Disclaimer: I do not own CSI:NY or the FRIENDS storylines. Wish I did, but sadly that cannot be. If I did own CSI:NY, Mac and Stella would be together. Why aren't they, you ask. Well, the answer is simple. I do not own CSI:NY.

Notes: This is it, the last one. I loved writing these, and I've loved all the wonderful review. This one shot is dedicated to my brother as he is starting college. It's dedicated to my uncle who is in the hospital again. It's dedicated to my friends who've been supportive of me through everything. It's dedicated to my ninth grade class. And it's dedicated to every single person who has read this and reviewed and even to the people who haven't (it's not too late). Like always, enjoy.

Thanks to lily moonlight and luf100 for reviewing since the beginning! You guys rock!

The One With Seven Beers And A Cola

A sad sight lay before them. It was another all hands on deck case. Homicide at Central Perk and high profile at that. Stanley Idle was working under the DA. He was the unfortunate victim. Kelly and Hawkes walked up to the tape to see Mac already processing the scene. A young patrol officer stopped them. They showed their ID's.

"You arrived together," the officer mumbled, not hiding that he didn't want this crime scene compromised.

"We're married. It's kind of how it works," Kelly answered. They walked under the tape. "Where's Stella?"

"I'm letting her sleep."

"Thanks for extending the courtesy," she mumbled under her breath. "So what do we have?" Mac looked at her in a way that was almost skeptical that she was asking that.

"Murder," he told her.

"Well, obviously, but who's the vic?"

"Stanley Idle, the DA's secretary," Mac answered. Hawkes knelt be the body, using his ME knowledge to judge the COD. Kelly smiled because she knew how much he was in his element.

"I have to have a high self esteem when he does this."

"Does what?" Mac asked.

"Ditches me for a dead body," she laughed. She then went over to the couch in the middle of the coffee house and began to process. Several minutes later Stella arrived and started with the perimeter while Mac processed around the body, and Hawkes released the body to the ME's. Thirty or so more minutes and Danny and Lindsay came. "Look who finally decided to show up."

"Oh, I see how it is."

"Bring it," Kelly taunted him.

"It is way too early in the morning to fight," Mac warned. "Focus."

"Alright, I will if he does," Kelly laughed.


"Mac, I ran the prints on the coffee mug like you asked, and a Gunther came up," Adam told his boss.

"Is there a last name for this Gunther?"

"None listed. He was arrested for DUI, and he just doesn't have a last name," Adam said. "Flack brought him in. And I'm running the hairs Kelly found on the couch. So far all I know is that three are female, and three are male. One of the males is the brother of one of the females."

"Thanks, Adam," Mac took the results and went to the elevator to head to interrogation. "Kelly!"

"What up?" she asked as she turned away from a conversation with Danny.


"A'ight, let me get a water bottle. Hottest day of the year and all."


Flack stood outside the interrogation room, cooling off. It was one of the hottest days that summer. Blackouts were occurring across the city. He decided to call Mac because he wanted to make sure the lab rat had told him that they had a suspect.


"Mac, you coming to interrogation?"

"Yeah, Kelly and I are on the elevator. Be there as soon as we can," Mac hung up.

"Why am I coming again?"

"You weren't working."

"That's not necessarily a bad thing," she answered wittily. She looked up at the ceiling then back at the closing doors. "Watch the power go out." It was a sarcastic remark.

"Don't jinx it."

"It's us. If anything can go wrong…" she started but stopped because, sure enough, the power went out. "It will go wrong." They sighed. "Seriously?"

"You have got to be kidding me."


Flack waited impatiently for Mac and Kelly. They should've been there by then. He sighed loudly and walked into the interrogation room because he simply couldn't wait any longer.

"Gunther," Flack greeted him.

"Yes," he answered calmly, contrasting with the sweat forming at the top of his brow.

"Your prints were found on the coffee mug with our victim's DNA on it. Care to explain?"

"I serve coffee at Central Perk, Officer, of course my prints will be on there. With all due respect," he rubbed the back of his head nervously. Flack stared him down which made Gunther sweat more.

"You're right, but I want to ask you something. Is there a group of regulars that come in? Six people. Three men and three women," Flack came around the suspect and pushed a picture in front of him of a hair they found.

"There used to be a group a few years ago. They were in yesterday," Gunther told them.

"I'm going to need names," Flack slapped down the notepad. The pen soon followed.


