I looked under the covers to see myself fully clothed. Thank god for that... It's not that I don't want to do "that" with Nick,it's just I'm not ready and we both made a promise saying that we wouldn't have sex till' we are married even if it's not to each other.. I'm not thinking that far ahead.

"I think we got drunk" Nick said rubbing his temple.

"Can you black out from being drunk?" I asked running my finger under my eye trying to get some of the probably smeared eyeliner off my my face.

"I guess?" He shrugged.

Neither of us really experienced being drunk before, we don't even really know how it feels. I'm pretty sure I know the feeling of a hangover now though.

I got up out the bed and searched through my purse for some Advil. After I found some I handed two to Nick and took two for myself and went into the bathroom and put the pills in my mouth and walked over to the sink and turned the water on then put my mouth under the water to get the pills down. I looked behind me to see Nick laughing a little.

"What?" I moaned out. He smiled and shrugged and put his mouth under the water just like I had done a few seconds ago. I laughed at him.

"Can I help you?" He said lifting he head from the sink.

I shook my head at him and walked out of the bathroom and plopped myself on the bed and began rubbing my forehead hoping the Advil would kick in soon.


"Go away!" I yelled inside my head then got up from the bed and walked over to the hotel room door and opened it to see a very mad looking dad with a magazine in his hand.

"Have you seen this?" My dad shouted making his voice echo through the hallway.

"Seen what?" I said taking the magazine from his hand.

I couldn't even believe it. On the cover was me as Hannah Montana dancing- no grinding with Nick and then another picture of me. It was me, not Hannah, me.

Tears started shooting out of my eyes and down my face, I dropped to the ground and put my head in my hands. Everything that I worked for was ruined because I got drunk and like blacked out. I was angry at myself and Traci for inviting me to her stupid party. Hannah Montana is dead because of that party, now its just Miley.

"How could you let this happen? I should of never let you go to that party!" My dad yelled, "How could you get drunk Miley? I trusted you to be responsible. Did you think about what you were doing at all?"

"No, I didn't think" I said still crying.

"And what is he doing in here?" My dad said pointing behind me. I looked to see Nick with a "please don't shoot me Mr." look on his face.

"I don't know! I don't know anything! I don't remember anything from last night!" I said still on the floor.

"Miley get off the floor" He said a little bit softer.

I slowly got off the floor and stood up on my feet.

"How long has he known?" My dad asked.

"Since the second day tour started" I said looking at the floor.

"We have to go home" He said. "The tour is cancel"

"I guess that. I don't want to sing anyway. Everybody knows my secret, what are we going to do?" I said crying some more.

"We're just all going to go home and figure this out" My dad said, "Go find Lilly and tell her" after that he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Lilly, I didn't even think about her. Did she get drunk too? Is she okay? Was she with Joe? All these questions ran through my head like a race horse. I kept on thinking of all these horrible things that could of happened to her. The last I remember seeing her was in the limo before the party, As soon as we were inside I lost her.

I turned to Nick and said "I gotta go talk to Lilly, stay here?" and then I watch him nod an "ok" at me and then I walk out of the room hoping my best friend was okay.


"GO AWAY MILEY!" I heard Lilly yell through her hotel room door.

I knocked over and over again. There was no use, I don't even know what I did to make her so.. so mad. I tried to think back to last night but I couldn't. I remember taking a few shots and dancing and... my mind was completely blank. I don't remember how I even got back to the hotel.

"Please Lilly! Just open the door!" I screamed while still pounding on the door, I was just about to quit right before the door opened and a angry and hurt Lilly stared at me.

"Miley, I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to be your friend or really anything to you. Pretend we never met and have a nice life" She yelled then slammed the door right in my face. I felt the tears build up and flow down my cheeks fast. I slammed my hand against the door as hard as I could still crying. I couldn't help but to cry, my best friend hates me and I don't even know why.

"What did I do to get you so mad at me!" I screamed putting my face against the door.

"LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW!" Lilly yelled.

"Just tell me!" I cried.

The door opened once again revealing an angry Lilly.

"Where should I start?" She said putting a hand on her hip, "Well first you started drinking then loving up on my boyfriend. You were like all over him! When I tried to pull you away from him you like jabbed me in the stomach. I understand that you got drunk but I think you were well aware of your actions. The Miley I know would never do this. Who are you?"

"I don't remember anything, I swear" I whispered.

"THEN! You pulled off our wigs and blew your secret. Pictures were taken Miley, I'm pretty sure the whole world knows now. I look at you in a totally different way. I still can't believe you did that" She said.

"I'm sorry. I blacked out or , and the tours over" I said looking at my feet.

"Good, then I don't have to be around you any longer. I'm staying with Joe, now go away" Lilly said then slammed the door in my face.

I stood there shock, absolutely shocked. I really don't remember anything, my mind is so hazy right now. This doesn't even seem real, maybe I'm just having a bad dream..

Dear wonderful reviewers and readers,

I would like to apologize for not updating in forever. I'm having a GIANT readers block right now. So, if this chapter is no good, I'm sorry.

REVIEWW, I would hiighhlyy appreciated it (:

Until next time,