WD: Here's my second story. It might just be me, but I find this story extremely funny. Anywhoo, my personal opinion doesn't count too much. Ehehehe...anyway, I hope you like this one. It's a different style than my other story, Akatsuki High School for the Extremely Gifted. Hope you enjoy it! Oh, by the by, if you have read Akatsuki High, the main character's name is also Kari, but they're completely different characters. Just they have the same name...I like that name so yeah...

ALSO! I'll probably change the Point of View at some points. The story is in the first person (Kari), but occasionally it'll change.

Disclaimers: All Naruto characters and themes belong to Masashi Kishimoto. Origional character(s) and themes belong to me.

Chapter 1

The New Girl. That was my title. I've never been anything different. The reason? I moved from place to place constantly. My parents and their jobs have them moving a lot. Me being the insignificant offspring, have to endure the constant moving around without a complaint. I have plenty of complaints, but I haven't voiced any for a long time.

Oh, right. I suppose I should introduce myself, seeing as you are all probably sitting there very confused. My name is Kari Sapphire. I am at the age of 'sweet 16'. I could hardly call this year 'sweet'. I have lived in 31 towns and cities in my entire life, but who's counting? I am in the current situation of, you might have guessed, moving. Where am I moving? The hidden ninja village Konohakagure in the Fire Country. I've never lived in a ninja village before, but I knew a lot about ninjas. I am not one personally, but being me, I have a lot of spare time to research random things. You may have also guessed that I probably don't have many friends. Well you guessed wrong. I have absolutely no friends whatsoever. I had a best friend when I was younger, around seven, but I had to move away. My poor little heart was broken. Disaster. I have refrained from making any friends after that. Of course, being the Queen of Solitude, I have many hobbies that I am quite good at. Reading and Drawing are the two most practiced hobbies of mine. But I suppose you could care less. I also suppose you want me to get on with the story. I suppose I will.

"Why don't you try to make friends in this village?" my mother asked. I sighed. I've told her why every time we move. She just doesn't listen.

"I've told you the reason a hundred times mom," I replied huffily. "There's no point in making friends if I'm just gonna move again."

"It doesn't hurt to try," she responded. Was she not listening? No, of course not, how silly of me. I sighed again.

"I don't want to try, mom, because it does hurt in the end," I explain to her as if she were five. Of course, there's no point in my patience with her. She'll forget about it in a matter of five seconds.

"Well if you're going to be lonely by choice, why not smile more often?" Smiling. Something I haven't done since I was seven. After nine years of not smiling, she thinks I'm gonna start now? What planet does she live on?

I grunt in acknowledgment. I look ahead and see the village gates. I shift my backpack in a more comfortable position. The only things that I still have after my many times of moving are the items in my bag, but again, you probably don't care much.

I vaguely observed my parents explaining to the gate guards about our moving into the village and their directions to the Hokage's office. I could care less. In fact, I'm a pretty self-centered person. I don't care about anyone, but me, myself, and I. No one else really fits into the picture. What about my parents, you ask? They barely acknowledge my existence. I am merely an object that has to be moved and fed every now and then. Pretty sad.

I hardly payed attention to what the Hokage said to my parents, until my name came up.

"You're daughter, Kari, is it? How old is she?" the Hokage asked.

"16," I replied. My parents probably don't even know, so I saved them the embarrassment, although I don't see why.

"You should start working," she stated, more as an obligatory thing than a request. I sighed. I had already thought about it and I agreed. I could use the pocket change.

"Yeah, I was thinking about getting a job here. Do you know any places where someone like me could work at?" I asked. She thought for a moment then wrote something down.

"Here are two places. I wrote the addresses down for you," she said, handing me the paper. I checked it over. The first one said 'Ichiraku Ramen Shop'. That sounds good. I like ramen. I'm not crazy for the stuff, but I like it. I folded the paper and put it in my pocket as my parents left for the door. I walked after them, guessing that they had received a place to live.

