This is a series of oneshots tied together only by one theme - the impossible. (Hence the title) The first three lines of the intro are from the song "The Impossible" by Joe Nichols and I put part of it in bold for emphasis. I want to drive home the point of these stories before you start reading them. The "impossibilities" of these stories may not always be obvious. But don't worry about that. The most important thing is that you understand the characters and can empathize (or sympathize) with them. The tones of these stories will vary. I hope to write some that lie on the more humorous side. The timeframes will also vary; Some set in the present, some in the past, some in the future. The first one is set a couple years in the future. Anyway, I hope you like them.
The Impossible
"So don't tell me that it's over. Don't give up on you and me. 'Cause there's no such thing as hopeless, if you believe….
"Unsinkable ships…sink, Unbreakable walls…break. Sometimes the things you think would never happen happen just like that. Unbendable steel…bends. If the fury of the wind is unstoppable. I've learned to never underestimate… The impossible
Those words. However cliché it may sound to some people, it's true. Anything is possible. There are so many things I thought would never happen and yet…. You could ask just about anybody if there is anything that has happened in their lives that they thought would have been impossible and the answer would be yes.
It's incredible how things happen, how they turn out. I mean, who ever would have thought that the Storm Hawks, the greatest Sky Knight squadron that ever existed, would fall—betrayed by one of their own. Of course, who ever would have thought that the Storm Hawks would be resurrected and led by a fourteen year old? And who would've thought that that squadron would include a caring and sensitive Wallop and a Merb—at all.
We believe that the world is full of impossibilities, when in truth, it's full of possibilities. People often feel defeated by what the world tells them is impossible—that they lack the ability to do something important; that their dreams are unobtainable; that people can't change, no matter what. We deny ourselves what could be by listening to what the world says is supposed to be. Since when does the world dictate who I should be, telling me that what I believe is impossible, that it can never happen?
Regardless of anyone's personal beliefs, we are molded by them; by our own beliefs and by the beliefs of others. But what you choose to believe is what defines you. And I choose to believe that anything is possible.
That being said, there are times when I feel like I'm adrift in a sea of uncertainty, unsure of how I feel about certain people or if some of the things I do are any better than what they do. I know all sides are affected by these believed impossibilities, perhaps in the same way. Maybe we're all more alike than we'd ever care to admit to.
Piper once asked me if I believed anyone could change, no matter who they are. Although she didn't say it outright, I knew who she was referring to. Yes, I believe anyone can change, no matter who they are; and I hope they will. And I believe they can do anything. For all we know, the ones we call our worst enemies may one day become our greatest friends.
After all, you should never underestimate the impossible.
The first story should be up sometime next week. I may get most of it typed up Saturday, so who knows. Thanks for checking it out.