I do not own W.I.T.C.H. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING. I wish i did though...and in my dreams...




Will walked home, ready for her mother daughter bonding night. That was always a disaster, but at least her mom was giving her time, putting up the effort to try to spend time with her. She honestly felt bad every time she had to bail because of being a guardian of the nonexistent veil.

"Hey mom I'm home."

Will threw her backpack onto the couch and walked into the dining room to find Mr. Collins and her mother in the kitchen eating pizza and talking about….well she didn't know what they were talking about.

"What happened to no friends over on family night mom?"

"Will you will treat me, and Mister Collins with more respect than that! And Dean is practically family. I see him more than I see you, so he has every right to be here. Why can't you just accept that?"

Will stared at her mom, both of them with their hands on their hips. Shaking, with hands balled up in fists, Will pivoted, grabbed her back pack, and walked out of the apartment. Leaving her jacket, to walk alone in the freezing cold, not one of her smartest moves.

I cant believe she did this to me…this is our night….she wouldn't even let me bring Mat over. And now even Matt is gone…why can't this be easy? Cornelia is still mad at Caleb… my mom thinks that Mr. Collins is better company than I am.

Will shook as her heart broke. She was having trouble breathing with tears streaming down her face. Will walked across the street just in time to see the Tracker and his 'dog like thing'.(according to Irma.)

Will started to run, then transformed. Well she was transforming until as always the chain caught her, thankfully she was in her guardian form.

Irma's house is just around the block…if I can get there maybe she will notice me outside…and maybe pigs will fly…..but hey it could happen.

Will flew as high as she could fighting the Tracker trying to get free. Sadly, this was giving her nothing except bruises around her stomach.

Well if he kills me, at least I won't have to take that math test tomorrow…

The Tracker smiled at Will when he realized her angle and the angle of the building next to her. He twisted the chain then pulled and watched as the guardian hit the wall, but didn't fall to the ground like he had planned.

Will looked down at him trying to get away still…when Nerissa came to her. She smiled at Will and looked at the guardian leader knowing that she could break her. Knowing that Will was no where near as happy as everyone thought she was. Knowing that there was a lack of something that the other guardians had over looked. Love.

"Will why fight? You have no boyfriend. You have no mother there for you. Why do you keep fighting when you could just give in? I will make it better for you Will. I will give you something that you seem to be lacking. I will mentor you; teach you how to use your powers to their full use. I can do so much for you Will. All you have to do is give yourself to me. And I promise never to leave you. Like your father, like Matt, and like your mother is now."

"Nerissa I know your tricks. I will never give you my powers. You are incapable of love Nerissa!"

"Well Will I guess that makes two fools. I cannot love, and you can't be loved. I can give you it back. When you had your father, your mother, your older sister. You know the one that no one talks about because you do not want to remember it. You say you do not have one because it is too hard for you to explain. I can give her back to you Will. Just say the word."

"No Nerissa you will never take me."'

Will said tears streaming down her face. She was shaking with blood flowing down her face, and Nerissa knew to give it some time. Things always got worse before they got better and she knew for Will things were about to get much worse.

"Very well, but Will if you ever need a place to go you know where to find me. I can make you the best there ever was. I can give you what you want. Come Tracker."

Nerissa disappeared into a fold, and Will dragged herself over to Irma's house, up the tree, and into Irma's bedroom without anyone noticing.

Irma walked into her room, where Will was now sleeping under her open window. She walked over to her leader and picked her up, then placed her on the bed putting the blankets over her. From there Irma closed her window, walked over to her favorite chair and closed her eyes.

Dream Land:

Will was sitting in a car, humming along with the radio as her daddy was driving. Wendy was sitting next to Will, for once allowing Will to put her head on her shoulder. Will was sick and ready to go home.

She had been forced to go to school when she had woken up that morning even though she had a fever. So now, Will was just sitting there with her sister brushing the hair out of her eyes.

Will closed her eyes. Thinking back on the day she had had at school. They had been working on addition and Will at that point in time decided that she hated math. When she opened her eyes that Wendy was falling asleep too.

The six year old grabbed her sister's hand and fell asleep. When she woke up, she was in her own bed with Wendy sitting next to her crying. That was when she heard the screaming and knew that her mommy and daddy were arguing again.

Silently she crawled into Wendy's lay and sat there as tears fell down both of their faces. As her parents fought about forcing Will to go to school sick, Wendy rubbed Wills back in little circles.

Real land:

"Will it's ok, it's ok."

Will opened her eyes to see Irma sitting next to her on the bed holding her up like her…like Wendy had. That only seemed to cause Will to cry harder. As Will sat there Irma racked her brains to try and find something light hearted to say. She hat to cheer Will up.

"Will are you ok? The whole crying thing is Cornelia's thing. Why steal it?"

Will slightly smiled and looked over at the clock to see that it was three fifteen in the morning, and to remember that she indeed had a math test today. The though made her groan. Dealing with Dean. Joy.

"Want to go back to sleep Irma? We both have a huge math test tomorrow and I can't afford to fail it. What about you?"

"Will are you alright?"

"Yeah Irma I'm alright. Thank you though."

Nerissa is wrong I have people that care about me, that love me. I may not have my family, but I have my W.I.T.C.H. and that's all that matters. As long as I have them I have a place to go when I need to get away. As long as I have them I can make it.

Will smiled as she fell asleep, this time she fell into a dreamless sleep.


"Will, Irma you both look like your going on a trip to Europe with all those bags under your eyes. Are you two ok?"

"Yes Cornelia I thought that I would save money on luggage this way. Would you like me to go get you a first class ticket or will you be flying coach today?"

Irma said as she sat down next to Will on a bench and Hay Lin walked over and let Irma put an arm on her shoulder, an arm that was soon followed by a head as Irma closed her eyes.

"I was attacked by Nerissa, and the Tracker last night. I had a fight with my mom and was out walking, and the Tracker caught me about a block away from Irma's house. She's trying to break me. I won't be her slave though."

Irma's head shot up the second she heard the word attacked and she was ready for action. Not knowing what Will wanted to do next she put a hand on Will's shoulder as the bell rang. She gave Will's shoulder a squeeze then walked away.

Cornelia walked with Will to their first period in silence and Will groaned as she was given a paper that was a pop quiz.

"This is so not my day."