Her button up shirt was already off. She just kept her cammi on. It was almost superfluous to do as she was pacing in the elevator. The pacing was driving the other occupant insane. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

"Stop it," Mac told her. She didn't.

"I can't. Here we are stuck in an elevator when we're supposed to be in interrogation. Not to mention that it's the hottest day in ten years, and the power's out hence the stuck in an elevator!" she lashed out. The lights flickered, but they stayed off.

"Generator's kicking in for the lab. The power won't come to here as we have the only generator in the building plus it's only going to last for about ten minutes because it's there so the techs can get the evidence back to the lockers," Mac sighed. It was going to be a long day.


"Where the heck are they?" Flack asked Angell as he sat down at his desk.

"I don't know where they are. I bet they are trying to get here," Angell put her hand on his arm.

"Well, what if something happened?"

"Come on, nothing will happen."

"It's Kelly and Mac. If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong," Flack answered. "With their luck anything can happen."

"True," Angell squeezed his arm and walked off. She had paperwork to do.


"Alright, I almost have it," Adam said as the computer searched through a print from the table. The generator kicked off. The screen was blank. Adam had half a mind to yell at the computer, but he didn't want to look like a fool in front of Stella and Hawkes.

"Well, you tried. We can get the result when the power comes back on," Stella reassured him.

"At least, I'm not Mac and Kelly stuck in that elevator," Adam mumbled. They turned.


"Well, they were going over to the precinct, and the power went out right after they got onto the elevator," Adam told them.

"Only they would have that luck," Hawkes mumbled.


"I'm telling you, Kelly, that the X-Files could never happen. It's scientifically impossible to say that there are other forms of life on another planet," Mac told her adamantly. She tossed him the water bottle that was rapidly heating up.

"That's not what I'm saying. I agree that the chances of having other intelligent life on another planet are too slim to be realistic. I know all the circumstances of a planet being inhabitable. But I'm saying that our luck is definitely controlled by something or someone supernatural," Kelly explained.

"Alright, I might agree with you on that," Mac told her. He passed back the community water. She took a swig.

"You want the last of this water, Mulder?" she asked slyly.

"Now you're going to call me Mulder?" he smirked.

"Yeah, if anyone I know could be compared to Mulder, who is pretty much incomparable, it would be you," she told him. "Fox Mulder is brilliant."

"You know he's a TV character, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I'm allowed to watch TV, and X-Files is only on like really early in the morning so I don't have shift, and it interests me," she told him.


"Stuck in an elevator?! Kelly Higgins, what the hell are you thinking?" Flack was frustrated.

"First, what is the best way to kill you? Second, that I hate elevators," she answered calmly. "How's the interrogation going?"

"We got names. We're searching through the database to get their addresses," he told her. "You two okay in there?"

"It's pretty hot. I mean the temperature, Flack," she made sure he got that. "But never mind me, how's my favorite detective?"

"That means a lot, ya know. Well, I'm sweltering in this heat," he told her.

"At least you have power."

"But the AC's out," he sighed.

"Cry me a river," she mocked him.

"Oh, go hug a tree," he hung up. If he had still been on the phone, he would've heard her laugh at him.

"So what's the verdict?"

"The power's out at the lab, and they got stuck in an elevator. It's unbelievable how many situations they get into without doing anything," Flack told his girl.

"Nah, just unlucky. They might just be the definition of Murphy's Law," Angell smirked.

"Probably," Flack answered. "We got anything since we have to run the names?"

"Not yet."


Gunther sat in the holding cell. He thought about what he'd done. How he had sold them out. They weren't exactly friends of his, but they had a sense of familiarity to him. He almost felt like he betrayed them. But he remembered that it would mean seeing her again. He had always loved her since the moment he saw her. She may have been the worst server for the coffee shop, but to him she was gorgeous. And then she met him. And then he cheated on her. But years later after having his kid she married him. Gunther was sickened. She never noticed him. He hinted at what he wanted, but she ignored him. And now she was happily married to that guy. Nothing would change that. He wiped the sweat off his brow. He wiped his sweaty hand on his trouser, not taking into consideration the invisible or not so invisible trace he left as a result of his action. But it wasn't as if he actually did anything, was it?


They were certainly busy getting the significant others out of the trouble they had inadvertently gotten themselves into. Murphy's Law, they hypothesized. Hawkes was talking to one of the guys who was working on getting the power back up and running.

