A/N: This idea came to me this afternoon, and so I decided to run with it and post it here.

I don't own Labyrinth.


Sarah lay awake, staring at the ceiling, listening to the crickets chirp merrily. Moonlight was streaming through the open window, creating an eerie, silvery glow throughout the room. She turned on her side with a heavy sigh. This was not a good night to be sleepless. She had final exams in half her classes the next day, and she desperately needed to pass. She had been studying for a week, and she was fairly confident that she knew all the answers, but she wanted to be well rested. She did not want to spend her break in the stuffy school building with a bunch of dunces.

Yes. Summer vacation was upon her. Just two more days and she would be free from that prison known as high school for three whole months. This year, her freshman year, had been a bear. She had struggled, due to her unfortunate habit of daydreaming during the boring classes. But now she was almost free, and her days would be full of trips to the lake, playing with Toby in the park (he loved to be pushed on the baby swing) and plenty of flirting with Nigel, the cute guy who had just moved in next door. She let out a giddy little giggle at the thought of the tall, dark haired, grey-eyed hottie, who gave her a friendly smile and wave when she saw him every morning.

She suddenly heard the grandfather clock downstairs start to chime midnight.




She turned onto her other side and stared out the window.





A slight breeze blew through the tree outside. She shivered slightly.






She closed her eyes on the final bong of twelve.


Her eyes shot open. Had she just heard what she thought she heard? 'No, 'she thought, 'I must have just counted the chimes wrong.' She closed her eyes again, but a loud rumble outside made her look out the window. She was surprised to see a rather violent storm raging outside. When had that started?

She got out of her bed, and went to shut the window, so the rain wouldn't come in and ruin the carpet. She slammed the window and looked at the scene. The trees were all blowing, and the rain was coming down in sheets.

She went to go back to bed, but heard a noise downstairs. Startled, she opened her door a crack, and listened carefully. She had heard her father and stepmother go to bed around eleven, so she was fairly sure it wasn't them…

The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She could feel a rather electrifying presence throughout the house. A somewhat familiar presence, she thought, similar to the one she had last felt two months ago…

"Hello?" she called, praying that no one would answer.

"Sarah…" a voice hissed in the darkness. Her blood froze. She recognized that voice. She wasn't sure what to do, but against her will, she found herself moving through the darkness. The stairs creaked as she walked down towards the living room. 'Stop moving, damn it!' she willed herself. But she could not stop. She was drawn down the stairs. She wanted to scream, but no noise came out.

"Sarah..." the voice called again.

She looked around the living room, scanning the dark room for the person she was sure was there. Lightning flashed outside, and in the sudden burst of light, she saw the silhouette of a tall man with fly away hair, wearing a cape with a high collar. The darkness soon returned, and Sarah was finally able to move. She stepped cautiously into the living room. There was another lightning flash, but as she desperatly scanned the room, she was shocked to see that the ominous figure was gone.

Finding her voice, she called out, "Where are you? I know you're here!"

"How I've missed you, my darling..." the voice called out again. His voice echoed in the room. She looked around frantically, trying to locate him. The lightning flashed again, and she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. She turned to look, but he was gone as quickly as he appeared. His laughter reverberated in the room, sending chills down her spine.

"Whats the matter, love?"

"Leave me alone!" she screamed.

"You turned me down. You hurt me Sarah..."

Another flash of lightning. She saw his shadow behind her. She whirled around and found herself face to face with the Goblin King himself. He smirked down at her. She turned and tried to run away, but he grabbed her from behind, and slammed her against the wall. He turned her over, and pressed her shoulders against the wall, pinning her there.

She opened her mouth and took a deep breath, preparing to scream.

"I wouldn't if I were you, girl. You might find that things might happen to those you care for. You wouldn't want that would you?"

"Bastard," she growled. She could feel his warm breath on her face. She struggled under his iron grip.

"You flatter me, love. Now, I've got somethings to say, and you aren't going anywhere until I do."

"Why should I listen to anything you say? Let me go!"

