Today was it

Okay I know I know, bad me. I shouldn't be starting a new story but I have a randomized mind that need to release new ideas before finishing another. Yay! Okay enjoy!

SUMMARY: Sakura gets an internship at Konoha Mental Institute and meets Gaara, a high-risk patient. Can Love Blossom?

Rating M for gore, language, reference to alcohol and maybe drug abuse. And maybe if it works out possibly a lemon.

Today was it. Her first day at her internship at Konoha Mental Institute. She was nervous, what if her couldn't help any of the patents. What if she couldn't reach her goal of becoming a top Psychiatric? Slowly she came upon the large metal gate and took a deep breath.

'I can do this.' She smirked and began walking up the front doors. A bell chimed signaling it had opened. Looking up from the front desk labeled 'INFORMATION' was an older woman who greeted her with a warm sincere smile.

"Name please?" the older woman asked still smiling, her light brown eyes shining.

"Haruno Sakura, the new intern." Sakura smiled back.

The woman looked over Sakura from her bubblegum pink hair to her shining emerald eyes down to her original styled converse. She noted her attire was black fishnet shirt with a blood-red tank top over it and dark jeans with a studded belt and black and red checkered converse.

"Ah yes, Tsunade the head nurse wanted to see you." The kind older woman handed Sakura a map of the institution and a clip on name tag. (Name tags might be tacky but I think they're fun :) so there!) Sakura followed the map to the door (on the first floor still) labeled, 'TSUNADE'. Sakura walked in and said a meek "hello," before closing the door behind her.

"Haruno Sakura I presume?" a bust blonde woman behind the desk asked not looking up from her papers.

"Hai." Sakura nodded.

"I will be your boss, Tsunade. Of course I have much work to do so I will not be able to give you the tour. However, I have found someone who will. Ino please take Miss Sakura and show her around." Tsunade ordered.

"Yes Tsunade." The girl named Ino smiled before turning the walk out of the office, Sakura following not far behind.

"So it's Sakura right?"

"Yes and you're, Ino?"

"Yep! Finally someone my age will be working with me. When I first heard that there would be a new employee I was like 'ugghh' because usually they are old and boring and well I'm rambling aren't I? haha." Ino giggle talking quickly.

"It's okay. So where to first?" Sakura asked giggling. 'I have a feeling we will become really good friends.'

"Hmmm I guess I'll start off by telling you what floors hold what patients. The first floor is for mostly the nurse's bedrooms for nights they sleep here or supply rooms. But some patients that are soon to be released are allowed down here. On the second floor the activities and meals are held. It's about lunch time so let's head up there for now. The basement I never go but it's where the high-risk patents are held. They only come up to eat and sometimes it's delivered. One is allowed out at a time. On the third, fourth, and fifth floors the rest of the patients are held."

Sakura made mental notes of everything Ino had said. She wondered what the high-risk patients could have done to be treated so badly.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Ino came to a stop in front of large metal doors.

"We're here." Ino smiled. She opened the cafeteria doors only to lose the smile on her face. She said a quick, 'excuse me' to Sakura and ran to where all the commotion was. Sakura didn't miss a beat and ran after her. Screaming was heard all over, blood was splattered over the floor and other surfaces.

Sakura looked at what, more like whom, the staff was cornering. Each staff member took out syringes filled with a sedative (I don't know like any sedatives but for now it's going to be Ziprasidone because a side effect of this one can be insomnia) and began to walk slowly towards a boy around Sakur's age with flaming blood-red hair.

Without a second though, scratch that, without thinking at all she ran between the staff and him. She stood, arms open wide one foot slightly in front of the other, protecting him.

"Stop! Can't you see your making things worse? You're fucking scaring him!" She shouted engraded by the way the staff was. She glared at them until they all took a few steps back and she smiled. Turning gracefully on her feet shefaced the boy. She sat on her knees and held up her hands as if to say 'I'm not a threat'.

He was sitting in the corner shaking eyes watching her warily. Fresh blood was all over his clothes face and hands. He looked her straight in the eyes and gave her a qustioning look as she came closer, slowly.

"Shhh, it's okay, I wont hurt you. See, no needle." She smiled and put her hands into her lap.

Sakura was about 3 feet away from him. "Your okay now, I wont let them do anytihng, I promise." She said nodding in the direction of the medical staff who watch wide eyed scared for this pink-haired girl.

"Why?" his voice was raspy, like he hadnt used it in a long time. Clearing his throat he tried again, "Why did you stop them?" The boy had confusion writtin on his face for just a moment, he had stopped shaking and was now looking at this strange girl.

"Why not? I don't believe in the use of sedative, especially the kind they were using Ziprasidone because it causes insomnia in some people. You must be one of them judging from your eyes." Sakura explained still smiling.

"I've always had insomnia but I guess it doesn't help." He looked at her wondering what she was up to.

"So-" Sakura was cut off by a voice of none other than Tsunade.

"SAKURA HARUNO!" she screamed running up to her inspecting her for signs of her being hurt not finding anything. "Did he try to attack you?" she asked confused. That's what all the other staff members told her.

"Huh? No I was calming him down, no sedative." Sakura explained.

Tsunade looked at the pateint knowing him well.

"Sakura can I talk to you in my office for a bit." Sakura nodded and said goodbye to the boy and she followed Tsunade. "Take him back to his room." She said to the men who held a straight jacket and sedative and chains. Sakura didn't notice because she was already out of the cafiteria.

"Would you like to be his personal nurse?" Tsunade said.

"Really?? Oh yes I would!" Sakura's smile got bigger. 'whew I thought I was in trouble.'

"Just to warn you, your 100 percent responsible for him. And he is a high-risk pateint." Tsunade watched for any sign of hesitation but instead Sakura hugged her.

"I think I can really sure him. Please let me be the only nurse." Sakura begged.

"Okay, but if you feel the pressure is too much tell me immediately. Understood?" Tsunade set the rules.

"Yes. Pardon me I'm going to make sure its okay with… oh! I forgot to ask for him name!" Sakura said franticly.

"Here." Tsunade handed her the boy's folder which held past information. "His name is Gaara by the way."

"Kay. Thank you again! I wont let you or him down." Sakura smiled and walked out of her office giggling and went to the stairs to the basement.

Before Sakura could start walking down them Ino and a few other employees rushed to her side.

"Are you okay? What did Tsunade want?" Ino asked concered.

"Never better! She asked if I wanted to be his personal nurse." Sakura beemed.

This surprised everyone, why would Tsunade put this girl's life in danger with a monster?

"Wahts wrong?" Sakura noticed the looks on their faces.

"What did you say?" another girl of their age asked, Matsuri asked glaring at Sakura.

"I said Yes of course!" Sakura giggled.

"I hope that monster kills you." Matsuri mocked and walked off.

"Gaara isnt a monster. I have to go see you later Ino." Sakura stormed down the stairs only to be stopped by a guard and another gate.

"I'm the new nurse of Sabuku-No Gaara. Please let me through." Sakura asked nicely despite her mood.

"You got stuck with the monster eh? Pity. HEY FREAK! YOU GOT COMPANY." He yelled back at the last room, more like cage in Sakura's opinion.

Her shoes make a squeaking scuffing noises as she walked down the concreate hall way. Each so-called room had bars in the front and a curtain that could be drawn of covering the cell.

Sakura stopped seeing Gaara in the last cell away from the other high-risk pateitns.

"Hello." Sakura waved. She used her key to open the door and slid it locking it behind her.

DON'T KILL ME! Okay cliff hanger but I'll try to update tomorrow after I update animal instinct okay?? Review please!