A/N: This is my first attempt at a Dark Naruto fic. Never fear though the (admittedly) strange and

insane brand of humor that I live by will be present.

(Note; I am typing this on a fucked up keyboard, and I may or may not be a little drunk right

now, please excuse minor typos.)

Red Clouds, Black Skies

Chapter 1: Failure or Swiss Cheese (Or both!)

Only two things were clear in Naruto's mind right now. The first was that he had failed, he had not brought Sasuke back, and he had made a promise to her, HER!! Yet he had failed.

The second was that he had so many holes through his body that he must look like Swiss cheese.

The absurd and unwanted thought made Naruto begin to laugh, even though it tore his wounds open more.

The still conscious (and walking) members of the Sasuke retrieval squad looked at the laughing form of one Uzumaki Naruto, they felt pity.

They arrived at the gate where a crowd of people had gathered, to see the return of their precious Uchiha. What they saw was a group of battered, beaten, and broken individuals. When they saw Naruto they cheered, they cheered for the Uchiha, because he could have finally rid them of the demon brat.

Tsunade rushed and began to heal Naruto's many wounds, she healed the ones that were immediately life threatening first and after that Naruto decided to get up,

Shaky at first, but he regained his land-legs quickly.

Sakura walked up to him, "Where is Sasuke." it was less of a question, more of an accusation.

"I'm sorry Sakura-chan, I couldn't keep my promise, don't worry, I'll do it next," his sentence was interrupted by a dual pronged slap in the face and punch in the gut, from Sakura and Ino respectively. The force and suddenness of the attack knocked him over; he rose to his knees and promptly vomited blood. He hadn't finished when they began to kick him while he was down, literally. The crowd cheering for the girls, the insults coming from said girls, and the fact that no one was helping him was slowly pushing him to the edge. It was Sakura's words that did it. "Uzumaki-Fucking-Naruto-You-Are-So-Goddamned-Fucking-Worthless!! I should have known you'd break your word!!"

He finally snapped, in a brief moment he had broken Sakura's leg in three places and hit Ino in the gut hard enough to make her vomit blood... along with all of last week's lunches.

In a calm manner that was not known by any in existence to be possessed by Naruto he turned to address the stunned and shocked onlookers.

He said simply, "Well, it appears that I'm not wanted here, so in that case I'll be on my way." He turned and simply walked out of Konoha, no one moved to stop him.

Maybe they did not care if he left, or maybe, just maybe they saw the crimson eyes of a fox.

Naruto stood amid the trees, savoring the solace, the peace.

"Aww, poor kid, his village didn't want him..."

Naruto spun, the voice seemed familiar, and it echoed through the clearing.

It was joined by another voice, "...they spit on him..."

"...beat him..."

"...called him a monster..."

"...a demon..."

"...they cast him out..."

"...denied to him his home..."

"...not us..."

"...we want you because..."

Naruto looked frantically around his clearing, "Why? Why would you... or anyone want me!?"

"...we want you, Naruto-kun, because..."

Two figures stepped out of the shadows. "...Akatsuki wants you… because you are a demon."

Naruto recognized them now, an Uchiha, Uchiha Itachi to be exact, and his partner Hoshigaki Kisame.

Naruto's eyes narrowed as his features became more feral, the fox's chakra began to spiral off his body, scorching the ground and trees surrounding him.

"You!! This is your entire fault!! Sasuke left because he wanted the power to kill you!!" He charged at Itachi with the full intent to rip out his eyes, and tear him limb from limb.

Itachi blocked Naruto's clumsy strike, "Now Naruto, let's be reasonable, it is true that Sasuke left because of me, but you were cast out because the 4th Hokage sealed the Kyuubi inside you. Or is that my fault too?"

Naruto looked at the Nuke-nin and the chaotic chakra around him began to darken, he hissed in pain as it began to burn him as well. He charged at Itachi again, only to once more have his attack effortlessly repelled.

'God-fucking-damnit!! They were right!! I'm tapping into so much of the fox's chakra that it hurts and I still can't fucking hit that weasel bastard!!'

'You are a disgrace; I'm ashamed to be granting you with my blessing.'


'No, of course not, I'm really a manifestation of your inner personality that shouts encouragements and blinds you to the truth... Of course it's the Kyuubi you idiotic child! You sicken me with your weakness, grant me control and I shall show these two ningen how a demon really fights!'

'NO!! If I give you control now, you'll never give it back!!'

'Foolish child, what makes you think I would lower myself to forever existing in the body of a pitiful excuse of life such as yourself? I have more dignity than that, boy! My pride merely demands that I crush these little pests, I have no intention of overtaking that pitiful excuse of a life you have.'

'I… Very well then Kitsune, Go wild.'

As the fox took over Naruto's body the chakra aura, instead of growing in intensity like Naruto had hoped, vanished entirely.

