Hello, everyone!

I know, I know I've been a very bad writer and haven't updated in a good long while. But here's five pages of goodness for you and I hope it was worth the wait. I'll try to be better but just keep harassing me for updates if I don't.

This chapter is a very heavy NON CON so if you don't like that please don't read and then complain to me because you weren't smart enough to read the warning.

To all those who waited patiently and kept at me to not forget to update this story-this if for you and I hope you enjoy.

Everything was numb.

It was like he was in a walking haze, nothing felt real. He didn't feel anything when he saw his hands picking up the broken plates and glass off the dinning room floor or when he sliced his palm open on one of the jagged edges of China, watching the blood slowly stain the white purity red.

He didn't feel anything when he limped his body into the kitchen and dumped the broken pieces into the sink or grab a bucket and mop and started cleaning the floor. Blood, soup and spices swirling together and squeezed into muddy water. He didn't feel anything when he took the damned mixture and threw it out back in the yard behind the kitchen, watching the waves drench the grass.

He didn't feel anything until he stood in front of the hallway to his room.

His heart started beating furiously and his skin broke out in a cold sweat as he felt hot breath panting against back of his neck, groans of pleasure moaned into his skin as blood slipped down his thighs, snaked down his legs and dripped onto the floor.

He ran.

His feet pounded against the wooden floor sounding like the message drums in the village but didn't cover the furious beating of his own heart, which sounded louder in his ears.

Adrenaline crashed through his system making him careen wildly around corners headed back outside the house, desperate for air. His ears picked up another set of feet that timed with the beating of his heart and he pushed on faster through the darkened hallways and straight through the kitchen and out into the garden.

The air hit him like a slap in the face as his feet hit the wet grass and stumbled slightly. He quickly righted himself hearing the foot falls behind him and dashed toward the raised fence keeping this house separated from the rest of the Uchiha Compound.

His legs bent and he sprang forward, scared hands grabbing the top of the fence as he hauled himself to the peak and threw his body over the edge and into the darkness.

Something slammed into him and he felt himself falling backwards and braced himself for connecting with the wooden fence but instead crashed into a familiar lumpy pallet that didn't do anything to keep him from getting the wind knocked out of him as another body collapsed on top of his.

He fought to untangle himself from the body on top of his. Kicking and clawing he turned and scrambled away from the pallet and toward the door.

A hand locked around his ankle and pulled him backwards.

He grunted as his chin connected hard with the floor and he bit his tongue, blood blossoming inside his mouth and slid against the rawness of his throat. He kicked back and heard a grunt as the heal of his foot scraped across flesh and bone hard enough to bruise.

The fingers around his ankle tightened and nails dug deep into his skin as he was jerked backwards. He kicked his free foot upward and punched forward toward the other body, hoping to connect.

A weight crushed his lower body to the pallet as his fists punched empty air. He heard a hiss to his left and twisted to see the metal chain slicing through the air and faster than he could move sink into his collar. He was wrenched backwards onto the floor as his body was dragged by the chain and wound itself around the bolt in the floor.

He gasped as his hands tried to dig into the underside of the collar around his throat to keep it from choking him.

As he was dragged across the floor the other body righted itself on top of him and maneuvered them both on the bumpy pallet as his neck bowed over the bolt in the floor, head forced upward to stare into black eyes.

He finally felt his entire body. His neck arched up over steel, hands at his throat, torso heaving, legs forced together under strong thighs. His over shirt was torn and bloody, splayed open to bare his chest. One sleeve was bunched in his elbow; the other rode high on his neck. The whole thing was barley hanging together by the belt still loosely strung about his waist

"Stupid, dead last." The Uchiha's breath hissed into his face like steam coming from a dragon. Naruto flinched against the heat, hands tightening against the metal of his collar, the cut in his hand reopened and dribbled down his wrist.

The Uchiha lowered his head, red dappled in his eyes like rain. "You goddamned moron." His teeth was white, whiter than his face as his hands cracked down by Naruto's head with his rage.