I guessed correctly as gazed at my new two-story house. This would be my temporary home in this village. I walked in after my parents and claimed the bedroom on the top floor. The bedroom was nice. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't small either. It had a bed and a dresser. I looked to my window. Outside my window there was a tree and a nice enough view. I sighed contently as I sat down on my bed and opened my bag. I pulled out my more recent diary. Since I first learned how to write properly, I've kept diary entries of every day of my life. So you can imagine I have quite a few diaries. I opened it to a new page and began to write.

'August 20th

Well, we arrived in Konoha today. It's a nice house, probably the nicest one we've ever had. Tomorrow I'll probably go apply for a job at this Ichiraku Ramen Shop place.

Well, nothing else of interest today.


I closed the book and put it down on my bed as I began to unpack the rest of my stuff and put it away in the room. Not that big of a job.

It took about ten minutes to do. It was pretty late, so I decided to go to sleep. Most regular people feel strange in new houses and it takes them forever to fall asleep. Me? I've lived in so many houses that I'm used to it now. Not realizing I was so tired, I fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

I awoke early in the morning. I looked at the clock. 8:36. My parents would already be gone. No surprises there. I got up and changed into my 'best' clothes: dark jeans and a blue halter-top with a sweater. They aren't really that spectacular, but whatever. It's comfy…and clean. I zip up my sweater and walk out of my room with the address in my hand. I grab a piece of leftover toast and leave the house.

I search the streets as I shove the rest of the toast in my mouth. I know I'm close to finding it because I'm on the street. Ah! I see it. I walk over to it and walk under the flap.

"Hello? How may I help you?" a girl asked. I looked at her.

"I would like to ask for a job here," I stated. She smiled.

"Hold on a sec." I nodded and she went to the back. A man came back with the girl.
"You're looking for a job?" he asked me. I nodded.

"Sure. You can start now," he stated, handing me a uniform. I put it on over my clothes and listened as the girl gave me guidelines about the shop.

"That's about it, you got everything?" she asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, thanks," I replied. She smiled.

"No problem," she answered. I walked over to watch the ramen being cooked. I heard someone come in and sit down.

"Hello Naruto," the girl, Ayame, greeted. I turned my gaze to the boy who had walked in. He had spiky blond hair and he wore an orange jumpsuit. I had never seen anyone wear so much orange.

The boy seemed to notice me as well. We shared eye contact for a few moments. His eyes were a sparkling blue, while mine were a dull blue. Dull from the fact that I showed no emotion in my features whatsoever.

"Hey Ayame," he said, turning his gaze back to her. I turned my head away and began staring impassively at the cooking ramen again.

(Change of PoV)

Naruto had never seen a girl so beautiful in his life. When she turned away again, he turned his gaze back to her.

"Who's that?" he asked Ayame. Ayame smirked slyly.

"The new girl," she replied. Naruto didn't say anything, but was slightly appalled at what she did next. "Hey, Kari, time to put you to the test. Come here and serve him."

(Back to Kari)

I looked over at her and nodded. I approached the blond boy and looked at him.

"What would you like?" I asked him. He was silent for a moment, as if incapable of speech, but he soon recovered and processed the question. He quickly ordered and I told Teuchi, the owner who was cooking, what he wanted.

"It should be ready soon," I told the boy. I was about to walk away when he stopped me.

"Uh, who are you?" he asked. I blinked. Did it matter? It's not like I would see him again.

"Kari Sapphire. I don't expect you to remember it, nor would I advise it," I replied. He cocked his head to the side slightly. His expression held obvious confusion.

"I know my memory isn't that good, but I think I'd be able to remember your name," he answered. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't want you to remember it," I stated bluntly.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because who I am doesn't matter."

"Of course it matters!"

"I'll just be forgotten when I move away."

"How do you know you'll move?"

"Because I always do." He was silent for a moment, before his face broke into a goofy looking grin.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki by the way," he stated. I closed my eyes, sighing exasperatedly. Did he not understand? I don't care. Why doesn't he understand that?

