I do not own Avenue Q or the characters in this work okay? I figured I wouldn't be as bad on this next update which will introduce Juniper Lee in her role in this chapter. I hope you like it. I combine both "Not Wearing Underwear Today" and "Special" in this one because they both take place at the Around the Clock Café. Also let me know if I should do, "You Can Be As Loud As You Want (While Making Love)" Because of the rather higher rating on that one, I may skip it. Let me know what you think. Anyway, enough with this A/N, on with the fic!
Dib looked at Tak with a smile on his face. She had agreed to come with him on a date and she wasn't just being nice and having him feel good about himself. Tak genuinely cared about him. Dib knew he was luckier than any other guy on Avenue Toon when it came to getting a date with Tak. "So, what's up with you today?" Dib asked blushingly.
"Oh nothing…" Tak blushed. She took her drink and stirred it with the straw. She was happy. For the longest while she spent the Around the Clock Café trips alone, laughing politely at Itachi's jokes. She knew he always had wanted to have a date to go on the weekends at the café.
"Okay…" Dib asked as he picked up his Buzz Cola and smiled. He was trying to be careful around Tak because he didn't want to screw up with her. Part of Dib knew that Tak may have been the one for him and he was not going to mess up. He wanted to be with her so much, it pained him at times to think of her with someone else. He loved her so much he didn't want to be without her. Dib blushed and looked around. He was new to the neighborhood so he wanted to know what everyone liked doing here. "So… why does everyone like coming here? I mean Danny told me that every Friday night; the whole group on Avenue Toon would come down here. Why?"
Tak took a sip of her tea and giggled. "Well… it was all Itachi and Gaz's idea. You see, The Around the Clock Café is where Itachi does his amateur comedy act." Dib looked at Tak puzzled. "Yeah I know, Itachi doesn't seem like the comedian type but he's trying to be one."
Dib looked from the empty stage back to Tak and back to the stage. There were red Akatsuki clouds all around the stage with a lone red microphone on the stand. Dib looked around and saw that Gaz was nowhere to be seen. He supposed that Gaz was prepping him up mentally for the show. "Ummm… when Itachi was in the Akatsuki, did he always want to be a comedian?" Dib asked as he looked into Tak's eyes.
"I don't know honestly." Tak took another sip of her iced tea. Tak swirled the straw as she pushed the lemon down further. "They moved into the Avenue a little after me. Gaz told me that the Akatsuki had disbanded a little before. She had just gotten her Master's Degrees and was thinking of setting up her own therapist practice. However, without Itachi's business in the Akatsuki, she could not get the capital to start it up. So she gets by." Tak said as she finished her tea.
"Allow me." Dib said as he went up to get a refill.
"Hey Dib!" The Anti-Wanda said in her backwoods accent.
"Yes Hello Mister Dib!" The Anti-Cosmo said.
"What do you want?" Dib whispered in annoyance.
"Why do is that lovely young lady with you?" The Anti-Cosmo sniggered.
"She's de purdiest darn aliens I seen en all my days!" The Anti-Wanda said as she poofed up a sandwich and began to eat it with her feet.
"Yeah." Dib said. He was starting to get annoyed.
"If I know the male instinct right, you'd like to do her." The Anti-Cosmo said forgoing his accent and formality and getting right to the point.
"What does it matter to you?" Dib yelled. His last suggestion from the Bad Idea Anti-Fairies was not one of the best in the world. Dib had to borrow money from Deidara to pay his phone bill. Now he was certain that they were going to mess with what he was planning to build with Tak.
"Well it would be horrible for you to go back to watching porn of Ino dancing again now would it? Why not get the real thing from Tak?" The Anti-Cosmo said patting Dib on the back.
"Well it is rather RUDE to approach a girl like that. Besides, I know she'd say no. She is not the type of girl to fuck the guy she only just started dating." Dib snapped back.
"Dib! Where's my tea?" Tak said annoyed yet politely.
"Coming my dear Tak!" Dib said as he walked up to the bar. "One iced tea please." He said.
"Oh that's no good!" The Anti-Wanda said. "Get her a Bud Light! Chicks dig light beer!"
