms with death. The normally jovial old priest couldn't even keep up a mask of happiness. He remembered his elder brother's tales of fighting in WWII. Was this despair and hopelessness what those people in China and Indochina felt like when the army conquered them?

Mr. and Mrs. Aino were across the street from the other parents trying to keep about two dozen children safely corralled. All of the kids had been separated from their parents by the mob. There was no way that these little ones would make it to safety if this got worse on the front. The Ainos had been grouping the kids so they could lead the kids to safety. What made this whole situation worse for the Ainos was the fact that they didn't know if Minako was still alive or not.

Suddenly, there was a blinding light that forced everybody to close their eyes. When everyone could look again, the huge mass of people discovered that they weren't in Tokyo anymore. Instead of smashed between massive skyscrapers, the huge mass of worried people was standing in a vast plain. No one in the vast throng of people, except for those few who had personal experiences with magic, could understand what had happened.

Ever so slowly, a few members of the mob looked up at the sky and gasped in surprise. There was the Earth hanging serenely in the sky. North America was plainly in view leaving no doubts that it was the Earth in the sky. These people quickly turned to their neighbors and pointed at the heavens. Soon, everyone was staring up at the Earth wondering what was going on.

An enormous image of Sailor Moon suddenly appeared as the massive crowd's attention was focused on the Earth. Sailor Moon bowed her head and firmly said, "Hello citizens of Tokyo. Many of you know who I am, but for those of you who do not I am known as Sailor Moon. However, what many of you do not know is that I am also the reincarnation of Princess Serenity and heir to the Moon. Because the surprise attack was too much for me, my allies, and the military to handle, I have used my magic to restore the Moon's biosphere and transport you all to safety."

"Everyone please remain calm. You are all safe now and there is no way for the enemy to reach you. Act in an orderly manner and tend to the injured. As it will probably be at least several days until you can return to Tokyo, you may stay at one of the recently restored cities here on the Moon. The Sailor Scouts will lead you all towards the city. Listen to them, to the Musk warriors who have been protecting you, and to the surviving police. Things are crazy now, but they will soon be settled if you all remain calm."

"Treat this as a chance to see things no one else has seen. You're the first people not connected to the Silver Millennium to set foot on the Moon in over forty years. Do not worry about food; Jovian Paladin is contacting his subjects as I speak to bring over food for you. The food will be waiting for you when you reach the city."

"-Thousands in San Francisco and Los Angeles are protesting against the mass murder of sentient creatures by the Sailor Scouts. -Currently China is lodging a complaint to the United Nations about foreign nationals operating bases in its territory. –Several of the more militate clerics in the Middle East are calling for a jihad against the Neo Silver Millennium claiming that it is a satanic regime that has infested the heavens. -In an amazing turn of events, the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople have called for a joint council to handle the issue of whether or not certain types of magic are acceptable. –Stocks in oil and heavy industries have plummeted as talks of 'techno-magic' technologies have been announced. –The president of the United States-"

With a quick press of a button, Ranma turned of the TV and said, "You know Usagi, its funny when you think about it. We get 700 channels on this new TV, and there's nothing to watch."

Currently Ranma and Usagi were in the royal bedroom lying on their emperor sized bed. Ranma was lying top of the sheets on the left side of the bed with the TV zapper in his hand. Usagi was lying under the covers of the right side reading a textbook on management. As Ranma turned to look at Usagi, his attention was drawn to her breasts. Usagi wasn't wearing a nightshirt since it was just the two of them in the room and their suite had been locked for the evening. She did it deliberately because she knew how much the sight of her bare breasts got to Ranma.

Apparently, Usagi was extremely adventurous when it came to relaxing in the bedroom. It was a side of Usagi that only Ranma got to see or know about. Ranma figured that his wife was like this because it was a way for her to relax after an exhaustive day running the government. Of course, Ranma wasn't about to complain if that's how Usagi wanted to blow off some steam.

Usagi put her textbook down and said, "What did you expect Ranma? There's never anything good on TV. Even with the ginzushou, I can't find a decent show to watch." The couple quickly burst into giggles at Usagi's joke.

Ever since the Battle of Tokyo a month ago, Usagi and Ranma's lives had changed forever. Among the many changes that had happened in their lives, Ranma and Usagi's identities as Sailor Moon and Jovian Paladin had been revealed to the world. This was a by product of their assuming control of the Neo Silver Millennium. That had been a bit of a challenge as there were many people on Earth who didn't like the idea of an absolute monarchy being established on the moon. However, with the Musk as the NSM's military and a several hundred million dollar price tag to get to the Moon without the NSM's approval, those people couldn't really do much.

Ranma casually put the TV remote on the bed table and leaned over to capture Usagi's lips. As far as Ranma was concerned, Usagi being his wife was one of the few good things to come out of the post Battle of Tokyo craziness. Ranma and Usagi had quickly created and signed a marriage contract while they had been waiting for the refugees from Tokyo to arrive in the capital city. Both of them figured that it would be easier for the other nations to accept the NSM if its rulers were married to each other. Besides, Ranma really didn't want Kenji to find out that he was bedding Usagi without a ring on her finger.

After a few minutes of kissing, Usagi gently pushed Ranma away a bit and said, "You know dear, you and I must have the craziest lives ever. But, I wouldn't trade our lives for anything. After all, I got you because of it." With that said, Usagi proceeded to show Ranma just how grateful she was to have him in her life.