I couldn't really tell you what was going on then. I heard a lot of crashes and explosions...screams and cries for help.

But to me it was all muffled...

I stumbled forward, barely feeling the blood drip down my face and I suppose an inch or so below my eyes, a large gash bled freely too. My hands shot out, looking to grab onto something, anything.

Something caught me. I gazed up, antenna leaning back against my head as gold irises bore down into my own crimson eyes.

Zim... I heard. Oh good...it was Dib. He'd let me sleep I know it...

"Dib...I'm...I'm so tired..." I murmured, trying to stifle a yawn as I buried my face into his shirt. He gave me a light shake, saying something about staying awake.

I wouldn't have that. I was tired and needed to sleep...what was wrong with that?

"No, no...I need sleep...don't worry about me..." I yawned, shivering. I was too tired to even lift my arms to get comfortable against the human. He repeated himself. He sounded scared. Why was he scared? God he was starting to scare me a little...


"Dib it's alright...c'mon you're scaring me...I need to go to sleep..." He shook me harder and I whimpered. "Noo...please Dib...please...just let me sleep..."

He tightened his grip, holding me closer to his chest. I felt...moisture running down my face...it didn't sting. Huh...must of been my own. Something smooth and cool ran across my cheek to wipe away the liquid leaking out of me. From where? I wondered dully...

He mumbled something against my head, and I replied, "Crying...? Don't know..." Dib mumbled something else. It was getting really hard to focus. It took me a minuet, but I replied, "Pak...? What Pak...?" That seemed to make him hold me tighter.

I didn't care really. He was warm and that's all that mattered...

My eyes slipped closed, as I slumped against him...

Zim...you can't go...please don't...I love you...

"...Love? Me too." I said in a slur, eyes twitching as I forced them to open once more to look at Dib. "I'm sorry...good-night Dib..." Then they closed, as I let myself fall slack...


This sleep came and took me away...