I don't own Horton, nor Jojo.

Warning. The word "giggle" will be used so much, it won't even sound like a word anymore.

Being the oldest of 96 children, and not to mention being the only boy, putting up with females was something that Jojo had finally gotten used to.

He had no problem taking care of his sisters, helping them with homework, playing with them, he had even let the incident where Holly played frisbee with one of his CDs slide.

He had gotten used to all the space the girl's stuff took up in the house, like magazines, and clothes, make up, more clothes, shoes, and even more clothes.

He was patient when they took forever in the bathroom, and learned to listen when they came home and said "oh my gosh you'll never believe what happened!".

He was overall, a very good big brother. He never raised his voice (he barely even spoke) and rarely glared at his sisters, but there was one thing that drove him absolutely insane.


Don't even get him started! The girls would giggle when talking to their friends, each other, their parents, when talking about a boy they liked, they will giggle while trying to get Jojo to talk, or worse, sing. The girls were always giggling!

It was like an alarm that you just could not shut off! What's worse is that they would giggle when trying to be quiet!

So, when Lily would come over to see him, there would be echoes of giggles throughout the entire house, causing the two teens to quickly say good bye and run away from each other out of embarrassment.

Then the girls would giggle some more and Jojo would storm off into his room, cursing the laughter that made Lily nervous.

One day, when she came over, and the giggles started, he suddenly yelled out.

"Can we hang out tomorrow?"

Then the whole house went silent. Lily turned around, beet red, and nodded, giving him a smile, a quick hug, and then left.

The giggles started up again, but this time, Jojo didn't care.

"Jojo, my son!" the Mayor yelled, coming into the house. Jojo groaned, as he heard the giggling start. "You get to baby sit your sisters tomorrow! Isn't that great training for a Mayor?" his father grinned, ruffling his hair.

Now the giggles were even louder. Jojo just stared at him, wide eyed. He couldn't do that! He had finally gotten Lily to spend some time with him, and he had to baby sit! The laughter of his sisters rang through the hallway.

"Jojo's got a date tomorrow," Heidi yelled, then giggled, starting another wave of the taunting laughter.

"That's great! You can go out after you baby sit," he said, thinking this a perfectly good compromise. The giggles seemed to be getting louder. Jojo just glared at him and went into his room.

When Lily knocked on the door the next day, and Jojo pathetically answered, giggles surrounded the hallway.

"I have to baby sit," Jojo sighed, trying to explain.

"Oh, want some help?" Lily asked, giving him a smile, Jojo nodded, suddenly very thankful that. Lily turned out to be very good at dealing with his sisters. She helped him look over the 96 hyper children, and helped make lunch. Jojo kept looking at the clock, wanting his parents to be home. They would get home at around 8, and it was only 5.

"So, are we hanging out after this, or was this your plan?" Lily asked, taking some stuff out of the refrigerator for dinner.

He heard the giggles.

"Movie?" he asked.

More giggles.

"Sure," Lily smiled, blushing a little.

It was getting louder.

"I'm really glad you asked me to hang out," Lily admitted "I really like spending time with you Jojo,"

The giggles were driving him insane.

"SHUT UP!" he finally yelled.

The giggles stopped.

The entire house was silent.

Lily looked over at him, looking terrified.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't meaning to be loud, um, I'll be right back," Lily said, her voice wavering. Jojo reached out, but couldn't find his voice. He watched pathetically as Lily took a few deep breathes and walked out of the kitchen.

Lily really, really, really wanted to cry. But she couldn't. Because Jojo was apparently mad at her, and crying would make her seem more annoying and she really didn't want that.

She sniffed and wiped her eyes, when she heard giggling.

"Hello?" she called, she heard another giggle.

Soon the noise was everywhere, and she looked around, trying to find where the girls were.

"Would you please stop that? It's really annoying when all you do is giggle," she said. A little light bulb went off above her head.

"That's it, he wasn't yelling at me, he was telling you all to stop laughing," Lily smiled.

More giggles, as a confirmation.

"Thanks everyone," Lily said, and then 96 girls ran out and hugged her.

"We're home!" The Mayor and Sally called. 96 daughters, dragging a terrified Lily, ran toward them and gave the couple a hug.

Jojo walked out from the kitchen, and gave Lily the most heartfelt apologetic look that he could manage without screaming out "I'm sorry". Lily smiled and walked over to him, standing right beside him, she grabbed his hand.

"Well, I believe we should at least pay for you two to do something, where is it you were planning on going?" Sally asked, pulling out her wallet.

"Movie," they answered together.

"Seems reasonable, have fun you two," Sally smiled, ruffling Jojo's hair as he left.

"I'm really sorry," Jojo said, as they walked to the theater.

"It's no problem, your sisters helped me get why you shouted," Lily explained, giving a small laugh.

That's when Jojo heard it, a giggle. He flinched, no way they were following him!

Lily must not have heard it, because she seemed perfectly happy, but when Jojo held open the theater door for her, she heard it too.

More than one Who was following them. She looked at Jojo who had turned and glared at whoever was spying on him. She smiled, took his hand, and pulled him away from the door.

More giggles.

When the got their tickets and sat down, they heard the laughter behind them. They both turned around and heard the swoosh as 98 (his parents included) heads ducked down. Jojo groaned and sank into his seat, not even bothering to look at Lily.

The lights dimmed, and the movie speakers blared. Lily laced her fingers with Jojo's and leaned her head on his shoulder.

And thanks to the movie neither heard 98 voices go "aw".

Ok, I admit I'm biased, but isn't that just adorable?

I think it is.

Much better than my other Horton fic.