"Look, my wife's in there," Hawkes was getting frustrated.

"She should be fine, sir, we should have the power up soon," the guy told him. Danny, Lindsay, Stella, and Hawkes had gotten out of the lab.

"I'm just saying that they've been in that elevator for four hours now."

"We're trying to get the power up. Now, if you would excuse me, I have a job to do."


Kelly Higgins-Hawkes looked up at the ceiling. There was a possibility of using the escape latch, but what good would it do to not be able to get out? Then she had the recurring problem of her bangs falling into her field of vision. Not that she could see much anyway because the only light source consisted of two cell phones, two dying cell phones. She wiped the sweat forming on her brow. She was really starting to wish she had called in sick that morning.

Mac wasn't doing much better. His dress shirt had been shed because it was already high nineties in the elevator. He also thought about having Kelly get out through the escape latch. But with two dying phones, she would have no light, and, therefore, that plan was futile. "What were you going to be before you switched majors in college?"

"A veterinarian," she answered blankly. Mac fought to suppress a laugh.

"You hate animals," she knew he was talking about a case a few months before where she ended up on the ground under a large dog. She was not too thrilled about having to get a rabies vaccination. And she still blamed Mac because, of course, they worked that case together.

"My parents wanted me to be some sort of doctor like them," she sighed.

"You could've said no," Mac told her.

"Do you know where Mockingbird Lane is in Dallas?" she had an edge added to her voice.

"No, I don't."

"That's what I thought. You don't just go against your parents there. My parents were great and stuff, but you did what they wanted you to do. I didn't have a choice," she answered. "That way I didn't have to pay for my college education. And that way I was set for life."

"You don't sound enthusiastic."

"I could care less about money. I worked through college after my parents died. I haven't touched the inheritance. I don't care to. I'm happy."

"You don't seem happy."

"Well, don't you know everything about me? Look, I don't want to talk," they sat in silence for several minutes.

"You're right."

"I know."

"Humility doesn't suit you, does it?"

"I think I've been humbled in my life," she sighed, sinking down lower against the wall.

"Yeah, you have. We all have humbling experiences," he mumbled.

"Like you in Beirut," she said softly.

"Yeah," and Kelly knew not to ask more than that.

"Think it'll be soon?" she asked.

"It has to be," Mac answered.

"Willing to bet on it?"

"No, I don't think I will, Kells. You hungry?"

"Yeah, but we have no food," she laughed. "I think I'm going to go to Ray's after we get out, grab a bite of some pepperoni, and go to the precinct." She looked up again at the emergency latch that was barely visible in the light of the phones. "I bet Flack's eating. He's always eating." That got a small chuckle out of Mac. "That's why when we get together for friends dinners we go to Danny's mom's place. She makes the greatest food. And Flack is actually full by the end of it." That got another chuckle out of Mac. "I wonder when the power will come back on. In Texas, the power would never be out this long. Only a couple of times it was out overnight."

"Probably soon, Kells," he was hopeful. They both were. The lights finally flickered and stayed on, something that hadn't happened in the four and a half hours they were stuck in there. The elevator went down to the first floor. Kelly picked up her button down shirt, not quite putting it back on. The AC was running again, but it still felt like an inferno. Mac picked up his button down shirt. "Phone." She turned and caught her phone as he tossed it to her. He pocketed his phone. The doors opened. "Ladies first." She laughed.

"Thank you for such a chivalrous act," she was smirking. Mac pushed his arm through a sleeve. Such a waste of the hottest day of the summer to wear a shirt over his undershirt. She walked out. "It's almost cooler out here." It was an obvious joke since it was over one hundred degrees.


"Come on," Adam said, his computer up and running. "Give me the names." His phone rang. "Adam Ross."

"How's my favorite little lab rat?" Flack laughed.

"What do you want?"

"We got the names," Flack listed them for him.

"Thanks. I'll see if they fit the DNA profile," Adam hung up. Only one of the names was in the system. She was in for some really strange things. He picked up the phone and called Flack.


"So this is the place of last known address?" Flack and Angell walked up to the door of an apartment. It was above the crime scene.

"How quaint," Angell muttered. She knocked on the door. "NYPD!" They waited in silence as they heard slow movement on the other side of the door. They weren't worrying that the suspects were fleeing at that speed. The door opened, revealing an older- than they expected- woman.

