A/N: Hi guys :) Sorry it's been a while haha. OK major understatement- I suck at updating. But hey, its summer hols now so you can expect lots more writing from me! I'm not sure if this will be the last chapter of this story - it seems like an appropriate ending, but I don't know. Tell me what you think when you've read it? Oh, and I know Corbin and Ashley wrapped a few days before the rest of the cast, but for the purpose of the story lets just say they all wrapped on the same day :) OK, without further ado: the next, and possibly last chapter of Giving Me Butterflies :) Enjoy!

Giving Me Butterflies
Chapter 6

Vanessa sat up at the sound of the alarm blaring into her ear. It was another day on the set of High School Musical 3. But there was something different about today. Vanessa frowned as she racked her brains, trying desperatley to remember what was so special. She groaned out loud and buried her head in her hands. There was nothing worse then that nagging feeling that you had forgotten something important, and no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't remember. On her right side, Zac watched on, amused. He smiled at the confused look on Vanessas face. She was too adorable sometimes. After watching her sit, confused for several minutes, he decided to step in. He sat up and kissed her on the forehead.

"Morning babe, you ready for the last day of filming?" Vanessas eyes widened. Shit. That was it. And without a second to spare, she promptly burst into tears.

After 20 minutes spent comforting Vanessa, a sad looking Zac emerged from the hotel elevator, red eyed Vanessa in tow. Zac hated seeing her cry, but what was even worse about this occasion was that he knew he would no doubt be in tears by the end of the day too. He squeezed her hand tight and gave her a comforting grin, before wrapping his arms around her in the lobby, waiting for Ashley to arrive. After 5 minutes he spotted her walking down the stairs over Vanessas head and he shot her a smile, which caused Ashley to erupt into sobs, just as suddenly as Vanessa had earlier that morning. He unwrapped his arms from Vanessa as she ran over to her best friend and threw her arms around her, as they both cried together. Zac made his way over to them and placed a hand on both of their shoulders. Ashley turned to him and slapped him on the arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he rubbed his arm and looked at Ashley, confused.

"I was doing perfectly fine until you decided to shoot me your adorable grin!" She paused, her eyes welling up. "I'm never gonna see that adorable grin again!" She wailed. Zac rolled his eyes and pulled Ashley in for a hug.

"Ash, don't be ridiculous. It's not like we're never going to see each other again. We all practically live on the same street, and we have all the HSM3 promo to do. Yeah, it's sad that it's our last day ever filming a High School Musical, but we should think of it as more of a celebration of our time together and the amazing friends we've made rather than a time to get upset about it being out last day!" Zac finished off sincerely, earning a watery smile from Vanessa, who had been touched by his words.

"Thanks Zac." Ashley mumbled into his chest. He laughed and ruffled her hair.

"No prob. Now lets go finish making our movie!" He linked hands with both girls, pressing a kiss to the side of Vanessa's head as all 3 of them walked out together to the car. Zac grinned to himself. Wow, he'd actually managed to reduce the girls tears. He hoped to himseld that he could keep it up as they slid into the back seats of the silver car. As the engine started up he felt a sinking feeling.

"This is the last time we're ever gonna make this journey!" Vanessa cried and Ashley and herself burst into a fresh fit of tears.

It was lunchtime. Zac and Vanessa walked into the cafeteria of East High, Zacs arm tightly wrapped around her shoulder, her arm wrapped around his waist and her head snuggled into the gap between his shoulder and elbow. They walked to the line of cast members who were waiting to get food.

"What do you want for lunch, baby?" he probed gently, knowing she was in a tender state. She mumbled something incoherent into his chest and he chuckled, causing her to look up, pouting.

"What?!" He smiled at the cute expression on her face, and couldn't help but reach out and cup her cheek in his hand.

"I know you're upset beautiful, but my ears are on the side of my head, not in my chest!" He teased. She giggled quietly.

"Oh, well in that case..." She stood on her tiptoes and whispered her choice of food into his ear, making sure she grazed his earlobe with her lips as she pulled back, causing him to shiver.

