Enter Sandman

By: Half-elf

AN: This is that last chapter… I swear this time.

Disclaimer: Still nothin'.


Chapter 6

He wasn't there. She had believed Ku Lon and he wasn't there. Staggered, she sat on the roof trying to suppress the tears that threatened to fall. 'Was it all a lie? Or maybe it wasn't a true dream like she thought it would be? If he didn't return my feelings then he wouldn't have shared the dream.'

She couldn't help the small sob that escaped her or the tears that followed. Now she knew why that potion was used only sparingly; it could bring great happiness or great misery.

Drawing her knees up she curled forward around them to stifle her sobs. It hurt. Worse than any hit she's ever taken, worse than…

A noise from behind her caught her attention. Ranma was making his way cautiously towards her.

"Ranma!" She lunged for him, arms wrapping around him tightly. Her tears now of relief and happiness.

He returned her embrace, resting his cheek against her hair. "Then it wasn't a dream?" She shook her head no. He pulled her against him tighter. "Did you mean it?"

Akane smiled up at him. "Oh, yes."

Smiling he kissed her lightly. "Good. 'Cause I ain't lettin' ya go, tomboy." She let out a giggle and nuzzled into his neck. He stroked her back, just taking in the pleasure of holding her close. "You know, I meant what I said." Pulling back he looked down into her eyes. His thumbs stroked across her cheek and she leaned into his touch. "I really do."

She smiled. "Good. 'Cause I ain't lettin' ya go, baka."

Ranma groaned at having his words tossed back at him. Leaning forward he pressed his lips gently to hers. She sighed and slid her arms around his neck. It was just as good as she dreamt it. 'No. This is better. This is real.'

They separated silly grins on each of their faces. She sat down, pulling him with her as she wrapped his arm around her. They stayed that way, simply taking in the pleasure of holding each other as the stars disappeared in the lightening sky.

Eventually Ranma shifted, drawing her sideways onto his lap so he could see her face. "How did it happen?"

She let out a laugh. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

So she told him. Blushed when he admitted to having a hazy memory of the first dream and a much clearer one of the second. When she arrived at Ku Lon's involvement he drew back.

"Are you sure we can trust her? I mean, she hasn't always been honest with us."

"I believe her this time. She was different when she explained things to me." She smirked. "Plus I think she discussed it with Kasumi beforehand."

From his expression she could tell he was caught between amusement and disbelief. "Really? Wait… was that what was up with your conversation when you came home? I thought it was weird."

She smiled. "You know, I even wonder if the whole thing wasn't Kasumi's idea to start with. Ku Lon seemed pretty impressed with her. She probably approached Kasumi with the idea of making up for all they trouble they caused and Kasumi suggested she try to get through our thick skulls."

"Mine's not thick. Yours though…" He accepted her playful punch with a smile. "Fine, fine. But do you think she'd give the old lady permission to actually give you a potion?"

Akane thought for a moment. "I think she would. As long as she was convinced that her intent was good. Kasumi's a romantic at heart really." She rested her head on his shoulder. "We really should thank her though. Who knows how long it would've taken otherwise."

"Yeah yeah. You have a point."

She nuzzled closer, drawing in his warmth in the chilly morning air. "You know, we really should thank Ku Lon too."

He stiffened. "I don't like putting myself in her debt."

"But you, we, wouldn't be. We'd just be letting her know that we're even now. No one would own anyone else."

"I guess so." He grumbled. She yawned and he laid them down. "We can go later." He smiled and they closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Akane woke up to bright sun and the presence of someone sleeping next to her. Rolling over she took in his still form. 'I've always like watching him sleep.' As if feeling her gaze, Ranma shifted before his eyes slowly lifted open.

For a moment he looked confusedly at her before realization struck and he smiles. "Hey."

She smiled back. "Hey yourself." A laugh escaped her as he tugged her down and cuddled into her. "Come on you baka. We need to get up or people will come looking for us."

He smirked but got up anyways. Gathering her in his arms he swung them through her open window. After listening at the door for people they quickly made their way downstairs, Akane tugging him toward the kitchen. Soun didn't even look up from his paper as they passed him by.


