Come Home Contest Winners!

Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? It is time to announce the winners of the Come Home Contest!

First, let me say that I truly enjoyed reading all of the entries. It was a real blast to see other people's interpretations and predictions for the characters within the universe I created. Sort of like being fanficced myself. Very cool. It was hard for me to pick my favorites, but somehow I managed to do it. So without any further ado, here are the winners:

First place: "Ends and Beginnings" by Aindel S. Druida.

I have to say that I'm rather surprised that I picked an AkuRoku for first since they're my least favorite couple, but this story is amazing. The amount of canon she managed to bring in, plus the ease of her style and the way she kept the characters perfectly within my characterizations, it felt like I was reading my own writing. Truly a fantastic piece. Congratulations, Aindel, and thank you.

Second place: A tie between "Role Reversal" by Sammei and "The Urge" by xDelfin.

Ahhhh, I couldn't choose between these two, so it's a tie. "Role Reversal" is a short Cleon that's both adorably sweet and hysterically funny and well-written to boot. "The Urge" is a super-sexy AkuRoku, written so well that, once again, I didn't mind that it was my least favorite pairing. Congratulations to both of you.

Honorable mention: "Love and Sandwiches" by Celestial Secrets.

This one is a cute and funny Zemyx with Zexion being confused and Demyx being Demyx. Definitely a fun read.

All of the stories that were published on FFNet can be accessed via the community I created just for that purpose. There's one M-rated one, so don't forget to change the filter if you want access to it. My thanks again to everyone who entered. I had a great time with this, and I hope you all did, too.

Much love for all of you.

- Karai