A desperate plea for help!!

I'm going to get killed for this, I just know it. First I write what could be called an interesting, if not poorly executed, idea for a story that gets no small amount of reviews. THEN, I don't touch it for almost a year. Now I'm back, and for the people who wanted a new chapter where Joey gets his butt kicked by Kaiba, you get this piece of crap. I really, really am sorry. But I need some help.

Besides another story i'm working on that hasn't been put into production yet (sorry, it'll be a while still... it's probably going to be a HUGE story), I'm dedicating much of my free FFn time to this (I also have school and WoW to contend with, and just plain lazyness...) story. Now, for what I need help with.

First off, I'm going to rewrite the story. I know, I know, but it's needed. I've spotted a few things I want to do differently. So first thing, please let me know if you've found something that I should change to make the story better. Not all of the suggestions will be used, but if I think it'll make the story better, I'll try to put it in.

Secondly, I know everyone is looking forward to it, so give me your suggestions for how to extract Karmatic revenge on the NWC. I have a few ideas, but not enough. All suggestions will be considered, and, if you so wish, you can recieve credit for it at the bottom of the chapter.

Third, I would love to have someone do some beta work for me. Preferably someone who knows the first season of Yugioh, the Ranma 1/2 series, the basics of Sailor Moon (as this is AFTER the canon) and at least has a solid grasp on Slayers (just because it hasn't been initiated yet doesn't mean it won't show up :P) and can help me with ideas as well as just doing spelling/grammar.

Fourth, please don't be hurtful. There's a difference between suggesting and insulting. I'm looking for suggestions, not bashes. If you yell at me, I'll almost completely disgrard anything you say.

Again, don't be upset with me. I'm still working on getting better at this, but I will try harder, I promise. So review, please, and give me advice, please!

Oh, and I remember a poll I'd asked for, and an overwhelming number of people chose option 3... as embarrased as I am to say it, what was option 3? Does anyone remember??