FULFILLING PROMISES- a Band of Brother story.
Ok, this is a story idea I've had for a long time but I never got round to writing it til now cos I moved and when I finally got connected to the internet in my new place it broke and I didn't have it again for ages…that and I haven't written a fic in a long time so I was worried I wouldn't be able to do it right. So…this first chapter is a little short and basically just a bit of a tester. If you don't like it let me know and I'll stop or if you want me to go on tell me and I will lol. It's a little slow starting but there will be a Bill/Babe/OC romance along the way
Note- I did a bit of research to be as historically accurate with this story as possible in terms of war facts but if anyone notices anything wrong please let me know.
(3 Years Earlier- South Philadelphia)
"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow," I said, poking at the mostly uneaten food on my plate.
"Come on, Fi, you think you'd be glad to be rid of me," James joked. "Lord knows you joke about it often enough."
"Maybe I ended up jinxing it, huh?" I said, sadly.
"Don't be so down, I won't be away that long," he said, putting his hand over mine.
"James, you might never come back," I asserted. "You're my best friend. How am I supposed to sleep knowing what you might be going through over there. How am I supposed to face the gloomy South Philly streets without you?"
"Fiona, the world is at war…you can't think about yourself," he replied firmly.
Embarassed at appearing self-centred, I changed the subject. "So that's why you're not thinking about yourself?"
"Exactly. But it's more than that. Can't you tell that this war is a fight that's going to change the face and history of our country and the world forever? It's a fight I want in on," he said.
"Wow, who knew you could be so deep," I half-smiled. "Okay, I get that. But why this? Why do you want to be a paratrooper?"
"Hey, at least I'll get to see the world," he said, evidently dodging the question.
"Mmm yeah…I hear Germany's lovely this time of year…"I said, dryly. "Answer the question."
"Well the article said…"he started.
know what the damn Life Magazine article said," I retorted. "I
bought you the copy. Wish I never had now."
"Don't sulk like
that. And don't be so against me trying to join the paratroopers. I
know it's dangerous but at least I'll be trained to be the best,"
he said. "I'd be getting drafted either way…at least I get the
edge this way."
"I guess that much is true…" I admitted.
"See, you know it makes sense," he smiled, hugging me. "…and I'll make you damn proud of me."
(Aldbourne, England)
Getting out of the car and taking my first step into Aldbourne was like walking into one of those miniature models of an idyllic town. It was so far removed from anything I'd seen back in South Philly that I might as well have been on a different planet. Quaint little thatched cottages and bungalows nestled in neatly amongst the vast acres of rolling countryside…quite different to the five-storey walk-up I'd been raised in back home. I'd never seen so ,much green in my life.
Startling me back to reality, the bubbly blonde who'd been my companion in the car got out behind me. "Oh my gawd…have you eva seen anything like this in your whole life?"
"Honestly, no," I said, breathtaken.
gawjus," She exclaimed. "Nice to know that some places are still
pretty when the rest of the world is being torn to shreds."
smiled at her sentiment. "So…how come Beverley didn't travel
with us in the car?"
"Oh please, Miss 'Star of the Show'
gets her own car. Refuses to travel with the help. Ridiculous, know
what I mean?" the girl said as we were led to our lodgings.
"Is she
really bitchy though, cos I'm nervous as it is," I said.
yeah…you shoulda heard her yelling at the girl you're replacing
when she got food poisoning. Poor gal. Still, at least you got a job
out of it, huh? You're lucky you don't work full-time with her
though, like me. I swear, I've done around 20 USO performances with
her all around Europe and every time I get that close to shoving her
microphone down her throat, know what I mean?" she rambled. "I'm
Judy by the way, I woulda introduced myself in the car but you slept
practically the whole way."
"I'm Fiona. Yeah, I haven't
really slept…in months, actually."
"Well you'd better get
a good nights sleep before the show tomorrow. Least the beds look
comfy enough here," she said as we were led into our bedroom.
"Looks like we're sharing a room. I promise ya I don't snore!"
She lied. But that was only part of the reason that I couldn't sleep. It was shared with nerves both for the performance tomorrow and for whether I'd be able to achieve what I'd come to Aldbourne to achieve. I was a trained Army Flight Nurse who'd been working in France for the last few months…and somehow I'd managed to get to Albourne on a few days leave to be a backing singer for the music sensation Beverley D'Angelo on one of her dozens of United Service Organisation performances all around Europe. It was a stroke of luck I'd managed to get her, really…I swear, if one of her original backing singers hadn't eaten some dodgy dinner I don't know how I would have managed to get myself here.. I know it sounds bad, but I honestly couldn't have cared less about fulfilling the USO's mission statement of providing entertainment and boosting morale amongst the soldiers serving for their country. Truthfully, I had other reasons for getting myself to Aldbourne. I started to reflect on this when I finally fell into a deep sleep…
The next night, I stood backstage with Judy. My hair was put up in a bouffant and I was dressed in a glittery pink dress. I felt like a Barbie doll. Instantly, I recognised the star of the show, Beverley. I knew it was her because she was surrounded by people, fussing around her…and she was shouting orders at them all. She marched up to Judy and I. "Ok new girl, it's like this. You're not the main attraction here so don't pretend to be. You stand next to Jenny here and you do exactly what your job description says. You back up my vocals. Don't try and out-sing me and and don't try and attract any attention to yourself. Do that and we'll get along just fine. Don't do it and you'll be sorry…got it?". She stalked off to have a last minute application of powder.
I simpy uttered "What a Bitch!"
"I know, right!" Judy
agreed. "I can't believe after all this time she's still
calling me Jenny! I swear if I ever get the chance I'm gonna-"
Judy didn't get to finish as the music started and that was our cue to get ourselves on the stage. Positioning myself behind my microphone, I scanned the crowd thoroughly. There were so many soldiers and the lights were so bright. I couldn't see the company of men that I was looking for. I didn't even know how I was going to recognise them. It was almost funny watching these great defenders of our country, and how they were turning into shrieking monkeys in the mere presence of women. Men were rushing down the front of the stage to get a better look at Beverley and cat calls echoed around the auditorium. I knew that if I wanted to find out the information I was looking for, I'd have to get chatty in the bar later. Just as I was thinking this I realised Beverley had come out and finished her whole song…and I had forgotten to sing along to any of it. Shit.