"That's nice," I said, slightly sarcastically. "Look, if you're trying to be my friend, it's not going to work. I don't do the whole friendship thing." He furrowed his eyebrows slightly.

"You don't have friends?" he asked.

"I don't want friends," I corrected.


"Because when I move, which always happens, I have to leave that friend. It's not something I want to go through again," I explained.

"What if you don't move?" I shook my head, clenching my fists. This guy is annoying. No, he's more than annoying. He's infuriating! Thank goodness the ramen was ready. I ground my teeth.

"Your ramen is done," I stated, handing it to him. He stared at me for a moment, then shrugged and murmured thanks. He began to eat. Well, at least he'd be gone after his bowl.

Well, I was wrong. Extremely wrong. He was currently eating his seventh bowl, so naturally he was still here. I stared at him incredulously. He was honestly the strangest person I'd ever met. When he was done the bowl he pulled out his wallet and gave me the money for the ramen. As I pulled the money away, he held on to it.

"You didn't answer my question," he stated. He was smiling a little. I rolled my eyes. He remembered? I sighed.

"The answer is I always move, no matter what. Thanks for coming," I replied, taking the money. He let go without a fight. He grinned at me and waved before running out. Ayame came over to me.

"Well you did pretty good for your first time," she stated. I nodded.

"Thanks I guess."

"Good job today! See you tomorrow!" Ayame called as I headed home. I waved half-heartedly as I walked in the direction of my house.

I closed the front door behind me and kicked my shoes off. I went to the kitchen to get myself something to eat. From being in a ramen shop all day, I suddenly had the craving for it, so that's what I ate.

When I got to my room I went straight to my diary. I opened it to a new page.

'August 21st

Well, I got the job. In fact, I started today. I met the most annoying and strangest guy today. He wore the most orange I've ever seen, he ate the most ramen I've ever seen, and he asked so many questions I was about to go crazy! It wasn't the fact that there were a lot of questions, but he repeated the same questions over and over! Oh well, it's not like I'll ever see him again.


I closed the book and put it down. I quickly showered and changed into my pajamas. I turned off the lights and quickly fell asleep.

Didn't I say 'It's not like I'll ever see him again'? That was the thought that crossed my mind as I stood in front of the same boy again the day after I first met him.

"Don't you have better things to do than eat ramen?" I asked him irritably. He grinned broadly at me.

"I like, no love ramen!" he exclaimed. I shook my head and served him his ramen. As he ate, I sat away from him and read the book that I brought. After about ten minutes of silence, besides his slurping, he broke it.

"Hey, Kari," he started.

He remembered my name.

"Hm?" I responded.

"I decided something last night," he continued.


"Don't you want to ask me what it is?" he asked excitedly. I looked at him over my book. I sighed. Not really. He suddenly stood up. "I, Naruto Uzumaki, am going to make you, Kari Sapphire, become my friend!" he exclaimed. I stared at him blankly for a minute. What?

"I don't think so," I replied, annoyed. He collapsed on the ground in an anime fall. He quickly got back up.

"Well, I didn't expect you to go along willingly, but I had to give it a shot right?" he asked rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. I raised an eyebrow.

"You're serious?" He nodded vigorously. "Good luck with that," I said.

"When was the last time you had a friend?" he asked.

"When I was seven. It ended badly, so I don't like to bring it up, especially with strangers," I replied simply. He nodded slowly. I picked up his empty bowls. He got up and began to walk away, but turned his head back to me.

"I'll break through your shell. I promise you that," he stated. I stared at him as he grinned and walked away. Ha, good luck with that. I turned back to the kitchen and put his bowls in the sink to wash later.

"It isn't as if I'll see him very often anyways," I thought out loud.

"Actually, Naruto comes here everyday," Ayame told me. I stared blankly at her for a moment.

"NANI!?" I exclaimed. She laughed. I suddenly felt extremely exhausted and I sat down on a stool. He comes here everyday? I have to see him everyDAY?! That annoying Naruto Uzumaki guy? Damn it! I know his name now too! I should never have come to work at this stupid ramen shop!!