His chest heaved in fear and he couldn't breathe!

The Uchiha moved his right hand between Naruto's tightly gripped ones and began to trace the glyph.

Naruto's eyes widened in more than fear and screamed, the pain spearing through his body with vengeance as his neck tried to break in half as he spasmed, the tips of hair caressing the floor.

The pain stopped.

His body loosened in relief as he panted.

"Let go." The voice was calm, so calm.

Naruto turned his eyes toward the Uchiha on top of him, the strands of black hair making stripes against his pale face. "Your hands. Let go." His hands gripped tighter in response.

The Uchiha didn't give warning and Naruto cried out again as the pain resumed and just as quickly stopped. "I won't repeat myself."

Naruto made a nasal sound as he slowly unlocked his fingers from around the collar and dropped them to his sides.

The Uchiha made a gesture with his hand and the chain slowly loosened and he moved his head from the bolt. "Raise your hands."

The numb feeling had come back. This was a dream. Nothing more. It wasn't real.

"Fine. Hard way it is." The fingers descended.

He couldn't scream anymore. The pain was almost welcome as the waves crashed into him and heated his blood to the point of steaming through his pores. His hands were forcefully raised above his head and he could barely feel the metal of his chain weave around his wrists like a ribbon.

His body was released and he shuddered and watched through blank eyes.

The Uchiha's face was blank as he dragged his fingers through his hair, nails sliding across his scalp in a bastardization of a lovers caress. They drew downward down the sides of his face and followed the scars on his cheeks to his neck, over his collarbone and danced down his heaving stomach.

As soon as those fingers touched the belt around his shirt it was like the lifting of a spell and he cried out and started bucking. "Don't touch me, you filthy bastard! Let go letgoleteGO!"

The Uchiha rode his body with a smile on his face, watching him struggle against the chain wrapped around his arms and the ineffectiveness of his defiance as he continued hurling expurlatives and unwrapped his body, drawing the pink edges away from his body. The Uchiha touched the welt across the lower part of Naruto's stomach where it had been dug into the table earlier when he had been-

Naruto yelled with all his strength. All the horror, pain, fear and humiliation he had been feeling in the past month had been worse than the name calling and hatred he had faced in his entire life. It was so much worse because he had once loved this man. The boy he had been. Sasuke.

The Uchiha gripped his hips in his struggle and slowly thrust against his groin. "You'll come to me willingly," the voice was smiling even though the face wasn't. "Eventually."

Naruto tried to force his lower body to toss off the intruder as he looked into those horrible eyes and that doll-like face. The Uchiha grasped his ass and slid a finger across his crack and delved into its depths as Naruto continued to curse at him.

"You'll ready yourself for me." Two fingers slipped inside as his ass tried to escape the horrible weight and memories of dinner ragged through his mind.

"Bend over for me." The probing fingers withdrew suddenly and dipped themselves into a small clay jar Naruto hadn't seen before and he heard a suction sound as they were drawn out that momentarily stunned him into silence.

"And," The fingers thrust themselves back inside his anal cavity, "you," the fingers twisted brutally as he twisted against the chains cutting into his wrists. "won't," The Uchiha quickly coated his swollen member and forced his legs open and pushed them upwards as he angled himself at the puckered entrance. "run."

The thick length of Uchiha's cock thrust into Naruto's ass with such force his body slid backward on the floor as a cry instead of a curse was wrenched from his throat.

Naruto tried to raise his body and bite out the Uchiha's throat or scar that horribly blank face as his legs were parted wider to the point of pain and balls slapped against the back of his ass.

He was suddenly back on that table, his legs spread, hot panting and teeth on his neck as a body crushed him down.

He cried and turned, bucked, kicked and thrust himself away from the Uchiha and the dick held deep inside him. He twisted to the right, his hips lifted as Uchiha's hands gripped him to still his movements and the cock shifted and his body arched for a completely different reason.

