A/N: Very juicy stuff. I want to thank both people who have reviewed, I really appreciate it. coughHINTcough

Disclaimer: Do I even have to say it. Yeah, yeah, legal purposes. I don't own newsies but I do own Speed, Gossip, Flinch, Jump, Kick, Mayor, Wolfy, Mouse, Spaz, Slush, and Snap.

I was walking down the streets towards Tibby's, thinking about the oh so obvious topic, Spot. Yeah, pathetic huh? Well like I said, first guy I like, REALLY like. Well second technically. The first I'm trying to forget. He brook my heart. Anyway I hope he doesn't wear his hat today he looks HOT without it.! AH! You know I went so far yesterday Flinch attacked me. Oh well. As I turned the corner I saw a girl leaning against the wall wearing dark shoes and clothes that appeared to have been black at one point, but where now dark gray. She had solid black eye and was fingering a hunters knife. I knew not to give a second glance and continued past her staring forward. When I got to her she jumped me dragging me into the alley. We rolled back and forth in the alley. She cut me in the arm. Not to deep but it still hurt. I reached to my side and snatched up a sharp rock. I stabbed at her but the angle was off and I barely hit her. She bit my wrist and then I punched her in the face. She rolled to the side and stood, helped me up and said "I like yah." in a-matter-of-fact tone.

"What?" I said

"You're a good fighter, so I like you. What chah' name?" She asked

"Gossip. Yours?"

"Me name is Snap."

"I can see why." I said as I looked at the bit mark on my left wrist."

She laughed "Yah."

"Well I have to get going."

"Where to?"

"Tibby's." I started walking and she walked with me. She seemed nice enough... after she stopped attacking me.

"So you're a Newsie?"

"Yeah, I am. What does that have to do with anything?."

She shrugged "well, generally newsies are the only ones who hang out there" I nodded

"Anyway, that's weird. That I've never seen you in Manhattan." She continued

"That's cause' I'm not from Manhattan."

"Where are you from then?"


"Oh... that would explain the fighting." She said

"Yep." I said as I walked up to the door of Tibby's. "Well I've gotta' go see yah round?"

"Definitely." She said and she walked away. I opened the door and all the Newsies where talking. I saw Ice, Slush, Spaz and Flinch sittin' at a table. I walked over and sat down.

"Gossip." Slush said worried "What happend to your arm?" She was looking at my fore arm which had a cut going all the way down it. It looked worse then it was.


Spot walked over and cut me off "Hi Gossip." He bent over and kissed me, then say my arm "What happende?"

"Fight, its just a scratch."

"You should clean it though." He said not taking his eyes off it.

"Ok." I tuck a napkin, poured some water on it and wiped my cut off.

"Well I have to go."

"See you Spot." He kissed me again and walked off to where Spot and Race where.

"Well he's real concerned about his girlfriends well being now ain't he." Flinch mumbled, I glared at her.

"Gossip." Ice said

"Yes." I said

"Why didn't yah tell us?"

"Tell you what?"

"That you and Spot are going out." Slush said

"I thought Flinch would tell you..." I looked ova' at her and she shrugged.

"Din't think of it."

"Well who cares how long have you been going out with "The King Of Brooklyn"?" Spaz asked. Ova' the last tree days I have realized that she is boy crazy.

"Three days."

"Is he a good kiser?"

"No, definitely not. It's not like I haven't been hearing about every peck on the cheek for the last three day." Flinch said rolling her eyes and putting her head down on her arms that where crossed on the table "in excruciating detail" she added, making a gagging noise.

"Well I haven't." Spaz said "So is he?"

"Yes." I mumbled "Hay you must have a boy friend who is he?"





Racetrack walked over "What?"

"Her, you, I, Me, Flinch, YOU!" I babbled. Flinch lifted her head slightly at the sound of her name, then put it back down, unconcerned.

"Yes me." I slapped him "HAY WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

"You didn't tell me about you and Spaz."

"Oh... yah"


"Sorry." He looked down

"Flinch, aren't you at all angry?" I asked, still someone frantic.

"Huh, oh, I already knew. I spend more time in Manhattan than you, 'member?" she said

"And you didn't tell me?"

She shrugged "Forgot I 'spose" I punched her in the arm shrugged again and did nothing.

"Well Jack is making a speech, we better go listen" Race said, we followed him over.