"No." The Anti-Cosmo said. "Miss Tak wants some tea. Dib, get her lots of Long Island Iced Teas."
"Tak does not want Long Island Iced Teas." Dib said firmly. Dib was getting annoyed. Sure he wanted to have sex with Tak one day but that was at one day in the future. He did not want to do it now, but later. Only when they were serious would he venture that far. He was not going to lose everything by having sex with Tak too soon. That was the same thing he had done with Gretchen and ruined it with her. He was not about to make the same mistake with Tak.
"Well, Tak will be pleased by your thoughtfulness and if you show up with one too, she'll like that." The Anti-Cosmo said.
"Yeah…" Dib said showing the one point the Bad Idea Anti-Fairies were going to use and exploit to get what they wanted.
"So why not get two for you guys and then if she wants more, you can get some more for her. This is free refill night." The Anti-Wanda said.
"Well okay. But I will not get her so drunk she'll do me!" Dib said.
"Okay." The Anti-Cosmo said giggling as Dib went over to the table with two Long Island Iced Teas. One was for him and the other for Tak. He knew what was going to happen when things really got going, what would happen and knew he was pretty much doing Eris's job for her. Dib then heard a door open up and saw Gaz sit down at a table in the corner of the room.
"Itachi must be ready." Tak said as she sipped her Long Island Iced Tea not noticing it or not caring what it was. Itachi came out and tapped the microphone.
"Okay." He said as he looked around. "Who here likes jokes?" Itachi tapped his head. "Okay why did the shuriken fly across the road?"
"Because it was thrown!" Gaz yelled.
"Okay…"Itachi looked around trying to think of another joke. "You hear about the mass murderer killing black and white chickens? His name is Jeffery Dahmer."
"BOO!" Deidara said while Tobi who was sitting beside him was laughing as if it was the funniest thing in the world, a play on words with a breed of chicken. "Calm down Tobi!" Deidara sighed.
"OH GOD SEMPAI!" Tobi laughed banging his hand on the table, spilling Deidara's wine cooler. "I LOVE CHICKEN JOKES!"
"ME TOO!" Ed, who was at another table with DD and Eddy, laughed. All three of them came for unlimited refills, "CHICKEN JOKES ARE THE BEST!"
"Calm down Ed!" Eddy said as he picked up his drink as well.
"Okay…" Itachi said as he looked around at the crowd. Okay… most of the crowd seems to be mentally challenged the ones who like my jokes. The others… they don't see to be finding them all so funny. Well June is motioning to me that she's ready for her show, so I'll cut it off here. "Well time for my big finale!" Itachi then took the microphone and smiled. He then began to sing.
"Oh god…" Gaz said as she put her hand in her face.
"I'm not wearing underwear today! No, I'm not wearing underwear today! Not that you prob'ly care much about my underwear still nonetheless I gotta say that I'm not wearing underwear to-daaaay!"Itachi sang as he looked over the crowd.
"Get a job!" Gaz yelled.
Itachi blushed and looked away. "Thank you…honey…"
It was deathly quiet in there. A couple of girls who looked like they were about ready to jump Itachi and maybe do something he only wanted to do with Gaz. Itachi motioned to Gaz to go ahead because he knew she was going to beat them up for even looking at Itachi as nothing more than a below average comedian on the stage. Gaz turned around and pounding her hands in her fist and went to the fangirls, and began to unleash her rage on girls who were not supposed to look at her beloved Itachi they way she did. Soon the sound of Gaz's fury on the girls was heard all around the café.
"Can you get me another one of those drinks you got me?" Tak said getting a little tipsy.
"Okay…" Dib said. Maybe she has had enough. She still has a lesson to finish you know…
"Nonsense my boy, your date has only begun to have her fill of drinks!" The Bad Idea Anti-Cosmo said patting Dib on the back. "You want to awaken next to that lovely young lass don't you?"
"Yes…" Dib whimpered.
"Then be a good gentleman and fulfill her request." The Bad Idea Anti-Cosmo said.
"Okay…" Dib sighed as the bartender made him yet another Long Island Iced Tea. "Here goes nothing."