Kasumi turned at the sound of her sister's voice. When she saw them standing there, hand-in-hand, she smiled softly. Akane rushed forward and hugged her sister. She whispered, 'thank you.'

Kasumi blinked back tears and whispered back, 'you're welcome.' Looking over her sister's shoulder at her future brother she smiled and extended her hand. When he grasped it she pulled him into the hug, smiling at the red dusting his cheeks.

Pulling back she looked at their happy faces. "I am so happy for you both. You have no idea how long I've been hoping for this." They had the presence of mind to look abashed. "I'll make a special dinner tonight." She saw Akane open her mouth to protest but Kasumi cut her off. "You'll know even if no one else will. You have my word that I won't tell anyone if you don't want me too."

Ranma and Akane shared a moment of silent communication before he nodded. "We would appreciate it." He blushed slightly. "It'd be nice to kinda enjoy it for a while before someone comes and screws with it. Like pops…"

"…Or daddy." Akane smiled, in complete agreement. "But there's just one more person we need to speak to today." She laughed at Ranma's groan.


Ranma stared at the door to the Nekohanten glumly. Behind him, Akane was growing impatient. "I'm nervous about this too but we might as well get it over with." With both hands braced against his back she pushed him through the door.

The cheery tinkle of the bell alerted the beautiful young woman washing tables to their entrance. "Nihao. Welcome to the…" Xian Pu trailed off when she noticed who her customers were and, to their surprise, a tiny blush kissed her cheeks. They shared a confused glance while she collected herself. "Nihao Ranma… Akane. I fetch great grandmother." Without waiting for an answer she turned and went into the kitchen.

They only had time for Akane to remind him to close his mouth which had dropped open at Xian Pu's uncharacteristic response before Ku Lon came through the door. "Ah, children, so good to see you." She shot Akane a sly look. "All is well I hope."

Akane couldn't help the smile that crossed her face. Ku Lon had retained the maternal tone from earlier. "Everything is wonderful, Elder."

The old woman cackled with pleasure. "I am glad to hear it." She turned her wizened gaze on Ranma. "Have something to say to me do you, boy? Well get to it. I'm not getting any younger."

"Look, old woman-" A not so gentle nudge from Akane reminded him that he was supposed to try to be friendly. Sighing he bowed to her like he would to an equal in battle. Her smile grew a little wider. "Elder, I have chosen to accept the reparations you have made on behalf of your tribe."

She returned his bow with one even deeper. "On behalf of my tribe, I acknowledge your acceptance of our offering. On my own behalf,' she smiled warmly at them, 'I wish you all possible joy."

Smiling brightly at the older woman, Akane moved forward and took Ranma's hand in her own. "Thank you."

She waved off her thanks. "Of course, this means the kisses of death and marriage are null and void." She let out a cackle. "Only these ones of course so don't go getting any more."

Ranma blushed and Akane laughed. "Not like I was trying in the first place." After a moment of companionable silence he couldn't help but ask the question that had been bugging him since they came in. "What's up with Xian Pu?"

Ku Lon looked smug and satisfied. "Since I was already making one batch of potion it was no trouble to double it."

They looked at her in surprise. Akane was fighting back a smile. "You gave the potion to Xian Pu?"

"Of course I did. It was about time the girl woke up. I just helped her along." She sighed in mock disappointment. "I'll have a duck for a great grandson." Laughing they waved goodbye and left the restaurant hand-in-hand.

Akane tugged at his hand gently to get his attention. "You know, I had fun last night in the dream." When he smiled smugly she blushed. "I liked that too but I was thinking of the sparring." She avoided his gaze. "Do you… do you think we can do that again?"

He was silent for a moment before smiling brightly, remembering how much fun it had been and how much she had enjoyed it. "Sure. Anytime."

She let out a happy squeal and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. While he was pleasantly stunned she tugged him toward home… and their future.


AN: Well I hope you guys have enjoyed the additional chapters. (I swear there is no more coming!) I'd love to hear from you about what you thought about it so hit that sexy little button there and leave me some love.