Angels in Oz

Angels in Oz

Chapter 1-The call

A/N-This is an angel Unlimited/Wizard of Oz crossover. You're more likely to enjoy it if you like Angels unlimited.

I sighed. I went to the Angel Watch centre at least once a week and I loved it. Helping humans, being there, making sure that no one on Earth is ever alone. It makes me feel like I'm really making a difference. I love going on missions, I love my mates, and I especially love living in Heaven! I mean, how cool!

What I love most of all, though, is GA modules. I've always wanted to be a Guardian Angel. I had one module before when I watched over a girl called Honesty Bloomfield, and ever since I've been waiting for my next call. See, when a human needs your help, he(or she) sends you a message. They Call you because you're the one who can help them.

I was hoping I'd get a hard job this time. Honesty was hard, but I'd like a really tricky one. I love being an angel so so much! I love everything except the PODS. The evil side of the cosmos.

When you're a guardian angel, you have to protect humans from PODS. In fact, any angel has too. It's the only way to keep the Pods from completely overtaking. And as PODS is, like, shorthand for POWERS OF DARKNESS, its kind of necessary that we stop them. I finished my shift at the Angel Watch Centre and went to bed. I mean, I love being an angel. Its so cool. But it can also be really scary, and V.Weird. I'll tell you about my latest GA module. It was so strange, you would not believe.

Anyway, one Wednesday, during Private Study, I was helping Miss Dove. See, on Wednesdays we have Private Study. We have to use the Angel Link and go and do our own thing. The angel link is like the heavenly internet, by the way. Anyway, I help Miss Dove with the Pre-schoolers. I love it. According to Miss Dove, I have a gift for it. Once I considered giving up Angel Work and fighting PODS, and trying to become a Pre-school teacher instead. I didn't though. I enjoy Angel Work WAY too much!!

Anyway, my soul mate Lollie was off singing, and I was helping Miss Dove with the Pre-schoolers. I was just sticking glitter all over a painting of the beach by Maudie, one of the little angel girls. Suddenly, I went dizzy. I could hear farm noises, VERY heavy wind, barking, and a girls voice singing "Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high,". She sang some other words as well, but I couldn't quite hear them all.

I could see a yellow road and a farmhouse in my head. It was quite scary.

A moment later, I was lying on the floor looking into Miss Dove's face. I sighed. "Miss Dove, can I go? I'm sorry, but I got the call again. I think I'd better get down to the Agency!" it felt wrong to be excited, but I couldn't help it. I was terrified of being alone on this mission, but I really wanted to become a guardian Angel. I have this fear of being on my own, though, so its hard. But I'm getting better now.

Anyway, so I rushed off to the agency. I was excited. If I'd known what I was up for on this mission, I might not have been quite so eager.

So, I raced down to the agency. I suddenly realised that there were 3 other angels I knew running in the same direction. First I saw one of my best buddies, Reuben. He saw me and slowed down. Suddenly my soul mate Lollie whacked me on the back. "You got called too! How sublime babe!" she cried. I felt relieved. Could it be possible we were going to similar places? Then my blood went cold. One last person was running towards our little group.

Brice. Full name Brice De Winter. He used to be my cosmic enemy. WE still tried to avoid each other. He was a fallen angel, working for the PODS so that he could protect his brother, Dominic. He'd been accepted back into the Angel Academy, and was dating Lollie. He hung out with us a lot. We'd even won a HALO award together. But still, we didn't quite get on. After hating each other and being Arch-Nemesis' , it was hard to suddenly become Best Buds. I tried to act cheerful as he ran towards us. "OH, Hi Brice" I said to him casually. "Did you get the call too?" He nodded, avoiding my eyes. Lollie, trying to pretend there was nothing wrong, hugged him. "Ohmigosh, this is so cool! We all got the Call!" she cried happily. I managed to force a smile to my face. I was a little-no, make that a lot-put out. I knew Brice was a fully reformed angel now, but it still bugged me. I still saw him as a PODS. I mean, once he beat Reubs up real bad! There's still a scar. Of course, only because Reubs wanted to keep it, but still…

I looked at my watch. "Oh no! We'd better get going!" I shrieked unprofessionally.

We hurtled simultaneously towards the agency, bursting suddenly through the doors. A few agents glared at us as we tried to stifle our giggles. We raced quickly to the GA part of the building. Michael, our headmaster, who is also an archangel, was there to meet us. "You took an awful long time. Now, its time for me to tell you where you're going. Lola, you're guarding a girl in France, 2012, called Ellie Barnes. She moved there from London and is struggling to fit in. Reuben, you're guarding a boy who was kidnapped by pirates. He's being forced to join the crew, which is Blackbeard's. There will be lots of Opposition vibes."(Opposition is what we're meant to call the PODS). Reuben nodded firmly, ready for the challenge. I waited for my turn. "Brice and Mel, you've got to guard two rather strange people. Melanie, you have to help a girl named Dorothy Gales, who is caught in a Tornado and trapped in a strange land named Oz. You will be visible, and will be taking the guise of Glinda, the Good Witch of the North. She's friends with the Agency, so she agreed you could take her place. You will be invisible until Dorothy arrives in Oz. She's from 1930's Kansas." I sat up. My human sounded so cool! Then I heard Brice's briefing. "Brice, you will be guarding a rather unusual character. He's not even human. Your hu-the person you'll be guarding, anyway, is a scarecrow." Brice laughed, and then stopped.

"Wait. You're not joking?" Brice asked, confused. Michael shook his head. I was shocked. A scarecrow? Then Michael looked at me, knowing I wouldn't like what came next. "Brice, this scarecrow is alive, and is one of the friends Dorothy makes in Oz." Both Brice and I went pale. We had to go on our mission together? Oh no. I tried to cover up for my shock. I just said lamely "Um…Don't we have to go get changed? Well, won't I?" I asked. Michael passed me a beautiful sparkly pink dress and a huge wand. He told me that I'd be able to use all Glinda's magic powers as good witch of the north , then I rushed off to get changed.

Five minutes later, I stepped out. Everyone stared at me. I must admit, I looked very strange. But also beautiful. I also had to wear a ginger wig.

Quickly, Brice and I rushed to the portal we had to share. Al, my favourite maintenance guy, winked at me as we blasted off into the past.

I couldn't wait to meet my human. I just wished I didn't have to share my mission with Brice. I mean, have you ever heard of Superman working co-operatively with Lex Luthor? No way. How could I work with my arch nemesis? I didn't know. But I knew I had to get through this nightmare somehow.