"Miss Phoebe Buffay?" Flack asked. The lady laughed heartily. The two detectives were stumped.

"No, I am not Miss Buffay, young man," she was still chuckling, and a warm smile stayed on her face. "Would you like to come in?" They looked at each other. "I might be able to help you." The two detectives walked in. "My name's Phoebe. I'm her mother." Angell and Flack shared a look as Phoebe shut the door. "I'm Phoebe Abbott. And Phoebe Buffay is now Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan. Would you like some tea or anything, detectives?"

"No, we're good. Can you tell us where we can find Phoebe?" Angell asked kindly.

"She lives uptown now with her husband. I can give you the address," the two detectives could only hold onto this lead, their only lead. They looked at the walls, not knowing that they had once been a tiny tint darker than lavender. Now the walls showed a majestic deep blue. The detectives couldn't notice the good times that six friends had had in there. The heart break and the turmoil. They didn't see that there had been a fight similar to Danny and Lindsay's fight in that room. But they couldn't see that. It wasn't their memories. It wasn't theirs to know. Six friends, who still met once in a while at their favorite coffee shop, had grown together in that building, but all Flack and Angell could see were blue walls. "Here you go." Flack thanked her, and Angell told her that they would be in touch if this address was wrong.


"Kelly, in montacarichi?" Danny asked, laughing. She turned towards her friend. She was not happy. It was a well known fact that she could speak Italian as a second language. She just decided that a threat in English would be more effective.

"Shut up, Messer, or you are going to wake up at the bottom of the river very confused," she lunged one step forward, stopping as he walked away quickly. She loved messing with him like that. She laughed and walked into the precinct. "Mac, where's Flack?"

"Getting a suspect," he answered.

"Dang, so we get stuck in an elevator, and he can't even do his job so we can interrogate a suspect?"

"They had to search some people, too."

"I know but still," she sighed. He rolled his eyes. "I wonder how the arrest's going."


"Two hundred fifty- three and two hundred fifty-four," Flack smiled. Angell wanted to kill him. She insisted that they take the elevator to the apartment, but Flack told her that if she wanted to go up alone she could. She definitely didn't because she could get stuck with some weird old guy who talked to himself, and then the elevator could stop. She didn't want to end up in an elevator for four and a half hours like Mac and Kelly. She didn't even know why Flack took the stairs in the first place. She glared at him. "What? This place has air conditioning. I'm soaking up every moment of it." That made her laugh. The two tired detectives walked up to the apartment and knocked. "NYPD." Flack didn't yell this time. They heard muffled voices arguing. A minute later a dark haired man came to the door.

"Can I help you?" the man asked.

"I'm Detective Flack, and this is Detective Angell," Flack introduced themselves. "We're looking for a Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan."

"I'm Mike Hannigan. Phoebe, my wife, is inside," he opened the door more to see an eccentrically dressed woman hurrying around and avoiding the detectives' eyes.

"Phoebe, we need you to come down to the precinct and answer some questions," Angell told her.

"Why can't you ask them here?" it wasn't hard to tell that Phoebe was trying to get away from them. Angell was ready for a chase. Flack was wishing they could do the interrogation there because the precinct's air conditioning was out.

"We like to do it on our turf. And we also need to know if you know some people," Flack told her. He listed out five names. He could see that she recognized them, but she acted like she didn't.

"I don't know them," she lied quickly.

"Here," Mike handed Angell an address book. She flipped through it. Phoebe gave her husband a look who in turn scowled.

"Thank you, Mr. Hannigan," she was sincere. Flack led Phoebe out of the apartment. She wasn't handcuffed, but she wasn't going out of there from her own free will.

"Call me Mike," he told her as she left.


"Look who's back," Mac tapped her shoulder. Flack walked in with a woman in strange clothing. Kelly nodded.

"I'm so not interrogating her," Kelly claimed.


"Because I think that I shall wait for some guy named Chandler," she had a grin on her face.

"You wouldn't."

"I would. Wait, what wouldn't I do?"

"Make fun of him because of his name."

"I wouldn't dare," Kelly laughed. Angell walked in a minute or so later.

"I can't believe Flack," she mumbled when she walked over to Mac and Kelly.

"He that good?" Kelly smirked. Mac gave her a look for that.

"Can you go a day without making a sexually related joke?"

"Nope, so Angell what did Flack do?"

