Guru Pathik finally made it back to the shore. He dried himself and found a good mud puddle to start rolling in. As he rolled, he noticed that Zoph had taken over this fanfiction. He might have been able to stop them, but he figured he would leave it to the other characters. He continued to roll in the mud, ensuring that no one could do the unthinkable…


In 2007, which was a year according to the internet, a kid named Joseph Gordon sat down in front of his computer screen and wrote WASH YOUR PATHIK, but he has already apologized. However, he has yet to apologize for the sequel, and, ultimately, this story. He did not write the sequels, but he is still responsible. When Taang out-shadowed Kataang and Zutara, they set aside their differences and planned to kill Taang and Joseph, who they assumed created the shipping pair in the first place. Zutara and Kataang captured their targets and took them to a seemingly abandoned space station. Meanwhile, Ghostdominio6 and Zoph kidnapped Toph. They were planning to take over this trilogy of fanfictions. Zoph arranged for Ghostdominion6 to face Guru Pathik, who seemed to be the main character. Zoph also hired assistants who captured Koh, another main character. Joseph and Taang eventually woke up and found Toph, who had escaped while Ghostdominion6 started fighting Guru Pathik. Zutara and Kataang found them, but were stopped by Zoph and their assistants. Zoph fled and was chased by Taang, Joseph, and Toph. Zutara and Kataang were knocked unconscious by Zoph's minions. Taang and Zoph had a brief fight, but Taang eventually was hurtled out into space. They proceeded to be disintegrated by the sun. Toph and Joseph fled and found an escape pod to Earth. Guru Pathik defeated Ghostdominion6, and in a clichéd fashion, fell back to Earth safely.

Congratulations. You have just read a poorly written recap. Yeah. You should probably leave now. It only gets worse.

Joseph carried Toph, who fell asleep, out of the escape pod. He put her down and sat on the grass. He didn't ask for this. He just wanted to be back home. Because of him, a shipping pair had died, Koh was captured, and Zoph had taken over. Worst of all, it was probably up to him to save this trilogy. He couldn't allow a fourth story to be created. Frankly, he couldn't allow this fanfiction to exceed four chapters. It needed to end.

Master Pakku was lost in the Swamp. Screaming birds and random hallucinations seemed to stalk him. After a while, he found himself in a partially deserted campsite. The only other person there was Combustion Man, who was crying laser beams. He was still depressed, and he would always remain depressed. No one liked him anymore. No one.

But Pakku didn't have enough time to worry about the angry bald man. He had to find his son. The paternity results he received on Maury proved that he was indeed the father of this character. How that was possible, he didn't know.


Zuko waited in line outside of Toys R'Us. He had to be the first to buy Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword. He was still depressed over losing Katara, but he hoped that this game would take his mind off of it. It's sad how wrong he was.

On the morning of the game's release, Zuko found that someone had cut in front of him. It was Katokka. They looked exactly like Katara from the back. Zuko smelled the shipping pair; it smelled exactly like Katara as well. He couldn't resist. Zuko moved his head to the shipping pair's neck and kissed it. Katokka instantly sprang up, screamed, and shouted in a voice mirroring Sokka's, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" The Terra Team, making their second appearance in this trilogy, rushed in and threw Zuko into a cage. He was to be transported to a nearby insane asylum. Zuko almost now had it worse than Toph. Almost; Toph is still much worse off.

The door for guest appearances was open wide. So far, the Counting Crows and Blue October had appeared. Out of the door came Twisted Sister. They sang We're Not Gonna Take It in an attempt to rebel against Zoph. It failed, though, but it ended up killing On Ji. Yeah.


Zoph was on top of the world; literally. The partially destroyed space station was being repaired, and it was being transformed into a rip-off of the Death Star. Instead of destroying planets, however, this ship would destroy fanfictions. It would be complete in a few days. Sadly, Zoph would not be operating it.

Zutara managed to escape from the jail-cell they were placed in. They released Kataang, and they snuck into the computer room. Zoph was currently there.

"Okay, I'll rush in and grab Zoph. Then, you knock them unconscious and place them on an escape pod. They will be hurtled back to Earth, and, if they survive the trip, they will meet up with Joseph and Toph and murder them." said Kataang.

"Understood." Zutara said. Kataang rushed towards Zoph and took them by surprise.

"What the hell are you doing? How did you escape?" screamed Zoph in frustration.

"Our lives are clichéd." Kataang stated. Zutara leapt forward and hit Zoph with burning water. The next thing Zoph saw was the inside of an escape pod that was hurtling towards the planet. He would get his revenge…

Zutara and Kataang had done it. They were now the only ones in the space station, besides Koh and a couple of other prisoners. At least, that's what they thought. In fact, one other person was still there. Zutara and Kataang had gotten rid of this person's favorite shipping pair. He wouldn't allow them to survive. He would kill them, save Zoph, find Toph (his favorite character), and kill that pathetic Guru Pathik. Ghostdominion6 was still there, and he was ready to kick ass and take names.

Night dawned on Joseph, and he realized how tired he was. He laid down and looked at Toph's slumbering body. She looked beautiful from this angle. Realizing that he was dangerously close to creating a shipping pair, he thought of an insult.

Joseph sighed. Well, at least he wasn't as ugly as Toph. He bashed Toph many times before, but this time, it hurt him.


Guru Pathik got out of the mud and looked at the sky. Something was falling from space, and it was heading for a field far away. Pathik told himself to stay out of the storyline…

wash your zoph