I don't own Horton.

Paul sat on the usual fountain outside of the Mayor's office. He was waiting for the Ned to come out, he had a few words for him. Finally the Mayor came out carrying his pet fish, a smile on his face. Paul got up and walked over to him, he was really trying to be mean looking, for Lily's sake.

"Hey!" Paul yelled. The Mayor looked up and wondered how on Earth he could give him a high five with a fish bowl in his arms. "Your son almost made Lily cry!" Paul said, eyes narrowing at the Mayor, and his fish.

This wasn't exactly what the Mayor was expecting. "Uh…" he said intelligently, trying to not notice the glare Paul was giving him. He wasn't aware that Jojo had almost made Lily cry. "I wasn't aware," he said, inching away.

"Huh, well, just make sure he doesn't do it again," Paul said. Crossing his arms, he thought he was doing a pretty good job being intimidating.

"Right! Well, I really gotta go now! Uh, good night!" Ned said, giving Paul a nervous grin and running away so fast the water almost splashed out of his fishbowl. He sped walked home, just in case Paul was so angry he followed him, and when he got home he yelled-


-so loud that all 98 members of his family, and even Lily, ran into the room.

"Ned, dear, are you ok?" Sally asked, really hoping that her husband was not about to have another breakdown.

"Oh, I'm fine, I wasn't just yelled at by Paul because our son almost made Lily cry, which will probably give me nightmares later tonight because that guy can be scary," Ned shuddered, "What on Earth would give you that idea?" he nervously laughed.

"Oh, um, well, girls would you please go upstairs while we, meaning your father, Jojo, Lily and I, talk about this, um, possible dangerous threat?" Sally asked, giving her daughters a pretty smile.

"Ok mom!" they all yelled and ran upstairs.

"Jojo, you must never, ever, ever make Lily cry for the sake of your fathers life ok?" Ned yelled, shaking Jojo by his shoulders. Jojo just stared at his over reacting father. This was awkward on a whole new level.

"Would you two please explain what happened?" Sally asked, turning to the two teenagers. Who both blushed and scooted away from each other.

"Uh, see, well, um," Lily mumbled, trying to figure out where to start. Jojo glared at her, and she shut up.

"I stopped talking to her, and it really hurt her," Jojo said, giving his parents a look that said 'that's all I'm telling you, don't like it, too bad'.

"Lily, did you tell Paul?" Sally asked.

"I asked him what I should do," Lily said quietly, looking at the ground. Her hands were now behind her back and she was nervously rocking on her feet.

"Did he seem mad at Jojo?" Sally asked.

"Did he mention killing me?" Ned cut in.

Lily shook her head, "I'm really sorry," she whispered. If looks could kill, the glare that Jojo then gave his parents would have had them already buried underground. His parents watched as he protectively put his arms around her and held her close. Lily's shoulders started shaking and they knew she was crying.

"It's not your fault dear, Paul just cares about you," Sally said.

"Yeah, he'd even kill for you," Ned added, trying to be comforting. Lily gave a small laugh and hugged Jojo back. He reluctantly let her go, but when she turned around to face his parents again, he put his arms around her waist. Sally wanted to squeal and hug both her son and his girlfriend, because they were just so adorable, but held back for the sake of her son's dignity.

"Well, I think I see a way out of this," Sally smiled. All three Whos turned to her and waited for the answer, because none of them had certainly even come close to thinking of a possible solution. "Ned, you and Jojo will spend a little time with Paul, and make sure he doesn't want to kill either of you, I'll plan something with Lily and the girls while you boys do something. Won't that be fun?" Sally asked, giving everyone a smile.

"I'll die!" Ned cried, hugging his wife. "You're sending me to my death!"

"Paul's really nice, you'll be fine," Lily assured him.

So, that Saturday, Paul dragged Jojo and Ned to a concert, and Sally decided to take Lily to the symphony.

"Um, Miss O'Malley, I really don't have anything, nice, to wear," Lily tried to explain, but Sally just gave her a smile.

"Then we'll find something for you," she said with a smile. They found a dark blue dress that fit Lily, and brushed her hair back, and some of Jojo's sisters did her make up. Jojo, Ned, and Paul got to dress casually, and were waiting to say bye to Lily, when Sally came down.

"You can see her when you get back, go before you're late," she said, with a smile that seemed to say 'I know something you don't'. Because, of course, they didn't know that the girls would be looking absolutely amazing, and that would be putting it lightly, for the symphony. They didn't even know where the girls were going.

"Tell Lily I said bye," Jojo told one of his sisters, before Paul dragged both him and his father away.

"You can come down now," Sally said, sticking her head into the girls room where Lily was being poked and prodded by 96 girls, who all looked very lovely. "Have you ever been to a symphony before?" Sally asked, as all the girls got into a very long limo.

"I've never seen a car this big," Lily gave a small laugh and looked around the huge car.

"We use it for special occasions," Sally explained. Then proceeded to explain to her how a symphony went, how there was the first half, then the intermission, how the lights would dim when there was five minutes to be back in your seat, and then the final half of the show. Lily watched the show with wide eyes, amazed at how nicely all the instruments sounded when played together.

When intermission came all the girls grabbed Lily and showed her around the WCC (Who Convention Center) where the Symphony was held. They were back in their seats before the lights dimmed and all had bought a small souvenir. The second half of the show seemed almost better than the first. Lily noticed the way the instruments gleamed in the light, how they looked rainbow colored and the way all the instrumentalists looked while playing, like they were born to play that piece of music.

The girls got home at around 11 pm, who knew that the symphony was so long? And the boys were already home. Paul had an icepack on his head, Ned was crashed on the couch, and Jojo had numerous scratches and bruises.

"I don't even want to know," Sally sighed, waking up her husband and helping him get upstairs. The girls followed, but Lily stayed behind.

"Don't you look nice," Paul teased Lily, who gave him a glare. Jojo however, was at a complete loss for words. She looked like a goddess to him. He just sat there and stared.

"This kid is insane! Went into the mosh pit his first concert! I mean, I would date this kid if I wasn't straight!" Paul said, flailing his arms around, while explaining to Lily how their night went.

Jojo just sat and stared, he was vaguely aware of Lily shaking his shoulders, hugging him, then going over to Paul and punching him, which really looked like it hurt, and then kicking Paul out.

"Are you ok?" Lily asked, sitting next to Jojo and looking over his bruised form. Jojo nodded enthusiastically, making Lily giggle. "You poor thing," Lily sighed, brushing some hair out of Jojo's eyes and kissing him. "You're all beat up,"

A sudden idea hit Jojo, he nodded again.

"I kept getting hit," he said, pointing to his cheek, "It was insane,".

And just as he hoped, Lily kissed his cheek.

For the next 10 minutes Jojo told her how he was thrown around in the mosh pit, and just like he wanted, Lily gave him a kiss for each one.

Sucky ending, I know. Sorry.