"Well, first he pressured me into walking the stairs to get the suspect because he wanted to enjoy the air conditioning. So then I told him that he could take the suspect in, and I parked his car in the farthest parking space I could find," she was obviously frustrated.

"I think he has a crush on you," Kelly joked. Angell laughed because she knew Flack meant well.

"Now I'm going to pick up a Joey Tribbiani," Angell walked away.

"Joey Tribbiani? As in the star of Days of Our Lives?" Kelly asked. She received looks of astonishment. "What? I don't watch soaps. Some people I know do, and they keep going on and on about him. And I hate soaps. They are too soapy." Angell went on her way, almost bothered by that momentary explanation that was just a small amount of time out of the day. "Mac, who's over at Phoebe's apartment?"

"Stella is. Let's go with Flack to the Bing's home," Mac told her. "Angell!" She turned around.


"Take Hawkes with you to process the apartment. Stanley Idle died of arsenic poisoning. We need to find it," Mac insisted. Angell nodded and pulled out her cell phone.

"Alright, let's go," she told him.


Mac drove in silence while Kelly searched through her songs. She had recently bought something to play her music through the speakers because she normally worked cases with Mac, and this was the lab's car that he always used. It was an hour and a half drive to the suburb where Monica and Chandler Bing lived. Well, it was normally an hour, but this traffic was a killer. She had recently been told that if she played certain country music that Mac would not hesitate to use that iPod in some sort of experiment. Kelly laughed, remembering when she taught him how to dance. When she taught him, all the worst songs came on. She decided that Coldplay was safe so she played the new album Viva la Vida. They were a couple of minutes ahead of Flack. "So Phoebe's in holding, and we still have five more people to round up?"

"Yes," Mac answered, irritated by the traffic. Kelly looked over at her boss. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just that we can't control the traffic. And," Kelly didn't finish that thought because some things were meant to stay unsaid.


"Nothing," Kelly grinned as Strawberry Swing started. Thirty minutes and twelve songs later they arrived at the house. They waited for Flack. When he finally decided to show up, Kelly and Mac got their kits out but left them by the front door, hidden by a column. Flack knocked and gave the customary greeting. No answer. Before he kicked the door in, Kelly stopped him. "We could try the knob first you know." She reached out and turned the knob. They heard an argument in the kitchen. The three detectives invited themselves in after all they did have a warrant. They came into the kitchen; Flack came in faster than Mac and Kelly because bad things happened to them in kitchens. Actually, bad things happened to them everywhere. "Chandler and Monica Bing." She had to yell to be heard. The couple stopped fighting. They turned to the detectives, very surprised.

"Who are you?" Chandler asked.

"NYPD," Kelly lifted her shirt so he could see her badge at her waistband.

"Are we in trouble?" Monica wondered.

"We just need to ask you guys a few questions at the precinct, and these two are going to look for something in your house," Flack told them. Not wanting to get into trouble, the couple complied. The only concern Monica had was her daughter and son, but Chandler assured her that her parents would take great care of them. Kelly and Mac got their kits after Flack left and walked back into the kitchen to start looking for arsenic poisoning. The first thing they noticed was how clean and organized it was.

"Okay, top or bottom," Mac was talking about the cabinets they needed to look in first for the arsenic.

Kelly looked him over with a flirtatious smile and nudged him, winking not so subtly, "I like the top, Mac." I can't believe I actually said that to him. He was thinking along the same lines.


Danny and Lindsay looked at the apartment floor first. Then at the walls. Then at the ceiling.

"It's tasteful."

"Yeah, in the Cretaceous Era," Lindsay mumbled. It wasn't exactly tasteful. It was like Ralph Lauren met Jurassic Park, but it was done in an almost good looking way. Lindsay took the kitchen while Danny took the living room.

"So this guy's a paleontologist," Danny called, looking at a framed degree. Lindsay just kept working, looking through spices and mixes. There was nothing she tested that was arsenic.


"So Mac," Kelly started on the way back.

"You don't have to fill these silences," he answered as she flicked through her songs once more. She decided to not play anything so they drove back in silence. That was until Kelly broke the silence again.

"I never thanked you," she told him.

"For what?" he turned his attention from the road to her then back to the road.

"For giving me away at my wedding," she returned her focus back to her iPod.

"You're practically family, Kelly, I'd do almost anything for family," he said.

"Yeah, family's everything to me," she mumbled.

"I know," he told her. She looked at him and studied him a bit. "Okay, what?"

