A/N: Just a little drabble I thought up because I love Jace/Isabelle friendship. Based off of the line in "City Of Ashes": Jace - How is it that you manage never to get mud on you? Isabelle - I'm pure at heart. It repels the dirt. No spoilers. just a drabble of inconsequencial nonsense. Read and review? Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Mortal Instruments or any of the characters.


Isabelle never got dirty.

Jace had realized this only about a year ago. Every time he saw her, her pearly skin was flawlessly glistening, her hair delicately combed, her clothes neatly pressed, and her shoes never scuffed. It was as if she was a walking, talking, demon fighting, kick-ass, doll that had never been taken out of its' package.

They could battle hordes of demons, pick countless fights with Downworlders, and go up against tons of greater demons, yet she would stay clean and pristine. No matter what, Jace and Alec always came out covered in blood stains, mud smeared across their faces, and the occasional battle wounds. Isabelle never even got so much as a speck of dirt on her.

He had asked her how she managed never to get dirt on her. Never.

"I'm pure at heart. It repels the dirt." She replied angelically.

Pure at heart his ass.

She sounded so innocent and sure about herself. Any hospital would love to have her as a bedside attendant- she was as clean as the stark white walls.

Isabelle never got dirty. And he hated her for it.