A/N: Hey! Someone said to me why don't I do a Zanessa story, so I thought I'd give it a go. I have done one before but it got deleted so I hope this one doesn't. I don't know If I'm going to leave it as a oneshot or make it a story yet, so tell me what you want. Hope you like!

Giving Me Butterflies

"V, will you calm down?!" Ashley Tisdale glanced to the side of her, rolling her eyes at her jittery, shivering best friend. They'd been stood in the airport for the past hour and they were freezing.

"I can't help it! You try not seeing Jared for 2 months, 2 weeks and 5 days and 4 hours."

"Ness, that's so sad."

"Oh whatever. Can you see him?" The petite brunette stood on her tiptoes attempting to see over the crowd. Her boyfriend, Zac Efron was arriving in Utah today, and his plane had supposedly landed 10 minutes ago; yet there was no sign of him so far. She was beginning to get nervous. They had spent over two months living for their spare time in which they would spend on the phone to one another. She couldn't wait to be in physical contact with him much longer.

"It usually takes a while to take people off of a plane V. Besides, I bet he got stuck signing autographs or something. Look on the bright side, at least there's no paps around." Vanessa fiddled with her trusty gold band on her right hand.

"Yeah I guess. I'm just nervous, y'know? Like, what if he gets off and he's all 'oh, sorry Vanessa, I met some hot English chick and decided you just weren't the one for me?!'" Vanessa looked at Ashley anxiously, and Ashley was about to open her mouth to rubbish this possibility when a deep voice spoke from behind the pair.

"Now why would I want 'some hot English chick' when I can have you?" Vanessa spun around and jumped into Zac's arms.

"Oh my God, Zac!" He chuckled and pulled her close, spinning her around mid air. She felt butterflies rush through her, sending shocks through her body. The sparks she felt were indescribable.

"I missed you gorgeous." He whispered in her ear. A tear trickled down her face and he wiped it away quickly. "What's wrong Van?" He placed her down gently and brushed a strand of hair from her face.

"Nothing, I just missed you so much." She clung onto him again, this time he squeezed back, shutting his eyes, knowing that if he opened them he'd probably cry too. He pressed his forehead against hers and met her lips in a passionate kiss. They both smiled into it, loving the fact that they could actually touch one another again. Ashley watched them, grinning goofily at how cute they were. However, when she spotted an onlooker watching in awe, taking a camera out of their bag, she decided it was time to break them up.

"Guys?" No reply.

"GUYS?" Ashley sighed when she realised even her high pitched squeal couldn't get them to move apart.

"Oh for Gods sake, will you two hurry up before someone recognizes us." At this, Zac and Vanessa pulled apart and turned to glare at Ashley.

"Fine, we're coming." The pair followed Ashley out of the airport, stuck together like glue. Zac wrapped his arm around Vanessa and held her close, never wanting to let go again. They climbed into the car waiting for them and set off towards the hotel. Vanessa snuggled into Zac's side, content yet overwhelmed to be with him again.

"So Zac, how was England?" Ashley asked, earning a withering look from Vanessa, who obviously just wanted some time with Zac. She shrunk back in her seat and Zac laughed at them both, quickly kissing Vanessa on the lips.

"It was really good actually. I learnt how to make a proper cooked English breakfast. I also even checked out the shopping. It really is much better over there, I managed to pick you guys a few things up!" He winked at Vanessa.

"Ooooh...show me!" Vanessa squealed, excited at the prospect of presents.

"Later baby." He silenced her with a kiss, emitting an 'aww' from Ashley.

"So, how've rehearsals been so far?" He asked. He could barely wait to get into the High School Musical 3 rehearsals, they were always a blast. It was also one of the few places where he felt he could be open about his relationship with Vanessa.

"They've been pretty good. The new kids are cute, but some of the extras are a bit snobby." Vanessa nodded her head in agreement.

"Yeah, they feel the need to whisper insulting names at me when I walk past."

"Have you told Kenny?" Zac looked at Vanessa, concerned.

"No, it's okay, I don't mind." Zac had known Vanessa for almost three years, and he still couldn't get over how strong she was. Especially after the whole picture scandal broke out; he was so proud of her for the way she handled it. "Anyway, now you're with me, so I'm sure they'll be too busy swooning to bother calling me names." She grinned at him as he blushed.

"Van, if they bother you again I want you to tell me, okay?" She smiled at his overprotectiveness, but wouldn't have it any other way.

"Okay babe."

Ashley watched this entire encounter with a smile on her face. She was so proud of Zac and Vanessa. They were two of the nicest people she had ever met, and they'd been through a really tough patch. She was so happy to see them coming out of it unscathed and ready to face whatever people threw their way. Not to mention, they were possibly the cutest couple she had ever known. She felt privileged to be able to call them her friends.

"What you grinning about Tizzy?" Vanessa poked Ashley in her side, awaking her from her thoughts.

"Nothing!" Ashley grinned. "Oh, look, we're here!" They looked out of the window and all groaned simultaneously as they noticed the 15 photographers stood around the hotel, waiting for them to arrive.

"You know what, I don't even give a fuck anymore." Vanessa stated, before grabbing Zac's hand and climbing out of the car. Zac grinned at her headstrong attitude, and kissed he head, sending the paparazzi insane.

"ZAC! How was England?"

"Are you glad to see your boyfriend back Vanessa?"

"How did you two deal with the photo scandal?"

"Have you missed Zac, Vanessa?"

"Vanessa! Over here!"

"Not now guys." Zac briskly walked past the paparazzi, Vanesas by his side as Ashley followed them in. Once they were inside and out of the view of the paparazzi, Vanessa rested her back against Zacs chest.

"Jeez, do they ever give up?" She complained, closing her eyes.

"We've just got to ignore them. They'll get bored of us eventually. I mean, we're not exactly the most exciting people in the world."

"What are you tring to say Efron?" Vanessa teased, turning to face him in his embrace.

"Nothing!" He squeezed her hips. before they leaned in and kissed. Just as their lips met, the elevator opposite them opened and out walked Kenny, Chucky, Corbin and Monique. They all laughed at the sight before them.

"Hey guys! I know you're glad to be reunited, but I'd like to say hi to Zac, if that's alright?" Chucky interrupted them, and they sprung apart blushing. Zac greeted everyone, and they stood in the lobby, catching up until Vanessa let out a yawn. Zac turned to her, amidst all the noisy chatter coming from the rest of the cast.

"Tired, baby?" She nodded her head wearily.

"Extremley." He pecked her on the lips and turned back around to face the cast.

"Guys, we're gonna go to our room. Van's tired and I am seriously jet lagged!"

"OK, night guys!" Kenny gave them both a hug, and they entered the elevator to a chorus of 'goodnights'.

"Which floor?"

"6" Vanessa replied, letting Zac press the button before wrapping her arms around his neck. "You know, I'm not really tired..." she whispered seductively. He raised an eyebrow.

"Good, 'cause neither am I." She grinned and kissed him before resting her head on his chest. He tilted her chin up. "I love you so much" he said to her in between kisses.

"I love you too." She said back, pressing him against the wall. Just as he rubbed his hand up her arm and caressed her face she stopped him.

"So, what's this you were saying about presents?"

A/N: Hope you liked. Please review!