Title: Cornerstone
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...
Pairings: Inu Yasha/Sesshomaru, Inu Yasha / Kouga mentions of Inu Yasha/Kagome and Inu Yasha/ Kikyo
Category: Drama, romance, slash, Mpreg,
rating: NC-17/R
Spoilers: Most likely.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, Non-con, Mpreg, Incest, SPOILERS!
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Inu Yasha or its chars. They are property of Rumiko Takashi and major companies.

Note from Author: Thank You for reading and supporting fan fiction! Enjoy and please review!

The chapter titles are lyrics from the song "Cornerstone" by Day of Fire

Chapter 25: Held me together from the start

As I stand on the soft green spring grass a few feet from wolf land I cannot help but feel awe at seeing the two young men in front of me fighting their first battle.

Watching as claws catch and cut and blood flies through the air staining grass, dirt and rocks crimson where it falls. Very little of it belongs to the men I once called boys. They are a sight to behold. They have perfected their skills individually but together they are a whirlwind of destruction. When the red haired wolf demon laid gasping on the ground asking for mercy the boys didn't hesitate as both used blades of blood severing the places where blood flowed the quickest, ending the traitors life.

Howls of triumph filled the air and those who had followed the traitor looked lost and uncertain among the chorus of approval. Two hands went into the air silencing the howls.

"We will allow those who followed Hinan to leave our lands just this once," called Reimei loud and clear.

"Should you return to these lands without our permission you will not be given a second chance," Keimei finished as he flung the blood from his fingers onto his vanquished enemy's chilling body.

"Should we suspect you of disloyalty you will be dealt with," both called out in one sure voice and the howls filled the air again.

The traitor's body was lifted and removed by his followers as the made a hasty retreat a few wolves followed slowly at their heels as if daring them to turn around, giving them permission to attack.

The twins were escorted into the caves and there introductions were made and relationships forged as the two boys turned men made their home with the wolf tribe and its people. I watched as Inu Yasha reunited with old friends and acquaintances and almost felt out of place until the old she wolf sidled up next to me and bumped me grinning widely when I looked down at her.

"You both have done a fine job raising Kouga's sons. Kouga would be proud and sporting a grin bigger than my own," Koname said as she looked over at the two young men in the center of a large circle.

"How long will they make us wait until they find mates," the old leader Amaya asked with small calculating smile.

"If we are lucky hopefully not anytime soon," I answered with some distaste in my tone.

"Are you not looking forward to grandchildren," Amaya responded generally surprised.

"They are but children themselves in my eyes and have a long time to live their lives before we force mates and children on them. Inu Yasha himself is still considered young. We have many more years of children ourselves."

At that statement I watched as the two of them gave me looks of astonishment.

"Have no fear; we are taking a long deserved break for now. We have eight children we hold dear and even though two are leaving the nest we still have six more at home that are just starting to come into themselves."

The two smiled at me and I smiled back and then watched my two oldest and thought myself lucky that Inu Yasha had survived that day along with his pups. To not have my life as it is now is unfathomable. I truly loved my brother, my mate and giver of life to my pups. I loved all his moods and both his demon and human form. I have thoroughly loved both forms from head to toe and will do so as often as I can until we grow too old to do so or until one or both of us draws our last breath.

"Know Amaya, that I am thankful for your son and what he's given us; Inu Yasha's life and my current one."

She nodded and gave me a sad smile, "I say the same of Kouga's father."

"Many think demons are superior because we live so long but I must say…sometimes I envy humans. To have a fleeting life means to live and love and perhaps do it again in the next life. To live and watch the lives of animals, humans, villages, rivers, forests and perhaps one day this world die or vanish is a long sad existence," Koname said aloud to no one in particular, as the day ended those words played in my head again and again.

Yasha and I spent the night in the wolf caves in Kouga's old room. I had expected sleep to not come to either Yasha or myself that night, but it did. I slept soundly without any dreams with Yasha snuggled against me.

The next day was long and drawn out as the official declaration of the twins parentage and status as leaders was made official. It ended with another feast which included sake.

One day became a week in which we stayed with Kouga's clan, long enough for the twins to get situated and to reassure them should they need help they need only contact us.

Yasha pulled each son into a hug and turned to leave with little fanfare. I patted each one on the shoulder followed Yasha out of the caves. He marched forward, never looking back and I simply followed not sure what to say or do.

After we had walked for two hours he stopped and took a deep breath and it was then I smelled the salty scent that only tears had.

He turned to finally look at me with his eyes still slightly watery but no current tears present on his cheeks.

"We will visit," I said.

He nodded, "Well that's a given he said."

I rolled my eyes and came up beside him allowing him to punch me in the arm.

"Let's go home Sesshomaru," he said looking into my eyes.

I nodded and the two of us continued walking. I could have transformed and flown us both home but we both found the quiet calming and it gave us time to enjoy each others company before we returned to the hectic palace filled with children and those we called family.

"Promise me, no matter what the future holds we'll stay together."

I took his hand in mine and squeezed it tight, "I promise."

He nodded, "I have wanted to tell you something for a long time now…"

"It can wait," I said squeezing him against me.

He looked like he wanted to argue but I continued, "We have all eternity to talk."

He looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded/

"Yeah, all eternity," he said with a small smile.

The End

Thank you for sticking it out. I had a hard time thinking of an ending but you already know I'm planning a sequel so no worries. Maybe I'll write all the pups stories and lead up to a big finale, who knows. We'll see where the muses lead me.