Itachi looked from the stage to where Tak was laughing without any reason and where Dib was giving her another drink. He was wondering if it was her idea or his on giving her so many drinks. Moe, the manager gave Itachi the announcement card and he began to read it. "So, here's the woman you all came to see. The Around the Clock is proud to present, fresh from her world tour, headlining in Amsterdam, Bangkok and Celebration, Florida, Please give a warm hand to the star of "Toon Girls Gone Wild parts two, five and seven- June the Slut!"
Just then big band style music began to play and a girl with long black hair with a pink streak in it wearing a green top with a pink dragonfly on it with a pink and green faux-feather boa and a short jean skirt with pink fishnets and black high heel strapped shoes. June then took the microphone and began to sing in a rather seductive way as a guy with a piano came out and she climbed out on top of it.
"I can make you feel
When it sucks to be you
Let me make you feel
For an hour or two" June sang as all the men looked on as if she was Eve to their Adam. Even Deidara, who was thought to be in the closet for the longest time was looking up at June with amazement. Gaz was busy tending to the fangirls who were going after her fiancée and Tak looked on rather disgusted. Here she was, a mere teaching assistant who was living on one of the cheaper Avenues in the Toon City and June was taking world tours. Tak clenched her fists in rage. What was making Tak even angrier was that Dib was starting to look more interested in her than Tak.
"You're life's a routine
That repeats each day
No one cares who you are
Or what you say
And sometimes you feel
Like you're nobody
But you can feel like
Somebody with me" June had then stepped off the piano that Butters was playing for her and gotten down and headed around the tables at the café, making some rather alluring movements as she was singing. June had gotten to where Dib was sitting and gotten real close to him. Dib looked down and saw her chest and was amazed.
"Oh yeah shake it baby, shake it!" Danny said as she danced along the stage.
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH What a wonderful Earth female. Maybe I can talk to some of my investors with her?" Zim said as he rubbed his hands together scheming.
"Wow" Dib said looking down at June as if she was Venus herself. Dib couldn't help himself. His body wanted her body and his mind was taking over. His chest heaved and his brows sweat.
"Yeah. They're real." June said kissing Dib on the cheek causing Tak to steam with rage. She downed the rest of her Long Island Iced Tea in fury and walked out to the bathroom.
"I knew it!" Zim yelled as Tak walked into the bathroom. "I can tell those kinds of things from a mile away!"
"Goddamn those men and how they think!" Tak said as she went tint the restroom. As soon as the women's room door closed, June began her song again.
"When we're together
The Earth will shake
And the stars will fall
Into the sea
So come on, baby
Let down your guard
When your date's in
The Bathroom,
I'll slip you my card." June was now paying a lot of attention to Dib. She knew he was really interested in her and knew she may be able to use this and get a lot of money out of him and spend a lot of time with him. If she was correct, she knew that he was related to the rich and famous Professor Membrane and she could get a lot of money out of him. June also thought of him as a little bit cute as well. She then slipped her card down his pants pocket and smiled.
"I can tell just by looking
That you've got it hard
For me! For me!
For me! For me!
For me! For me!" June sang with a deepness of her voice trying to project it all along the café like a smooth jazz singer. Dib blushed and looked away not wanting to admit what was going on. As he did, June went in ever closer on him.
"I can tell just by looking
That you are especially
Hard for me!"
"WHOOOOO!" Danny, Dib, Zim, Deidara and Tobi and many of the men and women who didn't care about what she was doing, but appreciated her singing.
Gaz was cheering because her singing was much better than Itachi's poor comedy act. It was a relief to hear something good after her fiancée did something so horrible that only the mentally challenged in the audience would appreciate it. Also, it helped to have jazz after she beat the fangirls up. Tak had come out of the bathroom and was angry at what she had seen with Dib and June. She walked up to the bar and sighed.
"One Long Island Iced Tea, a shot of Jack Daniels and a Fudd Beer." Tak said.
"Okay… you sure you can handle that entire booze young lady?" Kevin asked.
"Yes!" Tak said as she drank all of it down in disgust, trying to forget what was happening.