Chapter One
Chapter One
Grim Existence
She sighed as she looked into her mirror, staring at the prominent black eye and split lip. These would be easy to explain, a fight with her sister, siblings fight its normal. The bruises and cuts down 'there' well they would be hard to explain but no guy was ever going to get close enough to see them so no worries.
She picked a potion vial from her table and downed it quickly shuddering at the taste. That would take care of the pain for now. Hiding it at school was easy no one really paid enough attention to get to know her, they knew her mask, the perfect Lily Evans, gorgeous figure, confidant and loud. Nobody knew the sad scared little girl hiding just beneath the surface. If they looked deep enough they would see she was broken but no one ever would.
She didn't have friends; she had acquaintances after all if you got attached to someone then they were bound to let you down. That was a mistake she would never allow herself to make again. Picking up her heavy trunk she left her room, just as a horn was heard from outside, her taxi was here. Eager to escape before he awoke she left the house quickly and silently, as she sat back in the taxi only one thought crossed her mind 'Free for another year'.
The ride to the station was a short one, living in London had its advantages, she could get to the platform early and find a quiet compartment where she would not be disturbed. After paying the taxi she put her trunk on a trolley and set off to the platform. Looking around her she quietly disappeared through the barrier.
There was no one on the platform this early so there would be no questions to answer and no one was likely to come find her on the train. Except Potter the arrogant toe rag, she wished he'd just leave her alone. Men couldn't be trusted, especially bullies who reminded her of the monster. Why would he ever think she would go out with him? Though when she thought about it she didn't know what she was more scared of, getting with him and discovering he was just like the monster or him discovering whom she really was. Even if she did like him just the tiniest bit discovery was not something she would risk.
She climbed onto the train, choosing the end compartment where she was least likely to be discovered. As she sat down the exhaustion caught up with her and she fell into a fitfull sleep.
Two Hours Later
Lily awoke to hear voices around her, keeping her eyes closed tightly she moved trying to discover if the voices came from inside or outside the compartment. As she moved though she discovered her 'pillow' moved too. A familiar voice cut through her thoughts. Potter. Her first instinct was to sit up and scream at him but that would jolt her ribs and as the pain potion was wearing off, he would notice. Deciding this was not the best plan of action, Lily decided to try plan B. Grit your teeth and go back to sleep.
He was coming towards her, eyes glinting as he reached out to her, she wondered if maybe tonight would be different maybe it wouldn't be bad tonight, but no there is no such escape from reality, maybe if this was a film she would get a break. Then she saw a sight which turned her blood cold and she screamed with her all her might, this couldn't be happening.
'Lily' someone was shaking her. She jumped and backed into the corner of the compartment, trying to catch her breath as she realised it was just a dream. Though if it was just a dream then why was she so scared, why was there a blank space in her memory.
A hand moved towards her, screaming again she tried to back away.
"Lily calm down, its only me, you were having a nightmare. Are you okay?" The voice was Potter.
Kicking herself for letting him see her so weak she tried to stand, though her legs could not support her and she fell, he caught her just before she hit the ground.