"Hey, Erza...can you pose for me?"
The red-haired beauty that was Erza had been eating her box lunch on top of a small hill when Lucy suddenly walked up behind her. Stuffing a whole rice ball into her mouth, Erza asked, "Uh...did you just ask me to pose for you? Why in the world should I do that?"
Lucy smiled innocently and replied, "I'm trying to come up with a main heroine for a story I'm working on, and I wanted to use you as the base for the character! I just need to sketch you in various poses for a bit! It won't take long!" Erza felt the heat in her cheeks rise as she stared at Lucy for a few moments.
'Oh, god...she's so goddamn cute!' Although Erza was still unsure about her sexual orientation, she couldn't deny her attraction towards Lucy, who seemed completely unaware about the whole thing. Placing her lunch to the side, Erza stood up and replied, "Fine...I'll pose for you..."
As she turned out to grab her sword, Erza never noticed the mischevious smirk that had formed on Lucy's lips...
Erza hadn't minded performing the first few positions Lucy requested, but things became a little awkward when she was told to take off all her clothes. Blushing furiously, Erza wrapped her arms around herself and cried, "Do..do I really have to strip down to my underwear? I mean...seriously?"
Still smiling, Lucy nodded and replied, "Of course. I need all the information I can get! If this book becomes a best seller, you'll be such a big star!" Erza didn't really want to be a 'star' or anything, but she couldn't disagree once Lucy looked at her with those big brown eyes. Slowly taking off her armor, Erza tried to act strong as she made a rather suggestive pose, flaunting her rather large breasts.
Lucy's pencil scratched against the paper for a few moments before Lucy looked back up and said, "Okay, now...move your left hand down closer to your panties, okay? Yeah...that's good..." Erza's face became as red as her hair, but she didn't move out of her position even once. Closing her eyes, she silently chanted to herself, 'It's all for Lucy...it's all for Lucy...'
Suddenly, her focus was disrupted when she felt Lucy starting to nibble on her neck.
Shrieking, Erza jumped back and blushed. Lucy giggled and licked her lips seductively, enjoying the taste of the redhead's skin.
"C'mon, Erza..." Lucy cooed as she begun to stripe down, "You know you want to be with me...I can smell a dyke a mile away. I am one, after all..."
Erza tried to open the door, but it was locked. Before she could activate her armor and blast her way through, Lucy wrapped her arms around Erza's shoulders and purred, "Hey, baby...let's get steamy..."
The poor redhead could only let out a small whimper, and then Lucy silenced her with her own lips, beginning what would end up being a very long night for the two of them...
Jubia came stomping into the room while Natsu, Happy and Grey were playing cards. Looking up from his hand, Grey asked, "Hey, Jubia...what's got you so steamed?"
"JUBIA IS PISSED BECAUSE ERZA AND LUCY ARE HAVING SEX...AND I WASN'T INVITED!" The russian-esque girl snapped. Instead of freaking out about the fact their two female friends were having sex, Natsu asked, "So...you're a lesbian, too?"
Jubia shook her head. "No. I'm just bisexual. I'm straight for Grey, of course, but I'm gay for Erza...she's just so hot!"
"I KNOW, RIGHT?" Happy exclaimed happily, but Grey just bashed the stupid cat's face in with a icepick.