Beginning Notes: 'Ello everyone! I just want to warn you... I'm much more adapt at role playing than writing stories or fanfictions. The ones I do write I write for fun... So they've never been up here or any other site for that matter. I'm much too embarrassed to do that. This story I hope will go over well.

I just want to let everyone know that this fanfiction happens in the late nineteenth century as the D. Gray-man series does. Meaning no television of the sort and such . Everything up until the fifth year in the Harry Potter series has happened so far but without modern devices and such. Not that they would work in Hogwarts anyway. Telephones and such exist along with electrical lights and such though.

Please note that the Full Metal Alchemist part of this fic takes place after the series and movie. Meaning Alphonse will be there too. I'm pretty tired of Alphonse always being left out. Oh and I'm not really up to date with the manga of FMA so I'll be following the Anime version of it mostly. One more thing, only Envy is left from the group of Homunculi. All others will be new Homunculi and such.

Disclaimer: D. Gray-man, Full Metal Alchemist, and Harry Potter do not belong to me. All characters belong to their respective owners. Other wise I'd be in a three some relationship with Allen and Edward.

The Beginning...

Night One: The Alliance

The air around the mansion caused the man to shiver in fear almost. Why was he so scared? It was his house. But then why was the air just so thick? Maybe because of the fog that surrounded the area though that didn't help very much at all. It just made him more afraid of the house which was his own. He'd only had been gone for three weeks yet cobwebs hung from the gate as he noticed as he unlocked it. It was almost as if no one had left the mansion since he had gone on his trip.

He walked up the path and unlocked the door. He quickly pulled it open though jumped when he heard it screech. 'Note to self: Oil the front door.' He thought to himself silently pulling in a suit case behind him. He blinked a bit. That was strange his wife out to be home after all he had seen her silhouette in the window as he had walked up the steps to the door.

The man set down his suit case and arched his brow wondering why none of his servants came to him nor why his wife wasn't greeting him the way that she always did. Plus where was his darling daughter? Normally she'd be running down the stairs and jumping on to him. The house which was his was never silent. It was only five at the moment. It wasn't like it was late or anything. He started up the stairs of the house quietly before hearing voices. Unfamiliar voices as well.

He thought about it and they where in the room where he had seen his wifes silhouette. He neared the room quietly and stopped by the door to listen in on the voices.

"Kombanwa! I see everyone made it here quite alright." The man heard a cheery male voice say. "Ah Its about time I met you Earl. Its a pleasure to met such a powerful figure." Another male voice had said speaking almost as a snake would. It was a slimy sort of voice which made the man shiver as he listened on.

"As it is to meet the great Lord Voldemort and you too Dante Mistress of Homunculi." The cheery man had replied.

"Eh Dante. It seems you haven't guarded your identity too well." A younger male voice crackled out with a laugh. "Shut up Envy." A womans voice said next, most likely this Dante person. She obvisouly sounded annoyed. Though he really didn't know why. Mainly because he didn't know who any of these people were. He peered through a small crack in the door to see a cloaked man, a rather fat man with a hat on who didn't even look to be human, a woman with short black hair, and a young man with dark green hair spewing forth from his head.

His eyes widened a bit when he saw his wife just standing behind them watching with empty eyes. Why wasn't she doing any thing?

"Hey Mister! Its rude to ease drop on other's conversations!" A childish voice said from behind him. "Lord Earl! Lero Lero! There's a human in here! Lero!" He heard another voice frantically say. He turned around to see a small girl with dark blue spiky and dark inhuman looking skin. Her golden eyes echoed her want for suffering and so did the small smirk that appeared on her face.

She sighed a bit before pulling the man into the room with the Earl. "Earl! Why not have the mans wife kill him. That would be entertaining!" She said with a small childlike yet sadistic smile on her face. Oh how much fun it was to watch others suffer. She lived far more for the suffering of others instead of the actual kill. Oh what fun it would be to cause the man emotional suffering. That was her favorite kind.

"Oh Road! You took Lero again." He said with a small sigh. "Go ahead Akuma." He said with a small smile on his face. The man was paralyzed in fear after seeing the Earl's rather malicious looking eyes behind the round glasses which made him look to be a pleasant person.

His wife came forward to his side and he looked at her with a confused look on his face. "Sarah? Who are these peop-" He said before seeing his beautiful wife morph into a monster. His eyes widened as he looked at the monster which had shed his wife's skin. A bullet shot through him and he gasped. He heard laughter, "Keep evolving my dear Akuma!" The Earl said with a large smile... well not that he never didn't have a smile on his face.

The man felt horrible as the Akuma's disease of sorts came over him. Pentacles appeared on his body and he couldn't move. He couldn't think any thing any more. His body began crumbling and then just turned to dust.

The Millennium Earl laughed as the human crumbled. Dante smirked a bit, "So thats the effect of the Akuma's bullet on a human? What great power." She commented.

Envy walked over to the Akuma and placed his hand on the face of the Akuma after it had changed back into its human form. "This thing- Akuma was it? Has what I lack. Hmm." He said with a laugh before returning to Dante's side. He was really wondering, how such a monster could have what he didn't... a soul. Though he didn't question it very much. It just made him laugh. He was far more human than an Akuma after all. It just seemed to be so ironic to him.

"Well now that, that there are no more interruptions do we have a deal? Voldemort, Dante do we have a deal?" The Earl asked knowing what the answer from both of them would be.

"Yes of course we have a deal." Both Dante and Voldemort answered. They fully knew that being on the side of the Earl would help them both achieve what they wanted. They laughed together as they looked at the remains of the man. How foolish the humans were. Now that they were all allied, they would all be destroyed. And oh how none of the could await the day, though knowing that they had to for their plan to work.

Author notes: Ah well I hope this went over okay. The next chapters will most likely be longer. Partially because I have to explain stuff. Please leave me your comments and such. Please tell me weather or not I should continue this Fanfiction. Well I'll start on the next chapter any way. Just to be safe if people actually like the start of this Fanfic. Thanks for reading!

Note: If your going to cut down this fanfiction without constructive criticism please at least know all of the series. I really hate it when people just cut down a fanfic because they don't know all of the series that it has been crossed over with. Or don't know any of the series. Its just annoying.