"I really don't know. I was just thinking of the elevator," she told him.

"What about it?" Mac asked.

"X-Files, Mr. Mulder," she laughed.

"You'll still be Indiana Jones to us, you know?" Mac told her.

"Yup, but I don't think it's fair for me to compare you to Mulder."

"Why's that?"

"Because he is so much sexier than you," she told him puckishly.

"I should've known," he chuckled.

"And in all fairness I'm not a guy so I'm not Indy," she reminded him. "M and S. Mulder and Scully. Mac and Stella. Maybe there is a better link between you and him. And why do you know about the X-Files? Guilty pleasure?"

"It's my job to know a little bit about everything," Mac remembered how he had told her husband the same thing when he was the head ME. "And you wouldn't catch me near the X-Files." Kelly glared at him.

"Mac Taylor, how can you not like the X-Files?" Kelly was flabbergasted. The X-Files were brilliant! Maybe there was another reason they didn't get along. It might be because I flirt with him that I fight. Well, what's the point of stopping now?

"Alright, Kelly, why Mulder and Scully?"

"Well, before now, like when I first joined the team, you and Stella just flirted not unlike how we flirt except you two actually meant something. And if you would just watch the show, you'd know."


"How you doin'?" Joey Tribbiani asked Angell when the interrogation started. She rolled her eyes. She leaned down across the table at him. Flack was in the room behind the glass with pretty much the rest of the team watching. He was mad at this Joey Tribbiani who was obviously hitting on his girlfriend.

"Flack, if it's any consolation, Mac and I flirt all the time. Some could say I hit on him," Kelly told him.

"How is that supposed to help?"

"You know, I really don't know. Flack, don't you remember how Danny and I found out about you and Angell?" Kelly asked.

"How can I forget?" the others perked up, wanting to hear the story.

"So Flack is doing laundry for the third time this week?" Danny asked.

"Well, he's doing something, but it definitely isn't laundry. I bet laundry really is Angell. I saw the look they gave each other today. How 'bout we test him?" Kelly suggested.

"What do you have in mind?" Danny asked as Flack walked into Sullivan's. Kelly got up from the pool table.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"Umm, hold on," Danny said, knowing what she was going to do. He undid a button on her shirt.

"You ever do that under normal circumstances, and I will slap you," she laughed. He eyed her.

"You don't look that bad like that," Danny looked at her. She winked and grabbed a pool cue.

"Observe the art of seduction. Watch, learn, and don't drink my coke," she waved Flack over. He came over.

"Kells, how much have you drunk?" he asked, looking at her shirt trying not to look at his friend that way. But she looked good.

"I haven't," she brushed up against him as she took the triangle off the balls. Flack gulped. He looked at Danny for some help, but Danny was getting a drink at the bar.

"So do you want to play some pool?" what the heck was she doing? Flack took a cue and broke the balls.

"Nice shot," she was struggling with this. It was one thing to flirt with her boss, but it was another to flirt with her best friend. And this was more than flirting. She was coming onto him. And he wasn't backing off. "So loser does winner's choice?"

"Sure," this was just weird. And she was just too close. And he just wasn't moving away. And Danny was just not able to keep a straight face.


"I'll see you tonight," Kelly mumbled loud enough for Flack to hear her. She walked off, biting her lip to keep from laughing. Thankfully no one was there to see her do that especially Hawkes. It was in the early part of their relationship where no one knew. But there always was the possibility of Mac…


"I think Kelly knows about us," Flack told Angell.

"Why do you think that?"

"She came onto me," Flack was concerned.

"She's a flirt," Angell laughed.

"She only flirts with Mac for fun, but she was like rubbing against me," Flack was just freaked out.

"So flirt back. Make her wish she never messed with you," Angell suggested.


"So, Kells, I'm looking forward to tonight," Flack said loud enough for everyone to hear. Hawkes looked surprisingly calm, but he didn't exactly feel that way. Mac wanted to laugh. Kelly kept a straight face but was freaking out inside. But she knew that he must've known that she knew, and she wasn't going to back down.

"I'll be waiting," she told him, winking. Flack walked out of the room quickly.


It was outside Kelly's apartment. Danny was in her bedroom though he wasn't invited in there. But Flack was at the door so she shushed him and answered it. She opened the door. Flack was wearing a little bit of cologne. Kelly was just trying not to laugh.

