I do not own the TMNT
Donnie looked up from his desk and glanced over at Leo. "Have you been working with him on his lung capacity?" He shouted over the agonized roar.
Leo shook his head, "No. That's natural talent." He shouted back.
For his part, Master Splinter calmly removed a highly polished box from its place on the shelf and placed it on the table in front of him.
He lifted the sleek ebony lid and removed two yellow foam bits, earplugs courtesy of Miss O'Neil.
"Wow." Donnie commented, glancing at his watch. "That's more than twice the record.
Raphael's door opened with a loud bang and one of the hinges cracked completely free as Raphael stormed out of his room in a dangerous funk.
"I'm gonna' kill him!" He announced. Raphael took a running start and jumped up to higher and higher levels of the lair until he was on the highest floor where the rooms were being used as storage closets. He went straight to the closet where the Christmas decorations and went inside. Soon he emerged again dragging a kicking, screaming and begging Michelangelo.
"I was going for red! I swear I was going for red!" Mikey chanted.
Raphael dragged the turtle into his room and slammed the door.
"So, what was this about again?" Leo asked.
"Mikey was feeling bad about that bug prank. He figured he had finally gone too far and tried to make it up to Raph by painting Raph's room his favorite color." Donnie explained.
"So, why is Raph so mad again?"
Donnie looked up, the edge of his mouth twitching slightly. "Like Mikey said. He was going for red. He didn't get it, but he was going for red."
If you can't figure out what color Raph's room is now, then there is no hope for you.
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