While Naruto was stunned for a moment in pleasure Sasuke quickly called in the chakra ropes and let them wrap around Naruto's bent knees and ankles keeping them spread wide and anchored to the ground.

With his prey immobile Sasuke pressed forward again into the tight heat that was Naruto and spread his hands against the welt on his lower abdomen, letting them trail to his sides and enjoying the leanness of his hips as he bent over and laved at the dusky nipples on Naruto's chest.

His struggles had clamped his sphincter tighter around Sasuke's cock and he enjoyed the friction and slight pain as he slowly withdrew and thrust forward. He watched the idiot's face from under lowered lashes as his throat swallowed and he bit his nipple and he yelped.

Naruto felt dizzy, blood draining from his head as he felt the Uchiha sliding inside him. His stomach cramped and he could feel the bastard inside him. Inside his body as well as biting it, holding it…he swallowed quickly trying not to throw up.

The pain was somewhat lessened by the gel and he could hear the horrible sounds of slaps against his own skin and the squishes as the cock thrust into him.

He felt the air in the room against his inner thighs as they were spread wide, the pull of his skin, the wood beneath his trapped feet, the scrape of cloth against his back and he looked up into those black eyes dipped in red.

"Stop." His voice was weak and scratchy.

The Uchiha didn't stop but instead his brows drew lower and he viciously sped up his thrusts. His eyes never straying from the blue.

Naruto winced and couldn't relax, two assaults in one day, the pain reared its ugly head the gel no longer numbing or easing the glide into his hole. He could feel it mingle in the blood trail as it slid between his ass cheeks and down his back when the Uchiha lifted his waist and angled his lower body upward to meet his thrusts.

He clenched his teeth together and cried out as the thrusting became fiercer and rubbed against the previous tears inside him. "Stop!"

Sasuke ignored the guttered words torn from a broken throat and continued his pleasure, watching his organ disappear into tight tanned flesh. He bent forward lowering his body to cover the one beneath his. He licked the sweaty neck and bit savagely into the skin behind Naruto's ear hard enough to bruise.

He heard the gasping whimpers as he gnawed on the salty flesh and enjoyed the feel of the muscles bunching beneath his teeth as they tried to swallow or cry. He mouthed on Naruto's throat, forcing him to tilt his head back as far as it would go just making it impossible to utter any words as he continued his assault into his yielding ass.

Naruto mind slowly cracked with each thrust of the Uchiha's cock shoved back inside him as his body rode and fondled his skin. He wasn't safe anywhere. Nothing was sacred. Nothing was his.

The chains clinked in time with the plunges of the Uchiha's hips and he slowly counted between the withdrawals. 1,2…1,2…1,2…1

He felt the Uchiha's hips speed up and the teeth that had been chewing at his neck gave way as he finally looked into black-red eyes as hands moved his hips and angled them upward more and to the side to it hit at just the right angle to let pleasure tingle across his nerves and his back arched and the Uchiha locked eyes with him and smiled as he forced his hips back harder and faster to meet the demanding thrusts and his head tilted and he started to pant as his eyelids slightly lowered.

Naruto couldn't look away, his own chest heaving in pain and a hate so deep he didn't think it would ever wash away.

Finally, finally the Uchiha's grunted and drove into him in short spurts and spilled his hot liquid inside him, staining him deep inside his soul.

Sasuke panted slightly, his softening cock still deep inside Naruto's ass and spoke into those dull blue eyes. "You're mine, dead last. To get that through your thick scull I'll let you stew in my juices tonight to remind you of your place."

He slowly withdrew, ignoring the blood mixed with semen and gel that leaked out of Naruto's ass and covered his member as he tucked himself away.

He drew himself up and silently padded to the door. He turned to look at Naruto's prone form still bound by his chain and chakra ropes around his arms and legs, his head still turned to the ceiling.

"Goodnight, Anaboko."

He shut the door.

This scene didn't turn out exactly as I'd hoped but that just means there's more material for next time.

I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next chapter!