"So I can't wait to have all the sex," were these words actually coming out of her mouth?

"Me too," Flack lied.

"But umm first I should change," Kelly told him. She went into the bedroom to talk to Danny. "He's not giving up!"

"Hold on. Show him your bra. He's afraid of them. Can't work them," Danny told her.

"That explains so much," Kelly answered. Danny licked his fingers and undid a couple of buttons. "Wow you did that without breaking any buttons."

"It wasn't my first time," Danny told her. She rolled her eyes.

"There's no way that actually happened," Hawkes said.

"I know. I just thought I'd lighten up the atmosphere. I didn't think that Flack would play along," Kelly told her husband. "So, Flack, are you still jealous about Angell?"

"No, but I'm worried about you hitting on me," Flack answered.

"Only Mac should worry about that," she jested.

"Okay, your husband isn't in here," Hawkes told her. Mac however said nothing. He just didn't want to get into this one.

"You guys even notice that I finished the interrogation like ten minutes ago?" Angell asked. They turned around.

"Sorry," Flack was sheepish.

"Well, I'm going to start my interrogation," Kelly left as did the others.


"Bing. Chandler Bing. Mr. Bing," Kelly came into the interrogation room. Chandler looked up.

"You're the girl who came into my home," there was a questioning look in that.

"I'm the woman who did her job," she answered, bending over the interrogation table. It was one of the favorite tactics of the NYPD women to get a confession. It seemed the more they showed, they more the suspects seemed to tell. Now their spouses/boyfriends didn't like what they did. "I need to ask you some questions."

"Okay, ask away," Chandler consented. I can see down her shirt. Why am I looking there? It's like some Jedi mind tactic. Gosh what is with the NYPD women? And how come Joey got the insanely hot one? I just get a good looking one. And aren't I married? I'm so glad Monica can't get inside my mind.

"Where were you last night?"


Adam was working hard on the DNA results. Kendall was working on fingerprints. There were some foreign ones. They had run some DNA off the prints, and it matched the foreign DNA. It didn't match the other six samples. And CODIS had just spat out a name. Josh Reynolds. Adam dialed Flack's number.


"Okay, Danny, who here have you kissed?" Angell asked at the Sullivan's get together. They had just put away Josh Reynolds who killed the DA's secretary, Stanley Idle. Flack turned red, remembering the Yankees game. He had of course kissed Lindsay. But they were surprised when Kelly didn't make eye contact with anyone.

"I don't want to know," Hawkes told his wife.

"Fine, Sheldon. But in all fairness this was when they weren't together, and we were having troubles. Not like I really wanted to kiss him," she answered. "Not that he's a bad kisser." Danny nodded. Kelly smiled. "You don't know about a lot of things, Hawkes, a lot of things."

"Yeah, like whatever you and Mac do," Danny mumbled. Kelly kicked him from under the table.

"There is nothing going on between us! And I love how Mac and I never hang out together, and I hang with Danny and Flack like every night, but you guys have never accused me of having an affair with them," Kelly told them.

"What can I say? You'd be crazy to sleep with one of us," Flack told her.

"And I wouldn't be crazy to sleep with my boss? Nothing personal against Stella or Mac," she told them. "Not that I wouldn't sleep with Mac." It was really quiet at the table. "I really need to work on when I say things like that." Hawkes put his arm around her. "Just forget I said that."

"Never," Danny told her with a grin. She gave him another kick.

"Well, I say we wrap this night up. We all have shift tomorrow," Mac said.

"How 'bout a toast?" Kelly suggested.

"To what?" Stella asked.

"I don't know," Kelly stated.

"How about to the rest of our lives?" it sounded good to everyone.

"Alright, to the rest of our lives," they all raised their glasses. This is where the night stops. Yes, the CSIs have many more adventures together. But this story ends with seven beers and one cola.


After Notes: I'm so sad that this is over. It's my last one. I will be writing more. So in the next coming months look for Touching the Void. That's what I'm going to call it. Well, one last thanking of my reviewers. I would like to thank my AWESOME reviewers: lily moonlight, CSIMiami17, h-h-han, Bonasera, Blue Shadowdancer, EverythingIsConnected, luf100, and Mrs. Donald Flack Jr.! They are so awesome. Please review this last one (to those who've never reviewed: it's not too late!)! Hope you have a fantastic day! I hope you enjoyed my longest one shot ever! :D