She sighed. It was 9 o'clock and she was doing paperwork and it annoyed her. Actually, it was more that it was 9 o'clock and she had nothing better to do that annoyed her.
It was just her and Crews, although by no means quiet. He was sitting opposite her, playing with a Styrofoam cup and humming some song that she knew but couldn't remember the name of. That annoyed her too.
No. What annoyed her most was that her partner was sitting on 50 million dollars and he had nothing better to do at 9 o'clock.
"Want some?"
She looked up and found him holding out the cup, smiling earnestly. Which annoyed her too, because there really wasn't anything to smile about.
"It's empty." She stared at him, hoping to scare him off. But his blue eyes just pierced into hers until she had to look away.
"Is it?" His arm remained outstretched over their two desks. His smiled stayed put.
"Crews, don't you have anything better to do?" she asked, pretending to return to her task at hand.
He ignored her. "Empty is relative, Reese." He said and popped a piece of imaginary something in his mouth. She watched him out of the corner of her eye, half wondering how the hell they let him back on the force. He was even chewing it. The other half wondering what, exactly, he was chewing.
She felt his eyes bore into her, relentless, until she finally gave up and faced him again. "There is nothing in the cup." She said matter-of-fact-ly.
He smiled again, "Empty is relative."
"Empty is empty. Meaning nothing there."
He laughed, as if she had told a joke. She wasn't amused. She just wanted to get this over with, because her mind wouldn't let her be otherwise.
"See this cup?" he pointed.
"Not really here?" she offered.
Again, he laughed, "It's not empty. In fact, it's full. Over flowing."
"Oh yeah? With what?"
She wanted to shoot him. "Air is nothing."
"Uh-huh. Nothing." She was shocked for a moment that he was agreeing with her, until he continued, "Just Nitrogen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Krypton, Xenon, Neon, Helium, Hydrogen, Oxygen..."
She sighed but said nothing. Her partner was teaching her 6th grade science. He didn't even know what a megapixel was. He annoyed her. And he wasn't finished.
"Would you say this room was empty, Reese?" He raised an eyebrow, challenging her.
"No." She admitted, although what she was admitting she wasn't sure.
"Would you say this room was empty of...pandas?" he grinned for a second, before looking around to make sure that there were, in fact, no pandas.
There weren't. "Yes, Crews. This room is empty of pandas."
"To be empty, is to be empty of something." He said, taking another piece of imaginary something. "One thing can be empty, but it is full of everything else. Therefore nothing is empty."
He was so full of Zen, she wanted to laugh. She stopped herself though, when he leant forward, staring at her intently.
"Nothing is empty, Reese. Feelings, consciousness, mentality, perceptions. Not empty. You're not empty."
I didn't think I was, she wanted to answer. But something made her swallow her argument. Instead she found herself wondering how he knew what she felt at night. Behind curtains, when she let herself do things promised she'd never do again.
She turned back to him, expecting to say something deep, or at least break the silence. Only to meet, once again, an outstretched hand holding the cup.
"Want some?"
She looked from the cup to the holder, and couldn't hold back a small grin. "What is it?"
He looked into the cup for a second, "I don't know. But it tastes nice."
A laugh escaped her, as she reached out her hand and took a piece of imaginary something and popped it into her mouth.
They both leant back into their chairs, chewing imaginary somethings. He started humming again, that song that she knew but couldn't remember the name of.
It didn't really annoy her anymore.