Hey there! For those that don't know me, I'm Chikane-AnnaOnodera. I'm glad to start a new fanfic, although i don't know if it will be as good as others. But it's my first official fanfic that has no OCs whatsoever.

Hatori's my favorite character out of the entire series. When I first started to read this series, I heard about it from my friends in late 2006. I didn't know if it would be good or not. But once I read the first volume, it was like an addiction to me. In the exact same day, I was watching the anime and became obssessed for months.

So now, i present my first Fruits Basket fanfic, "Thawed Snow"! And, for all I know, it's probably my only Frutis Basket fanfic planned.

Another Visit

It was all too sudden. He never thought he would ever hear the desired departure.


The moent he stepped out of his home, an extremely heavy weight instantly lifted out of his body, his soul. He suddenly took a deep breath, and realized what had happened.

Tears flowed out of his eyes, coming from both relief and sorrow. After 28 long years, the dragon decided to fly on his own, leaving the nest that was the body and returning to God. He knew to some degree that he was going to miss the mythical beast, but now it was time for him to start over

But how was he gonna start? Kana was already married to someone else, obviously not himself.

Perhaps Shigure was wrong. Maybe there wasn't anyone out there for him. Who would have any kind of feelings for one who mercilessly erases memories?

After finally being released, frustration overloaded his mind. He needed to relax and read a good book.


A face appeared in his head, smiling purely and innocently. When was the last time he visited her...? Her parents would often call her in to run the bookstore...

Hell, why not?

Running a hand through his long black hair, Hatori sohma stepped out of his fron porch and headed toward his black Jaguar. The car chirped before he opened the door and sat on the driver's side, jamming the key into the ignition.

Perhaps...it was time to tell the truth.

She let out a deep sigh and continued to rock back and forth in the stool. Why did her parents have to own a bookstore, of all jobs they could have taken? it was only one in a billion chance for a customer to walk straight through that front door, actually expecting to buy a book.

'The irony of being an only child,' she groaned inwardly. 'Dammit.'

It was amazing their store didn't become bankrupt. The gratitude should probably go to their #1 customer: the man who Mayuko Shiraki continually kept affections for. As a frown appeared on her face, doubts filled her head.

'He wouldn't have feelings for me...Why would he? I'm just the best friend of his ex-girlfriend.'

She couldn't take it anymore. The spirit of a lovesick puppy infected her body, taunting Mayu for her secret crush. 'Just shut up...'

It was at that moment when the front bell chimed, announcing the arrival of a customer. Mayu didn't want to seem too excited; it was probably just someone who needed to kill time, giving no care about who they were bothering.

She sighed again as she got up from the stool and started to move behind the counter.

"Please take your time," she welcomed insipidly. "If you need any help, just call." She hoped the customer wouldn't.

He was shocked by her expressionless greeting. The last time he came, Mayu was at a loss of words, surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Actually...I'm not looking for a book."

The man's voice rang in her ears an instantly struck a memory. Her eyes widened as she turned quickly to the front door and saw him: Hatori Sohma, the ex-boyfriend of her best friend, Kana Sohma. At the sight of his ebony hair and beautiful hazel orbs, Mayu froze in place, unable to speak once again. He was dressed in an expensive brown suit, and the tire loosely hung around his neck.

His image made her want to run up and hug him instantly, but she kept her manners while returning to reality.


He gave a light nod before a following smile. "Sorry I haven't recently come by...Mayu."

A crimson blush came across her face as she feverishly shook her head.

"N-No! It's completely fine, Hatori! You must have been busy and all, so it's all explainable! U-Um...did you order a book or something? I don't remember you ordering...one..."

Mayu's voice eventually drofted...for she looked at hatori in a new way. In her eyes, she no longer saw a saddening aura floating around his form, but a new light.

"Hatori...did something happen?"

He was slightly taken aback; how could she suddenly find out about the change in him? It was barely obvious to those outside of the Zodiac, but somehow, Mayuko was able to see it...

The new Hatori.

As his face turned ack to its calm state, he began to think:

'Maybe it's time to tell her...'

Then, all at once, it seemed like he was in a different dimension, spacing out, thinking that no one and nothing was around. It all felt so crowded; ever since this morning, Hatori was able to breathe fresher air, walk farther distances, and exceed every limit that bounded him since birth.

He was free, liberated from the cage that was the Sohma curse.

Hatori took a deep breath and looked into Mayu's confused eyes. Regret filled him up inside, wanting to spill out the truth...but the laws of the Sohma house binded his mouth and tongue, no matter how hard he tried to break free.


Looking at him sternly, she paid close attention to his words, something that Hatori himself never earned in his life. never did he think that anyone outside te family would care about his problems: Mayu didn't assume that everything was fine and dandy. Even after Kana disappeared from his life, Hatori found someone that understood the pain of loneliness.

"What is it?" she curiously asked.

He walked up extremely close, feeling Mayu's shocked breath on his chin. His hands took hold of hers, gripping tightly to make a crison blush go across her face. The contact of their skin, the locks of their gazes...it was overwhelming for her. She always thought the gaze he was giving was only meant for Kana...but she thought wrong.

"There's something I ned to tell you," he started. "And it's not going to be simple and easy to absorb."

Suddenly, images of Kana and her happiness with Hatori flashed within Mayu's head...for she knew his story had to involve the past.

Hatori looked at her with confidence and sadness. "The reason Kana and I ended up like this...the thing that she knew...was the Sohma curse."

Mayu's eyes widened in an instant, having difficulty believing his words. She knew there was soemthing unique about his family, but a curse...

"Curse?" The blush on her face disappeared as more thoughts came. "You mean...you and Shigure...even Ayame?"

He solemnly nodded. "And eleven more of our relatives...were cursed by the animals of the zodiac."

There was no fear, but a feeling of shock drowned his words as Hatori continued on. What amazed Mayu the most was that the doctor was actually willing to share his family secrets to a girl like her.

That must have meant he trusted her a lot.

Okay. It might seem lame, but if it's not, tell me! Review if ya could!