Disclaimer: I do not own these songs, or the Jonas Brothers, or Hannah Montana, I basically don't own anything. Depressing, I know.

We all want to believe in love,
We all want to believe in something,
Bigger than just us,
We all want to be a part,
Of the greater picture,
That's hangin' in our heart,
Yeah bigger than us!


"You can't catch me even if you tried Lillian!" Eleven year old, Joseph yelled at his best friend, Lillian.

He was sprinting down the beach coastline with Lilly right behind his trail.

They did this everyday. Meet up on the beach around 5:00 P.M., they would chase each other, until one of their legs give out.

"That's not fair Joe!" Lilly retorted at him, stopping to catch her breath. She took slow heaves of air into her mouth. "You got a head start, that's what is called cheating, Joseph Adam Jonas!" She replied putting her hands on her hips.

Joe finally turned around. "Well, life isn't fair."

He ran back up the beach, having the sand in between his bare toes, while stopping right in front of her.

They were both around the height of a good 5'0", an average height for their age.

"Joey, sometimes you should go easier on a girl, we can't run as fast as boys." Lilly said proving her point to Joe.

She put a strand of her shoulder length golden blond hair behind her ear, while brushing the sand off of her bright orange tank top.

She wiggled her toes with her bright pink nail polish around in the sand. She looked up at Joe. He stared back at her.

Joe was memorized by her features, like he always was. His stomach would grow butterflies, as he kept his eyes locked on her pool of blue eyes.

Joe slowly leaned in, hoping to catch her lips with his.

Lilly knew what he was trying to do. She couldn't help put blush when she saw his puckered lips, inching towards hers. His eyes were closed and his brown hair was in his face.

Joe's lips were about an inch away when Lilly suddenly turned her head to the side, causing Joe's lips collide with her rosy pink cheek instead. He opened his eyes when he realized he wasn't kissing Lilly. His cheeks instantly turned bright red after that. He thought he was going to get his first kiss with the girl that made his heart melt.

Lilly slowly leaned in, and Joe noticed this. He put his head in too. In just a nano second, their lips crashed onto each other.

They pulled away after about six seconds. Both opening their eyes.

Lilly pointed towards the direction to her house, "I be-better g-g-get go-o-ing, it's umm, gett-ting laa-te." She stumbled with words. She quickly waved to Joe and ran up the hill with a smile on her face.

She couldn't wait to tell her older sister she got her first kiss.

While, Joe walked the opposite direction with a grin on his face, finally having the best day of his entire life.


It's love, it's love, that's bigger than us
It's love, it's love, that's bigger than us
It's love, it's love! (it's love, it's love!)
We all want to believe in love,
We all want to believe in something,
Bigger than us.

Couple: Loe, hint of Niley maybe.