"My sweet, I don't want to hurt you. Your baby brother, on the other hand, is quite dispensable. You don't want anything to happen to him now, do you?"

Her face grew hot. "Don't you dare touch my little brother, Goblin King."

"This coming from the girl who wished him away two months ago."

"I got him back, didn't I? Now let me go. You have no power over me!"

He let out a feral growl, and pushed her harder against the wall. "True. As of now, I have no power over you. But before morning, you will bow to me. I will rule you, as I should have all this time."

"In your dreams, Goblin King."

"Oh, Sarah. Sweet little Sarah..." he said, shaking his head.

"What do you want from me? What will it take to get you to leave me alone?" she demanded, tears starting to well in her eyes.

"Explain to me, Sarah. Explain how you could have turned down your every hearts desire for a baby? Explain how you could be content with this simple mortal life, when you are clearly destined for a life that is far more enchanting. Explain to me how you could be lusting after that disgusting mortal boy, when there is a king who desires you so. Explain yourself, Sarah."

"How did you know about Nigel? Have you been watching me?"

"Of course, I had to make sure my queen isn't going astray. You'll find, Sarah, that I can be quite a jealous lover."

"You aren't my lover."

He chuckled lightly. "We shall see, precious thing." He released one of his hands on her shoulder, and cupped her chin. He pulled her face upwards to face him.

"We could be great together, Sarah. You'd make a wonderful queen, the way you reach out to people and touch their hearts. All my subjects would be under your spell, as I am. I would happily spoil and pamper you, any thing you wish for would be yours. We will have children, and when they grow up, they will take over the kingdom, and you and I shall retire to a distant shore, and spend the rest of eternity together. Doesn't that sound lovely, my dear?"

"You really want to know what I think of your plan, Goblin King?" she spat. He growled in his throat.

"What is wrong with you? Why can't you understand? I offer you everything, because everything is what you mean to me." he said, shaking her violently, "become mine, Sarah. I need you, and I won't spend another night without your warm body beneath my own!"

"Let me go! I'll never be yours, you foul... evil..."

"Silence!" he snarled, grabbing her throat, and lifting her up off the ground. "I will not be spoken to like that. Especially by an ungrateful chit like you!"

She sputtered, struggling for breath. He smirked up at her cruelly. "I shall release you when you agree to return with me."

She shook her head. He smiled up at her. "I have no problems letting you die, Sarah. If I can't have you, I'll be damned if some pathetic mortal will. The choice is up to you."

Seeing only one way out, she swung out her leg. She missed her target, but managed to hit him in the upper thigh. He grunted in pain, but released her. She fell to the ground clutching her throat, gasping for air. She tried to crawl away from him, but he yanked her hair, and pulled her back to him. She screamed in pain, and fought, but the pain was unbearable, and she quickly gave up. He pulled her to her feet, and released his cruel grip on her hair, and seized her chin. He lifted her face up and stared deep into her eyes.

"Sarah, I made you an offer two months ago. I make you this offer one last time." He held out his other hand, balancing a crystal ball. "Fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave."

Tears began to stream down her face. He looked sad for a moment, then regained his cold demeanor. "Dear Sarah. I truly only have your best interests at heart. You deserve more than a painfully short mortal life. A fire as bright as yours deserves to burn forever. Now, no more tears. My queen will be strong..."

"I'm not your queen, and I never will be. I hate you! I would rather die than spend my life with you!" she snarled.

"Very well, my dear. You will regret defying me. I will have you, but I shall not be merciful. Sooner or later, you will belong to me."

He released her chin, and she backed away from him. He smiled a very wicked smile. "Remember, Sarah. I did warn you that I could be cruel..."

She sat up with a start. She was shocked to find that she was in her bed, the moonlight streaming through the open window again. 'just a dream,' she thought, snuggling back under the covers.

Little did she know that if she had looked at the tree outside her window more closely, she would have seen a familiar barn owl sitting outside, staring at her...


...OR IS IT?

A/N: well that was my first feeble attempt at fanfiction. Please review and let me know what you think.