The fox looked at Itachi with Naruto's eyes; it smiled with Naruto's mouth. "Bunshin Bakuha." Itachi's face was expressionless as the clone wrapped him in a

bear hug and exploded, all in a moment to brief for a Kawarimi. He flew across the clearing and crashed against a tree, as he was getting up he was gutted from across the clearing by a hand of spectral red chakra. He turned to face the fox, and while holding his intestines in their rightful place removed a kunai from his pouch and moved to gouge out his own eyes. The fox appeared before him, "Now, now, ningen, we can't have you damaging your wonderful eyes now can we? After all the trouble you caused with them, I can't simple let such potential go to waste…"

The fox proceeded to nail Itachi to the tree with a nearby branch, Itachi tried one last ditch technique as the fox tore his arms off. "Tsukiyomi." even while dying his voice was calm and unemotional. When the fox's eyes became distant and unfocused Itachi struck. "Amaterasu." The black flames appeared to have no effect on the

fox, for the fox turned Naruto's still burning body and charged at Kisame. His techniques useless, Itachi, one of the most feared Nuke-nin in all the Elemental Nations, died. Kisame saw Itachi's body go limp and realized that he was alone against a demonically super charged, emotionally unstable, Amaterasu aflame, brat. Said brat was out for blood, and he seemed to have developed a craving for sushi.

While contemplating his death Kisame felt the unimaginable pain of the Amaterasu coming into contact with his skin. One of the fox's hands was wrapped around Kisame's wrist and the other was moving rapidly towards his face, the fox ducked under a clumsy swing of Samehada and reached up to grip Kisame's face with

his still flaming hand, the fox grinned and began to laugh hysterically as the shark-man's howls of agony rang through the clearing.

After Kisame's body was reduced to ashes the fox dispelled the Amaterasu with a burst of chakra. The demon turned to the corpse of Itachi, and promptly ripped

out the Sharingan eyes, and instead of implanting them in his own eye sockets as anyone who had just killed an Uchiha and had an obscene healing factor would

have, he stared at them, and with a great effort he blocked out Naruto's senses, and while Naruto was blind to the world, the fox devoured the eyes of Uchiha Itachi, as a civilian would devour a small grape...

He reached down and removed the former Akatsuki member's Shu ring off of his corpse's right ring finger, and placed it on his own. He walked over to the pile-of-ashes-formerly-known-as-Hoshigaki-Kisame and searched it until he found the shark-man's Minami ring, this he placed on his left ring finger. Before leaving the fox picked up Samehada and inspected it, half expecting it to try to rip off his hand. The shaving sword seemed comfortable with its new owner, so the fox strapped it to his...Naruto's back.

Naruto awoke in a bed, he assumed the fox had taken him to an inn, he was just about to ask the fox when a stomach pain hit him, and he ran to the bathroom and vomited before inquiring to the fox, 'Yo, fox, two questions, first we are in an inn right? and second, what the hell did you eat?!'

'Yes to the first, as for the second... I could tell you, but that would ruin the surprise.'

Naruto looked at himself in the mirror and was shocked at who looked back at him. The boy's hair was a dark blond with streaks of even darker red, his spikes were more organized, less clumpy, the whisker marks that had been on his face since birth were more defined, thicker more animalistic, and he was definitely taller and more muscular, but the most shocking was his eyes, instead of the deep cerulean blue he was used to, dark violet eyes with vertical cat-like slits stared back at him.

'Kyuubi, what did you do?'

'As I said before, my dignity will not allow me to lie back and allow you to stumble around blindly. As such, I have gifted you with enhanced physical abilities. You will come upon them in your time, so do not bother to ask for details.'

'Right… Alright then, what's the plan now?'

'You shall search for a sword-master to teach you how to wield our newest trophy.'

'Why do I need a sword trainer for? I don't even have a sword!'

'Well, it seems that you can be dumber than you looked. Are you so clueless that you can miss details right before your eyes?'

Naruto scanned the room, looking for a sword shaped object, his eyes quickly stopping upon the Samehada. "What the fuck?!"


Yes in the first chapter of my story I killed off Itachi and Kisame and Naruto took their rings. Yes, Samehada is now Naruto's weapon (If you're thinking about when Kisame said that Samehada only accepted him then think of this, what if someone killed Kisame? then logically the sword would accept whoever killed its previous master, duh!!)

As for the whole, "Eating the Sharingan" thing, blame my Beta, it was his idea, although I Kind of like it. you'll find out why he did that later.


Jokulhaups here, saying that it was not his idea that Taylor decided to add the eating thing. I was just spouting ideas out loud and he latched onto one of them, and then gave me some cookie. Yay, Cookies! This story took some heavy editing, so be grateful that I'm here. And the Sword-With-No-Edge (SWNE) is my idea! Bwahahaha! But I'm too lazy to incorporate it into any of my stories, so Taylor's gonna be using it.