This story's the 1st one I've ever written about Mako-chan, and I hope you enjoy it. I wrote it around Heart Day, but never posted it. o.o Happy belated Heart Day, then.

Sailor Moon © Takeuchi Naoko

Story © Tesh : )

The Letter

It was a perfect day for lovers on February 14. The skies were clear, pristine blue shining in front of the great gold disk called the sun. It would also be a quiet, unusually warm night with a shimmering moon hanging in the sky. Everyone was outside enjoying the weather. Except for one person.

Kino Makoto's evergreen eyes gazed out the window of her bedroom in her apartment, watching bundled up couples stroll down the Juuban streets. She would not be one of them, not even once during the fourteen years of her life.

She was still in her pajamas- she didn't have the energy to get dressed. She didn't ever want to go out, but of course there was school and work. Luckily today was Saturday, and she had called in sick a little earlier today.

Makoto was not physically sick. She was heartsick.

She sighed, blowing her oak-brown bangs out of her eyes. It just doesn't work, y'know? Of course she had gotten the wrong idea about Nichogi-sempai.

Of course he was already taken.

Tears stung at the corners of the tall girl's eyes, but she blinked them away. She refused to cry- she had done that enough already.

She had to do something to release her feelings. An idea struck her. Makoto moved over to her desk and pulled out a fresh piece of floral stationary. She tapped her matching pen on her cheek, thinking, and then began to write, slowly filling the paper with characters.


Dear Nichogi-sempai,

Hey, it's me, Mako. How are you? I'm fine.

There're a lot of things you don't about me. Did you know that I've been alone since my parents died? Did you know that I've been lonely?

Did you know how happy I was when you talked to me?

I would dance around when I was alone afterwards. Did you know that I was so excited that I told my only friend? She was happy for me, so happy.

Nichogi-sama, I like you. No, I love you.

You were so nice to me when I was at my old school. Every time you were around it was bliss. You're the first guy who bothered to befriend me. I have a reputation that I wish I could erase.

I wanted to be more than friends.

I've felt a combination of sadness and frustration those past few days, ever since I found out about your-


Makoto paused in her writing, her hand wavering. She shook herself. She just couldn't bear writing the word "girlfriend."


-significant other. Whoever she is, she's lucky to have you. You're a great person, and I hope you'll be happy.

Take care, and perhaps keep in touch? Even though I still feel down, a friendship is still a good thing.


Makoto debated writing "love, Kino Makoto," but instead she just wrote:


Kino Makoto.


She set down her pen, and reread the letter. She was surprised to find that she was breathless. It was only a letter, right?

She found a green envelope and addressed it to Nichogi-sempai. After staring at it for a few moments, the teen opened one of her drawers and slipped it inside.

Of course, she'd never mail it.

The Letter, The End