"So, we should do something that's so big the other papers'll feel stupid if they try to ignore us. Like a rally. A newsie rally with all the kids from all over New York. It'll be the biggest, loudest, noisiest blow-out this town's ever seen! o, we should do something that's so big the other papers'll feel stupid if they try to ignore us. Like a rally. A newsie rally with all the kids from all over New York. It'll be the biggest, loudest, noisiest blow-out this town's ever seen!" Jack said

"We'll send a message to the big boys" said David, grinning. A waiter walked over with a tray of drinks and we all took one.

"There's a lot of us, and we ain't goin' away. We'll fight until damn doomsday if it means we get a fair shake"

"Hey, guys. To our man Denton" David said raising his glass. We all followed suit

"To our man Denton!"

We dispersed again and I followed Jack over to where he was "isn't loudest and noisiest the same thing?" I asked him

"Shut-up I was cuaughtt up in the moment." He glared

"No, I just think you have a very small vocabulary."

"NO! I have a big one."

"For a Newsie."

"What's that sposta' mean?"

"Sorry I have to use smaller words. Newsies know only small words." I said slowly

"Ass." he said

"Bitch." He grumbled something as I was walking away. I sat next to

Spot, he was sitting next to Mush.

"Hey Spot."

"Hey Gossip." Spot said

"Hey Gossip." Mush said

"Hey Mush, what's new?"

"The ralley."

I laughed "Yah there's that so what else?"

"You and Spot."

"Any thing I don't know?" I said as Spot put his arm around me.

"Um... I have a new goil."

"Really who?" I was interested now


"And she is?"

"Some rich fantsy pants girl." Spot said

"Wow, a rich girl dating a Newsie, that's rare." I said thinking about it

"Well she doesn't know..." Mush mumbled

"WHAT!? You din't tell her?"

"She wouldn't have gone out with me if I told her!"

"If she really liked you she would!" I said, even though I knew it wasn't true.

"Why can't yah just be happy for me?!"

"Because she doesn't love you she loves some person you made he

think you are!"

"What ever." and he stormed off

Spot sighed "What?" I said

"Newsies do that all the time he will tell her eventually"

"Yah but she'll dump him."

"Maybe not."

"Yah maybe..."

"So do you won't to go to Queens for me?"

"No." I smiled

"Why? You lived there."

"Yah I also lived in Manhattan, Harlem, Bronx..."

"Ok, I get the point." He cut me off "please, that's where I'm going"


"Ha, ha that got you to go."


Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see Flinch "come on then, lets go" she said and Spot and I stood up.

Flinch and I where walking behind spot on the way there. "Flinch?" I said


"Do you know who is the leader of Queens?"



She laughed "Well that susks for you."

"Think he still has a thing for me?"


I sighed "He's so annoying."

"No he's a bastard."


"Gossip have you told Spot?"

"No." I looked at the ground. She smiled and skipped up to Spot.

She taped him on the shoulder and said "Hey Spot."

"What Flinch?" He said flatly.

"Now that's not very nice" she pouted.

"What Flinch?"

She frowned "Oh well, anyways. You know the leader of Queens?"

"Midnight? yah."

"Well he used to date your girl friend ova' there and he still has a thing for her."

"What?" He said, shocked

I ran up to Spot and hugged him "I love you." I said quickly.

"Yah, yah." He grumbled

"I do." I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Love you to." he mumbled.

"Gossip." Flinch was behind us I walked ova'.


"I need to talk to you."

"Ok... what?"

"Well you see.."

"Goils." Spot cut off "We're hear." I looked up at the Queen boarding house. Looks just like I remembered it.

"Gossip come on." Flinch said. We walked inside.

When we went up the familiar steps Midnight was the only one in the bed room. He got his name from the darkest eyes and hair you will ever see. "Well, well, well, Gossip it looks like you took me up on my offer."

"No." Spot said waking in behind me "She took me up on my offer."

"What do you mean by that Spotty?" Midnight said, puzzled.

Spot clenched his teeth, he hated that name "I mean" he said, putting his arm around me "she's my goil." I love how the talk about girls as if we're a piece of property.

"Raelly." Midnight said looking at me.

"Yah." I said not as confidently as I hoped.

"Well we'll see how long that lasts for."

"For a long time." I said once again not as confidently as I had hoped.