"Hudgens, you're a tease!" He grumbled, tugging her forward by her hand as he realised it was their turn to collect their food.

After a heartfelt goodbye to the cafeteria staff, Zac and Vanessa joined Ashley, Corbin and Chris at the table they normally sat at. They began talking about everything they were going to miss when Kenny made his way over to the centre of the cafeteria and cleared his throat, an indication to everyone that he wanted to say something, and the chatter immediatley died down.

"When I set up the auditions for High School Musical back in 2005, I had no idea what to expect." He looked up and looked each and every cast member in the eye. Vanessa gripped Zacs hand tightly, knowing that this was going to be one of those emotional moments that she would remember for the rest of her life. "As I watched every single person audition, I was looking for something. Not just talent, but there was a spark I was searching for. As a director, I have ideas of exactly how I imagine each character to be before I cast. This small Disney Channel movie was no different. I listened, cringed, admired as each potential Gabriella and Troy came in and tried their best to impress me. Out of all the thousands of people that auditioned for the two lead roles, there was only two that had that spark I was looking for." Zac and Vanessa exchanged glances, and Zac ran his thumb along her knuckles. " Zac and Vanessa had something so special that when they performed, I could barely believe my eyes. I knew straight away that these two were the ones. The only two that could possibly live up to my expectations of the powerful connection between Troy and Gabriella." Kenny gave Zac and Vanessa a heartfelt grin before carrying on. "Then there was Sharpay and Ryan. The two that needed to have the comedy factor. The ones that would get the most laughs. Ashley and Lucas. You guys had me in stitches. Both extremley talented and dedicated, I knew you two were the right people for the roles of the drama queen and her sidekick of a brother." Ashley and Lucas smiled at each other from across the cafeteria, tears in both of their eyes. "Monique and Corbin. You two impressed me with your ability to connect to one another. Both of you are amazing dancers, something that I have felt proud to watch blossom from day 1." Everyone turned to look at Monique, who had started to blub into her napkin. "Each and every one of you 6 have played the most important roles in making this movie become a success. None of us expected it to blow up like it did. As award after award was thrust upon us, I remember how amazed we were that we had acheived this phenomenon from what we saw as just having fun. Of course, our success could never have escalated to what it has without each and every person who has had involvement in making the High School Musicals. Kaycee, Chris, Olesya, Ryne. All of you guys are incredibly talented, I feel honoured to have had you on board. Chucky, Bonnie, where would I be without you guys? Your amazing choreography has never ceased to astound me. All the dancers, I've never seen a more talented group in my life. The energy you've brought to the table has been fantastic. Jemma, Matt and Justin. I've felt privileged to welcome you to the team for this final salute to what has been the most amazing experience any of us could have wished for. The camera crew, sound guys, all the extras, and the guys who work behind the scenes to make High School Musical into what it is - we couldn't have done it without you. I feel so proud right now, as I'm stood here looking at you all together for the last time. All of you have bonded so well, you've become a unit. I've been amazed as I have watched you support one another through the difficult times, the happy times and the emotional times. Despite the fact that you are all now branching out and creating amazingly successful careers for yourselves, I know that this is a team that will always have a special connection. We have one final scene left to shoot today, and I want every single person to put their heart and soul into making this the most powerful scene of the whole movie." He paused, taking in the spellbound atmosphere. "We've done it guys. We've graduated."

There was a moment of silence, before the entire cafeteria erupted into hair raising cheers and cries. Sat in the centre of it all, Zac cradled Vanessa tightly. Tears were pouring down both of their cheeks as the realisation that this was the end kicked in. However, deep down inside, they knew- this wasn't the end. In fact, it was far from it. Their love and respect for one another
would only continue to grow as each day passed. High School Musical was purely the beginning for them.

A/N: Haha, major cheese I know :) Sorry if I went a little overboard, I just wanted to try and capture the emotion they were feeling on the last day. Please review, and tell me if you think you want it to end here and for me to focus on other stuff :) Hope you enjoyed!