Disclaimer: I don't own 'em. Oh well. Maybe it's for the best.
A.N.: I'm such a sucker for the ones who always try to get something, but they can never have it. Would you believe I've never seen the series? Or read it? My masterful way of writing stories about stuff I never see. Tada! And because of that eason, some of the stuff I say may not be in FAKE. So what!?!?!?!

I knew that I would never ever have him. But, no matter how much that fact hurt, I was determined. Some people even told me that I try too hard. Can you believe that? Try too hard my ass.

"Yo, JJ?! You workin' or lounging?" Someone yelled to me from the front. I was busy, or supposedly busy with a bunch of files. "Yes!" "You besta be you slacker!" I wasn't actually a slacker, I just seemed to be since I was always busy chasing Dee around. But I couldn't help it!

I heard myself sigh and I returned to work. It wasn't long until I heard someone in the front greet Dee.

"Good mornin' Dee."

I squealed and ran out of the storage room, promptly launching myself into his arms. "Dee-sempai!"

I heard him grunt and he pushed at me, managing to loosen my hold on his neck. "Will you ever stop?"



Ryo was standing next to him, smiling. That bastard, he only smiled cause he knew I would never get Dee, I bet.

"Good morning to you JJ." He said, heading straight to his desk.

Dee's mouth fell open as if to say something, but nothing came out, instead he just glared at me and shoved me to the side, heading after Ryo. Every morning it was similar to this, every now and then though he would discreetly return my embrace, squeezing softly at my sides. But not today. I wrinkled up my nose, something must be up with him and Ryo.

"Cute kid." One of the other officers said to me, possibly a newbie.

I smiled, "Thank you." I always liked to recieve compliments from either men or women. I may have a small ego, so what?

I headed after Dee, curious to know why exactly he was in a pissy mood. When I got to Ryo's desk they were both in a heated argument, not yelling to attract attention, but snapping at each other. Morons.


Ryo turned to me, the red in his face disappearing. "Yes?" Dee on the other hand slammed his fist into the table and walked towards me. He grabbed the lapels of my jacket lifting me up. "Can't you see that we are busy?"

I shook my head, "You don't seem very busy."

He shoved me outside the cubicle.



"Now!" Well, fine then, have it your way you prick. I huffed and turned away, my heart aching a little. Another detective spotted me, I guess with that deflated look of hoplessness in my eyes. "Don't worry about it kid."

I tried smiling, it never really reached my eyes though. "You're right."


"Yep, guess I better get back to work on those files, huh?"

"You do-"

"Thank you."


I left then, not wanting to hear what he had to say. Another day. Another day.


"Have a good evening JJ."

"As to you sir."

I shifted the stack of papers in my arms, wincing as the edge of the notebook at the bottom dug painfully into my wrist. Another night to spend alone.

"Need some help JJ?"


"No thank you Ryo-sempai. I have it."

"But, I want to help." He felt him take the upper half of the files, the notebook now resting comfortably on my wrist.

"I said you didn't have to."

"Don't worry about it JJ."

We walked out of the building in silence, only the sound of our shoes clacking against the floor.

"So, where's your car?" He asked once we reached the parking lot.

"I..I rode the bus."

"The bus?"


"That won't do. Here, come with me, I'll drop you off."


"He won't mind." Why was he so nice to me when he knew that I wanted to steal his lover? It made me wary. But Ryo was so nice, I guess I never really expected him to hurt me.

"Here we are." He unlocked his car and shoved the stuff he had into the backseat, then he took what I had and shoved it in too. "Get in." I nodded and slid next to my stuff, closing the door softly.

It smelled of aftershave. Both Ryo's and Dee's. It smelled, nice.

He got into the driver's seat, starting the car, then resting his arm on the headrest of the passenger's side as he waited for Dee.



"I'm sorry." Dammit, I was staring to fidget.

"For what?"

"For liking Dee-sempai."

I saw him tense and there was a strain in his voice when he spoke, "Don't worry about it."



The passenger side door opened and Dee poked his head in, obviously not noticing me. "Ryo..are you sure?"

Ryo nodded, "Just get in."

Then he noticed me, sitting idly in the back of his lover's car. Oh, the nastiest glare was shot at me and the corner of his mouth curled up in a growl. "What are you doing here?"

"Dee..I'm going to drop him off."

Ryo patted Dee's arm and tugged him to a sitting position. "That better be the only thing he's gonna do."

I winced, this was not the best situation I've ever been in. The drive was much too long and much too tense. When we finally stopped in front of my apartment complex, I practically leaped out.