"Well we better get down to business girls." He kissed me on the top of my head and then me and Flinch walked out of the room the room.

As we were walking down the steps when Flinch said "I have to talk to you."

"Ok, talk."

"I mean alone , after this."

"GOSSIP! FLINCH!" Rose said she ran up and hugged us. She had long, long, LONG straight brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hey guys." Rosie said. They are two different people, Rose and Rosie. Rosie has curly light brown hair and green eyes.

"Hey Rose, hey Rosie." I said. Niether one wonted a nickname so its very confusing. "Rose are you still with Roger?"


"Rosie" Flinch said "Are you still with Mick."

She looked at her feet "No we brook up two weeks ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry" I said.

"Yah me too." She said

"So." Rose said "Gossip you and Spot are together I see. You and

'The King of Brooklyn' eh?"

Flinch moaned "That's the second time today someone has said that."

Roger, Rose's boy friend, walked up and said "So Gossip you and 'The King of Brooklyn' are together I see."

Flinch hand flew to her forehead and she stood their, looking at her feet, shaking her head.

"Third." Holding up three fingers.

Rose glared at him. "What?" He asked "What I do?"

Rose rolled her eyes "Anyway when do you think they'll be done."

The door swung open and Spot stepped out "Now," I said.

Rose laughed "Gossip, Flinch wear done," He said. He wasn't mad, just in an hurry. I started to walk down the road when Midnight cut in "Girls, why don't you stay heah' till the ralley?"

"Ok," Flinch said. I stepped on her foot, she just smirked.

Spot walked ova' and kissed me "See you at da' ralley." He kissed me again, just to remind Midnight and then walked off.

When he was out Midnight said "So how wants to play cards?"

Everyone started getting the table and chairs ready. I grabbed two chairs, put them next to the table, and sat in one. I was hoping Rose or Rosie would sit in the other but, of course it had to be Midnight. Fun, fun. "Hey darlin'," He said sitting down.

"Hey Midnight," I replied.

"So how long hove yah been in Brooklyn?"

"A few months," I said as I picked up my cards. They were ok but, hey its all about what the other people think your cards are.

"Raelly? And why din't you visit?" he looked at his cards then said "raise it 3c."

"Settling in, finding Flinch and not the strike."

"Fine those are good enough excuses I guess."

Then Flinch pushed my chair so I would fall on Midnight. "Flinch what the hell" I said. I was on his lap.

"I don't know, I kind of like it." Midnight muttered as I got up.


"You love me."



"Raise it 2c," I said, making a point of ignoring him.

After we finish are card game Flinch and I where sitting on our old beds. I was brushing my hair, she was staring at the wall. Everyone else was in the bathroom washing upstairs. The entry hall to the Queens lodging house was like Brooklyn's, but bigger. The bathroom was star in front of you if you walked in through the front door, on the left wall was the owners desk and behind his desk he had his room. Also on that wall was a door that led down stairs to the bunk room, which was in the basement. They dint have a second story. Their bunk room was smaller than the Brooklyn one. Anyway it was just me and Flinch.

"Gossip," Flinch said.

"Yah?" I said.

"You know the thing I was trying to tell you earlier?"

"Yah, what was that by the waay?"

"You see my and Skit... well the other night... we kinda..." she stammered out, looking at her hands.

"You din't, do it? Did you?" she nodded "You mean you did?"

She glanced up, gauging my reaction and nodded again "yeah" she said quietly

"Well... any regrets?"

She shook her head tentively.

"Good." then I punched her in the arm.

"What the hell was that for I thought you just said good?!"

"I did but you did it first! I'm older!"

"So you're mad … because you din't do it first?"




"Its just Spot strikes me as pretty fast aced guy"

"Well, he usually is"

"Oh that's sweet he 'respects' you." She said, grinning. She's got far too much dirt on me today.

"Yah what ever and speaking of him I'm with him remember? Not Midnight."

"I know."

"Well then can you cut it out you know I still have a thing for


"You do?!" she said, totally surprised.

"You din't know that?"


"Oh damn."

"I can't what to tell Spot."

"You won't!"

"I'm your little sister its kinda my job."

"Well... you can have a day off."

She laughed "You're the one who said it, a sisters job is never done."

"Damn it Flinch! This will screw everything up."

"Well... it sucks to be you."

A/N: Looks like a love triangle to me 8)