"Th..Thank you Ryo-sempai." I grabbed my crap hurridly, feeling the glare coming from Dee.

"Want some help?"

"Oh! No!" That came out a little to harsh. "But, thank you anyway."

He came around to my side and grabbed my stuff, again. "I'll do it anyway."


"Come on."

That pissed Dee off and he got out. "I'm coming too."

"Why don't you stay Dee?"

"Because.." Dee-sempai's voice began to rise.

I hurried to the door, hoping to God that they didn't make a spectacle of themselves. I waited patiently by the elevator for them.

Ryo came in first, his mouth pressed into a tight line. Then Dee, his fist clenched so tightly that his whole hand was white.

"Ano..I can go from here Ryo-sempai." I smiled softly, hoping that he would relent. "Nonsense. I'll go all the way." I blushed, my perverted mind at work. I guess Dee noticed, because I felt a sharp slap at the back of my head when Ryo had turned to get into the elevator.

"Get your mind out of the gutter JJ." Oh such venom was laced into those words.


I scurried on with Ryo, watching Dee follow, standing shoulder to shoulder with Ryo, blocking me out behind him. This was so not going well.

Ryo turned to me. his body at a slight angle. "Nice place you stay in JJ."

"Thank you."

"So, who gave you all this work?" He gestured to the stuff we were holding.

"Oh! The boss."

"What a sad, sad man."

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, not EVERYONE is a workaholic."

"My thoughts exactly."

Dee just shrugged, watching the glowing numbers rise slowly. When the elevator stopped he quickly got off, waiting for Ryo and I to come. Ryo stepped aside to let me pass, smiling at me when I did.

I dug my key out of my pocket and jammed it into my apartment's lock. I reached to flick the switch the light on, flinching at the horrible mess in my room.

"My God....." Ryo whispered his eyes traveling over the mess.

"Heh...yeah...I haven't really been expecting to clean."

"That or you really haven't expected to have an visitors."

I blushed and rubbed the back of my head, "Yeah...that too."

Dee raised an eyebrow and sank into my couch, throwing his arms over the back. "Heh."

I grabbed my stuff from Ryo and put it where I had put my pile, "Um..would you like to stay for a little while?"

"We really should be going."

"Please stay, have some dinner." I did my puppy-dog look on Ryo, and watched in delight as he relented. "I guess so."

"Thank you. I'll order out." I heard Dee snort and put his arm around Ryo as he sat down. Ouch. How I wish that I could be in his plce, having Dee smile at me instead of sneer. To watch his eyes glow with happiness instead of glaring. Maybe, in another lifetime. But can I really wait that long?


Not too long after I placed the order we are sitting on the floor eating around my small table. I watch, fascinated as Dee repeatedly digs his chopsticks into the meat, and I watch with utter adoration as he slips them into his mouth. Oh! Am I drooling? Quite possibly so. He casts me a sideways glance, as nasty as ever, and all hope in me washes away. I hear myself sigh, a little too loudly and Ryo-sempai looks up from his noodles.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. Just a little, tired."

"Then we should hurry Dee. So little JJ can get his rest."

"Little?" I sputter, choking on my vegetables.

Ryo smiles at me, "Of course."

"I resent that."

"And I resent you." Dee mutters, standing.

"Dee! That was rude."

"Well, it's true. This little ploy of his."

I stand, dropping my chopsticks, "What ploy?!"

"This one obviously."

"It's not a ploy! I'm trying to be nice! I'm trying to be friends with Ryo-sempai! And you! But, all I ever get is resentment, and I'm tired of it!!

Ryo reaches out for me, but I pull back, "I've had it! All people think is that I'm trying to get you in bed with me, but I'm not! I, just, wanna..be.....friends?" A question because I know I really want to be more than to be friends with Dee.... I collapse, burying my head in my hands.

"Let's get out of here Ryo."

Soemone kneels next to me and caresses my back with a hand. "JJ...."


"Coming Dee." The warmth leaves me and I hear the door slam not too far behind. Why me?

I sigh, rubbing my face. Might as well sleep, everything goes away when you sleep. So I clean quickly and head to my bedroom, dropping onto the mattress, not bothering to take my clothes off. Why did I try o hard? Was it really necessary to try and reach out for something I would never get?


Ron: Dudes and dudettes wo have read this...please review and tell me if I should continue..as you know it was my first attempt, never having seen or read the series. I just gather information from places and try my hand at it, so please tell me. Casue if not then I'll cancel the rest of the chapters.